logos_x said:
I didn't say PEOPLE. I said all the works of the Devil are destroyed, including what holds people captive, sin, death and hell.
I asked in the post you basically ignored (post 1277), "So there are limits to that "all" right?" Obviously you don't mean the limit is "works of the devil" here because hell isn't a "work of the devil". What makes the holding place "hell" different than the "garbage dump" lake?
In your view, punishment is just for punishment's sake..and lasts forever. In mine it isn't. It isn't esoteric.
Ah, I could understand that. Thanks for rephrasing

The "punishment" in the lake is
self administered. In this place
away from God's presence, there
is no hope, love, salvation, redemption, joy, peace, etc. When folks love themsleves most, that's what they get to spend eternity with. Taking a hard look at it, yes, it's
very unpleasent, Just as Jesus described. But this "punishment" isn't for "punishments sake", it's called justice. If we take a look around, we see justice is almost a disgusting concept these days in and of itself.
The few are not the only ones saved ultimately..the fewness of salvation is in reference to various ages...it has been addressed before several times.
Except from beginning to end we see
few not
many. We never see, "the way is narrow and many be that find it",
Then why insist it is eternal?
The lake is never spoken of in temporary tems. Neither is eternal life.
It doesn't "unsay" anything. It NEVER was discribed as "eternal" in the first place.
Well, yes it is, unless we want to worship young's.
There is NO lake of fire in the new creation. There will be no more curse, and no more sin. The Bible is quite plain regarding this...
The last we read of the lake is, "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." There is nothing past that point that even gives an iota of idea that there will be yet one more resurrection or another salvation event, deliverance or even visitation. I think you take the word "all" a bit too far out of context on occasion.
but somehow it is all lost on believers in eternal torment, presumably because an eternal state that cannot be revoked forever and ever carries much more weight than the scriptures that refute it.
The only Sciptures I have ever witnessed that could be remotely construed to indicate anything about the lake being temporary is young's, and that's only because no one really knows what "age during" means. Eternal life is just as long as eternal second death.