

Well-known member
My impression is this...

From sola scriptura it would be very difficult or impossible to come up with a calendar for keeping the Feasts of Lev 23.

How would you know when the month begins, when the 15th is etc?

Of course I could make up MY definition of new moon and I could define the 15th to be the night of the full moon and work back from that, but how would I know my calendar was correct from sola scriptura?


Well-known member
Why are you picking on John Hagee?

John Hagee is wrong because the moon is turned to blood at the same time the sun turned to sackcloth.

This cannot refer to solar and lunar eclipses which occur 15 days apart.

And the explanation is due to the earth's atmosphere turning smokey as in a forest fire, or meteorite debris falling to earth, or a volcano erupting. This turns moon to blood and sun to sackcloth as one sees during a bush fire.

Also eclipses occur every year in Jerusalem, from Christ's day till today so these are no sign.

And a bunch of 4 eclipses on Feast Days is only special in the likes of Hagee's minds, never mentioned in the Bible.

And if the Holy Days are so special, why does he not keep them?

And his predictions are vague enough that one cannot hold him to them or call him a false prophet, yet "exciting" enough to sell books. Hague fits in with Nostradamus and the Bible Code in this regard.


New member
My impression is this...

From sola scriptura it would be very difficult or impossible to come up with a calendar for keeping the Feasts of Lev 23.

How would you know when the month begins, when the 15th is etc?

Of course I could make up MY definition of new moon and I could define the 15th to be the night of the full moon and work back from that, but how would I know my calendar was correct from sola scriptura?

With a 364 day calendar the 14th and 15th would always be on Saturday and Sunday. There could be a leap year every 7 years to add the lost days.


Well-known member
With a 364 day calendar the 14th and 15th would always be on Saturday and Sunday. There could be a leap year every 7 years to add the lost days.

The above is where you are mistaken and, (like most futurists) you are essentially denying the work of YHWH and His Messiah at Golgotha because you are ignoring or rejecting the passages that were already quoted in this thread as having been fulfilled in the Messiah:

Isaiah 24:17-20 KJV
17. Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth.
18. And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.
19. The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.
20. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.

Amos 8:9-10 KJV
9. And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord God, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, [Matthew 27:45] and I will darken the earth in the clear day:
10. And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation; and I will bring up sackcloth upon all loins, and baldness upon every head; and I will make it as the mourning of an only son, and the end thereof as a bitter day.

There was no need for leap years or extra days before Golgotha because the year was exactly three hundred and sixty-four days, as previously stated, and as witnessed in both 1Enoch, (the book of the luminaries which also has already been referenced herein) and the book of Jubilees from which you yourself have already quoted. Three hundred sixty-four days are exactly fifty-two weeks, which are exactly fifty-two Sabbaths, and every year ended with the final Shabbat of the year. Thus fourteen Abib was always the second Shabbat of the new year and fell two weeks from the vernal equinox which was the first day of the new year. The calendar was exactly as the Essenes explain it and they surely knew what they spoke of concerning such things. The events of Golgotha are what changed the length of the day.

This is the true length of the ancient day:

18 hours x 80 minutes = 1440 minutes (sundial clock)
24 hours x 60 minutes = 1440 minutes (modern clock)

This is the true length of the year:

364 days x 1440 minutes = 524160 minutes

However the length of the day is not 1440 minutes anymore because the earth no longer takes that amount of time to make a full revolution on its axis. The sidereal day is nearly five minutes short of 1440 minutes while the time it takes for the earth to make a revolution around the sun remains the full 524160 minutes in a year. The days are divided into the same amount of minutes per year but the days are not a full twenty-four hours:

524160 minutes / 365.24235 days = 1435.1019 minutes per sidereal day
1435.1019 minutes / 24 hours = 59.7959 minutes per hour in a sidereal day
1435.1019 minutes / 60 minutes = 23.9183 hours per sidereal day
1440 minutes - 1435.1019 minutes = 4.8981 minutes

The modern sidereal day is short from the true day by about 4.9 minutes and this is the reason why the year is now 365.24235 days instead of an even 364 days. Those changes are due to the minor axial pole shift which occurred at Golgotha when the sun was brought down at midday, (Isaiah 24:19-20 and Amos 8:9-10 which are merely two of the many passages which were fulfilled in that Great Day of Atonement that futurists often deny). In addition there is no other natural physical explanation for darkness over all the land from the sixth hour to the ninth hour as even a total solar eclipse generally only lasts somewhere from six to eight minutes. Depending on whether or not the statement "from the sixth hour to the ninth hour" is inclusive of the sixth and the ninth the full amount of time is from a fourth to a third of the day, (either three or four hours of a twelve hour day). The extra day and a fourth now added to the modern calendar are the fingerprints of the work of God at Golgotha written into your modern calendar into the ages of the ages and as long as the earth endures. :)


New member
Then you would not be following lunar months any more.
The Biblical Calendar is a solar calendar. The moons determine the seasons. A leap year every 7 years would help correct the time difference. In the bible, it was more important to keep the holidays on the same day of the week. The Civil Hebrew Calendar does not function that way.


