Hi TB,
you'll have to cover some of my earlier posts on the subject made recently

....since I sometimes will take on the greater transcendental non-dual view, when the complexities of 'dualistic thinking' get to complicated. Also you may have remembered I had a thread on 'Taoism', and 'Non-Duality', but they are no longer extant.
Not sure however this is the place to ask such a profound question, since the content-matter and 'gesture' of the thread is more in a mocking/critical tone about issues over the Urantia Papers and might be a bit too 'philosophical' for GM (respecting his thread).
In any case, off the top of my head,....Taoism has some commonalities with
non-dualism in general, since the Tao is a universal principle, way of nature, subtle energy or 'presence' that is pervading all creation, flowing by its very own law of conductivity.
A good start might be to ponder the concept of
'dialectical monism' reflecting hindu/Buddhist/Taoist perespectives.
In the Urantia Papers, Ganid collected some manuscripts about the various world religions in Jesus time, you can find a commentary on Taoism among them
Non-duality (centered more in the Advaita Vedanta tradition, but including all forms of non-dualism) may be treated again in a new forthcoming thread. Taoism as well. A commentary on the Tao Te Ching was about half way completed on the old thread.