Biden forgets who he's running against
When the British take notice, it's bad
You can never know, of Dementia Joe, who he's even debating, whether it's Nixon, Reagan or Bush? LOL!
It just gets better and better. Somehow, the morons at the DNC must have told Joe there's no way he's going to get us off fossil fuels, without putting nuclear reactors in every neighborhood nobody wants, nor would anybody pay for, that this could become obvious to even a percentage of his liberal, tree-hugging constituency that something's not quite right, and Joe has pushed his plan to get off fossil fuels into 2050, last report. Now, and for decades now, I thought "global warming" was going to split the earth in two and hurl us into the void, in a few years. Is Joe not saying we're headed for extinction or something, if we don't get Bush out of the White House? But, but, Joe, your target is now 2050?
I think Al Gore's zombie, green corporations, he loaded-up in the stock of, are likely gone by now, so much for his capital gains. (He sure bought himself one inconvenient portfolio.) Aren't we supposed to be under water by now? Here's a hilarious fact,
"San Francisco and La Jolla have recorded an average sea level rise of about 2.0 mm per year since the late 19th century. This is comparable to a global average during the 20th century of 1.4 mm per year - a pace that has not been exceeded in any century since at least 2,800 years ago."
What can you say to these people? And it's a dire situation, that nobody makes a hearing aid powerful enough.