Nineveh said:
It most likely escaped your attention that was a metaphor and He wasn't speaking of the fruits of the Spirit.
Dave, I've noticed you find a lot to contend with in Scripture. All I can do is try to offer that your fem/homo theology has taken the place of reading the Bible to know what God has to say.
Oh contraire. I see much consistancy in Scripture, in the Commandments that Jesus
gave and Paul reitterated. Love of neighbor, turning the other cheek, love of enemy,
returning kindness for abuse. All consistant with the fruits of the Spirit. No agenda in
any of those straight forward commandments, just God's Love expressed through
Jesus Christ.
Jesus demanded mercy and not sacrifice, Jesus came to save and not condemn, all
consistant messages.
Then there are the healings, the many healings, all consistant.
Jesus Himself equates sin with disease, and forgiveness with healing, that's consistant
Seperating wheat from chaff, the fruit from the waste, leaving only the good fruit, again,
consistant message.
Then there is hell and the lake of fire. Scripture is consistant here as well. God's fire
destroys evil, and purifies, this is consistant as well. Healing, purification, seperation
from sin, destruction of sin, all consistant.
Its the ET interpretation of Scripture that is inconsistant.
God is Love. God is good. God is One. This is consistant.
God torturing billions of sentient beings for all eternity? Inconsistant.
I have no problem with Scripture, its a consistant revelation of God's Grace and
Love for God's Creation, for humanity.