Bruce Jenner's New E! Reality Show Will Showcase Life As Transgender Woman


New member
When I hear that a man when wants to a woman because he always felt like a woman I just have to :doh:. That is complete nonsense. How can any man know what it feels like to be woman? Women goes through menstruation, child bearing, and menopause. These experiences are biological in nature. A man can never know what it's like to go through these things. Also, all the confused men wanting to be women tend to focus on looking like a woman and not trying to understand what it feels like to be a woman. These men really need counseling, not plastic surgery or a reality TV show. I really pity Bruce Jenner for what he is going through. He was a heroic figure back in the 1970's, a great athlete, a determined young man who overcame dyslexia. It's his life, he can do whatever he wants. But this is how I chose to remember him.


I would rather remember him in the past, too. Keep in mind that he is partly a victim within a culture which is pushing heavily a transgender campaign.