Business Man versus Politico as President


Well-known member
Businesspeople as president was a big topic when Romney was running. Anyone remember? It was a big part of his campaign. He actually wanted a constitutional amendment to require US presidents to have three years of business experience (which would have disqualified a number of successful presidents).

This is an interesting article:

Businessmen as Presidents: A Historical Circle - NYTimes

Some others:

History shows businessmen make bad presidents - The Hill

The Hiring of the President - Vanity Fair

The Wrong Résumé - NYTimes


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
How long ago did that happen? Despite you being in this industry, you are too ready to rely on a finite resource. Also, as far as federal funding goes, it takes up a very very very small piece of the pie.

Solar is finite as well. If only provides power for less than half the day. Wind generators are induction generators and they do not generate voltage, reactive power and system frequency.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I would trust him to balance my checkbook but I would not trust him to enter diplomatic meetings with Russia, China, etc.

That is exactly the venue where this man Trump will shine and certainly has much more experience doing business with foreign countries. Given that politicians in concert with large corporations have literally sold this country's jobs & industrial base to foreign lands, it would be refreshing to see a business man deal with foreign leaders and the unrealistic trading platform which has crippled the U.S.. It will take a tough, shrewd, businessman to lead from the front, instead of the rear to deal with our foreign adversaries. I know, I know, corporations & wall street won't be able to see the gross profits they have enjoyed offshoring work & bringing home cheap foreign made goods all while selling out their fellow Americans but, I can see a better living standard for the average American, being able to actually find a good paying job again. I guess if your content with the progressives on the left & RINO's on the right continuing to destroy your future for corporate profit while making other countries like China rich, dumping their cheap crap on our shores, and under employing able bodied Americans then go ahead and vote for your favorite rank & file politician. Can I say with all certainty that Trump will be a great leader? no... but, I can guarantee what you will see if Hillary or Jeb Bush get elected...status quo...given they are both bought by the same corporations, you can count on it.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Businesspeople as president was a big topic when Romney was running. Anyone remember?

A banker falls under the general category of a business man, but they are a long way from being the same thing.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Not a valid comparison. The U.S. controls their own money supply. They can control the interest rates. The U.S. economy is much, much larger than these two economies. Greece and Puerto Rico cannot do this. (I realize Puerto Rico is a territory of the U.S.)

These two examples show what happens when your countries debt keeps expanding. We've got a long way to go before our debt is so large that other nations quit buying our bonds.
And that is the attitude that puts our children and gran children and great grand children at such great risk.

Mocking You

New member
And that is the attitude that puts our children and gran children and great grand children at such great risk.

What attitude? I described that the US should get on a long range plan to reduce debt. Run budget surpluses by cutting spending and raising taxes. Rein in the debt.

Stating facts about the status of our debt relative to Greece is not an attitude.

Mocking You

New member
Good news is, the sun comes up every day.

True, and you could have space based solar energy collectors as well and beam the concentrated light to Earth's surface. However, a huge problem with solar is that you can't store the energy.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Not a valid comparison. The U.S. controls their own money supply. They can control the interest rates. The U.S. economy is much, much larger than these two economies. Greece and Puerto Rico cannot do this. (I realize Puerto Rico is a territory of the U.S.)

These two examples show what happens when your countries debt keeps expanding. We've got a long way to go before our debt is so large that other nations quit buying our bonds.

What attitude? I described that the US should get on a long range plan to reduce debt. Run budget surpluses by cutting spending and raising taxes. Rein in the debt.

Stating facts about the status of our debt relative to Greece is not an attitude.
That is the attitude that concerns me. We need to do something now while the problem is, theoretically, solvable. Greece and Porto Rico waited to long. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Mocking You

New member
That is the attitude that concerns me. We need to do something now while the problem is, theoretically, solvable. Greece and Porto Rico waited to long. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Again, it's not an attitude, it's statement of fact. I did say something needs to be done about it, but it will take decades.

Lighten up, Francis.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Again, it's not an attitude, it's statement of fact. I did say something needs to be done about it, but it will take decades.

Lighten up, Francis.
Can't. I have two daughters getting ready to make their way in the world and I am more than just a little worried about their future. The are the first generation predicted to have a LOWER standard of living than their parents.


New member
Can't. I have two daughters getting ready to make their way in the world and I am more than just a little worried about their future. The are the first generation predicted to have a LOWER standard of living than their parents.
In what way?


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Okay, its not a headline. But, I am intrigued by Donald Trump as President. He is not a political animal, that should be painfully obvious by now, he is a business man. Politics as usual has left this country in some pretty dire straights. More politics wont change that and will most likely only make things worse. But what if a business man were in charge? How might things be different? We may never know.,
Businessmen are charge of the U.S., already. They can buy whatever legislation they want, routinely, and do so, routinely. They even meet with legislators in secret and vote together with them on what legislation they want to advance, and what legislation they want to suppress. They control most of the major media outlasts so that they can stop most of us from seeing and hearing anything they don't want us to see or hear. They can start wars and invade foreign countries to further their own economic interests, and have done so almost since the U.S. was formed.

'Politics' is just the dog-and-pony show that the oligarchs put on for our benefit, to make us think we have some say in what's going on, or that someone in power has our best interests at heart. But the truth is our government is owned and operated completely by a few big corporations and a few other very wealthy special interests. Even foreign countries like Israel have more influence in Congress than the American people do, because they have the money to buy the congressmen.

Our politicians are in charge of nothing but their own greed. They do whatever the highest bribe-payer wants them to do. And in most instances, the highest bribe-payers are large business conglomerates. And it's they who are calling the shots and making the decisions about what goes on.

And by the way, Donald Trump isn't really even a businessman. He's a professional 'celebrity' who makes his money from being "famous". It's why he keeps saying such idiotic and controversial things. He knows the media will eat it up, and keep following him around for more. And he also knows that the longer they stay focussed on him, the more "famous" he becomes. And he can cash that fame in for TV shows, and TV advertisements, and cute young Miss America contestants.
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Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
In what way?
They will have nowhere near the purchasing power that their parents had which means they will not be able to afford the same life style as their parents. We have already run head on into this. My first daughter is in college. I cannot afford to educate her the way I was educated. We simply do not have $26,000 a year available to is.


New member
Hall of Fame
They will have nowhere near the purchasing power that their parents had which means they will not be able to afford the same life style as their parents. We have already run head on into this. My first daughter is in college. I cannot afford to educate her the way I was educated. We simply do not have $26,000 a year available to is.

Plenty of folks in the disappearing middle class are in similar binds. That they blame the wrong things and people for their predicament is unfortunate but I don't deny it's happening.


New member
Okay, its not a headline. But, I am intrigued by Donald Trump as President. He is not a political animal, that should be painfully obvious by now, he is a business man. Politics as usual has left this country in some pretty dire straights. More politics wont change that and will most likely only make things worse. But what if a business man were in charge? How might things be different? We may never know.,

carson is a business man also, had his own business, has his own charitable organization. He is a success @ business also.. T doesn't own the market on business savvy



New member
They will have nowhere near the purchasing power that their parents had which means they will not be able to afford the same life style as their parents. We have already run head on into this. My first daughter is in college. I cannot afford to educate her the way I was educated. We simply do not have $26,000 a year available to is.
Why do you think that is?