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The Bible is but a tool and like all tools it can be misused.

Even things that are perfect can be miss-used. When you say the Bible "is but a tool" that gives the impression you are diminishing it's role. Is that an accurate read? Thanks.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Quip, if I may I'd like to ask, do you believe that the Bible is our only standard for faith and practice as Christians? Thanks.
Quip isn't a Christian. And there is a very large proportion of Christians who recognize equal authority in matters of faith and morals between Sacred Scripture, and Sacred Tradition, since both emanate from the authority of Christ, which He gave to His Apostles. It's only Protestants who believe that their own opinions about what only the Bible says constitutes a valid 'standard for faith and practice.'


Even things that are perfect can be miss-used. When you say the Bible "is but a tool" that gives the impression you are diminishing it's role. Is that an accurate read? Thanks.

That depends on what you view as diminishing in this regard.
The Bible has some guiding wisdom wthin it and I respect it for that. Though I view it more as an historical text rather than the absolute word of God. As such, it is no more/less instrumental to me than the Talmud, Bhagavad Gita or Buddhist suttas.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Quip, if I may I'd like to ask, do you believe that the Bible is our only standard for faith and practice as Christians?
Quip isn't a Christian.
The Bible has some guiding wisdom wthin it and I respect it for that. Though I view it more as an historical text rather than the absolute word of God.
Because while Quip views the Bible 'as an historical text,' Quip doesn't believe Christ's Resurrection actually happened.