Building Up The Nuclear Family
A firm foundation: Yesterday, Scott Shamblin and Nicole McBurney discussed the tragic epidemic of broken families across America, and gave you the basic 2-step solution to the problem: Get Married & Stay Married!
Today, we want to expand upon that solution and talk about the importance of the nuclear family and how to go about building one. We start back at Genesis to see that God instituted marriage between one man and one woman. If we reject God's design for marriage, then we do not have a firm foundation on which to build a family (or life in general)!
Priorities in check: Before you get married, it's crucial that you communicate with your potential spouse on world views, life goals, parenting, etc. If you are unequally yolked, then you're going to have a very difficult time maintaining your marriage. And if you decide to skip this vital step all together, you might become the next bad example on the show!
To spank or not to spank?: The answer is to spank - The book of Proverbs has many wise words when it comes to proper child rearing: "Chasten your son while there is hope, And do not set your heart on his destruction." (Pro.19:17), "He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly." (Pro. 13:24) "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." (Pro. 22:6). Parents have a duty to discipline and train their children, but the Bible also warns us not to be abusive tyrants toward our children either: "And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord." (Eph. 6:2)
If you are a parent or are plan to be one in the near future, we recommend the book To Train Up a Child, which details all the how's and why's of biblical parenting
Homeschooling: Bob Enyart has been shouting from the rooftops for well over 20 years urging parents to get their kids out of the public schools for the sake of their souls and their mortal lives. Between school shootings and godless teachers who want to molest your kids, sending your kids to the public schools is at best negligent and at worst a sin against your child. We at KGOV fully endorse homeschooling and are more than happy to help you navigate the world of homeschooling and help you get the resources you need to successfully raise and teach your kids in the fear the Lord Jesus Christ.
Telethon: We've extended our telethon for a little while longer so we can fund a media team to help us get our show out to the lost world! Click on that telethon banner at the top of the page before we take it down: send us a donation, purchase a product, whatever you can do to help us is greatly appreciated!
A firm foundation: Yesterday, Scott Shamblin and Nicole McBurney discussed the tragic epidemic of broken families across America, and gave you the basic 2-step solution to the problem: Get Married & Stay Married!
Today, we want to expand upon that solution and talk about the importance of the nuclear family and how to go about building one. We start back at Genesis to see that God instituted marriage between one man and one woman. If we reject God's design for marriage, then we do not have a firm foundation on which to build a family (or life in general)!

Priorities in check: Before you get married, it's crucial that you communicate with your potential spouse on world views, life goals, parenting, etc. If you are unequally yolked, then you're going to have a very difficult time maintaining your marriage. And if you decide to skip this vital step all together, you might become the next bad example on the show!
To spank or not to spank?: The answer is to spank - The book of Proverbs has many wise words when it comes to proper child rearing: "Chasten your son while there is hope, And do not set your heart on his destruction." (Pro.19:17), "He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly." (Pro. 13:24) "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." (Pro. 22:6). Parents have a duty to discipline and train their children, but the Bible also warns us not to be abusive tyrants toward our children either: "And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord." (Eph. 6:2)
If you are a parent or are plan to be one in the near future, we recommend the book To Train Up a Child, which details all the how's and why's of biblical parenting
Homeschooling: Bob Enyart has been shouting from the rooftops for well over 20 years urging parents to get their kids out of the public schools for the sake of their souls and their mortal lives. Between school shootings and godless teachers who want to molest your kids, sending your kids to the public schools is at best negligent and at worst a sin against your child. We at KGOV fully endorse homeschooling and are more than happy to help you navigate the world of homeschooling and help you get the resources you need to successfully raise and teach your kids in the fear the Lord Jesus Christ.
Telethon: We've extended our telethon for a little while longer so we can fund a media team to help us get our show out to the lost world! Click on that telethon banner at the top of the page before we take it down: send us a donation, purchase a product, whatever you can do to help us is greatly appreciated!