Well-known member
The Biblical Calendar is a solar calendar. The moons determine the seasons. A leap year every 7 years would help correct the time difference. In the bible, it was more important to keep the holidays on the same day of the week. The Civil Hebrew Calendar does not function that way.

The Jews have Feast days moving to any day of the week.
Why do you think the Biblical calendar is a solar one?


New member
The Jews have Feast days moving to any day of the week.
Why do you think the Biblical calendar is a solar one?
The Jews kept the solar calendar until 167 BC. When the Hellenistic Jews took over the temple they changed to a lunar calendar.
Book of Jubilees, Chapter 6
32 And you are to command the children of Israel that they observe the years according to this reckoning, three hundred and sixty four days, and (these) will constitute a complete year,


Well-known member
The Jews kept the solar calendar until 167 BC. When the Hellenistic Jews took over the temple they changed to a lunar calendar.
Book of Jubilees, Chapter 6
32 And you are to command the children of Israel that they observe the years according to this reckoning, three hundred and sixty four days, and (these) will constitute a complete year,

I read that Luminaries link to the Book of Enoch which I presume is similar to this of Jubilees. How do you know these have credibility?


New member
I will have a look at this link.

But Christ seemed to keep feasts at the same time as the Jews.
They seemed to be one day out at the last supper.

If Christ kept Jewish feasts on the Jewish calendar, does that not make it right?
Both calendars were in use at that time. So I ask you, which calendar do you think Christ and the disciples used, the Hellenistic Lunar, or the Biblical solar?


New member
There were two Calendars in use during the days of Christ and his disciples. The Biblical Calendar, and the Hellenistic Lunar Calendar. Which one do you think Yahshua and his disciples used?


Well-known member
Bump for ?

The author of 1Enoch appears to have hidden the 365th day in a passage which follows the calendar section:

1 Enoch 81:2-6
2 And I observed the heavenly tablets, and read everything which is written thereon, and understood everything; and read the book of all the deeds of mankind, and of all the children of flesh that shall be upon the earth to the remotest generations.
3. And forthwith I blessed the Great Master, the King of glory for ever, in that He has made all the works of the world: and I extolled the Master because of His patience and blessed Him because of the children of men.
4. And after that I said: Blessed is the man who dies in righteousness and goodness; concerning whom there is no book of unrighteousness written, and against whom no day of judgement shall be found.
5. And those seven holy ones brought me and placed me on the earth before the door of my house, and said to me: Declare everything to your son Methuselah, and show to all of your children that no flesh is righteous in the sight of the Master, for He is their Creator.
6. One year we will leave you with your son, until you have given your [final] commands, that you may teach your children and [make a] record for them, and testify to all of your children; and in the second year shall you be taken from their midst.

This is the 365th year of Enoch and he mentions a day of judgment, saying, "Blessed is the man who dies in righteousness and goodness; concerning whom there is no book of unrighteousness written, and against whom no day of judgement shall be found." The Day of Judgment is thus concealed because for Enoch there was no day; for he walked with the Elohim, as did Noah to the flood and after. The Day of Judgment came with the flood of Noah, (and likely after that is accounted for in the calendar). The author of the book of Jubilees either did not recognize this or the work has been tampered with, (or both). After having studied the Egyptian calendar a little now in the last year it is clear that the ancient Egyptians knew that the length of the year was at least 365 days because of the heliacal rising of the star Sirius. This knowledge easily goes all the way back to the time when Yoseph would have gone down to Egypt, going by their own records. Yoseph, having been married to the daughter of the priest of On, (Heliopolis), would therefore have surely known the length of the year to have been at the least 365 days. Moshe having been raised in the house of Pharaoh, under the care of the daughter of Pharaoh, would have also known the length of the year as it was according to the Egyptians in those times. In addition the observations in "the book of the luminaries", (calendar section), of 1Enoch are clearly not observed from the perspective of the latitudes from either Yerushalem or Qumran but rather somewhere closer to the equator, (for example Egypt or northern Ethiopia), for at the latitudes where Yerushalem and Qumran are located the equinoxes and solstices are not 13+13+13+13 weeks apart, but rather, 14+14+12+12, even as it is to this day. The book of 1Enoch appears to be much older than the Damascus-Qumranites. It is interesting that the Ethiopian Church still maintains that 1Enoch came from their region and people, and not from Qumran or Yerushalem, and they might actually be correct, (which would also tilt the weight of the scales against the book of Jubilees seeing how the author actually does not seem to fully understand the book of 1Enoch or the ancient primitive form of astronomy in the book of the luminaries section).


Well-known member

Anno Mundi (AM) vs Anno Domini (AD) which one you are born under is the key to being dead or alive to the powers that be.