correct, it's an honorific like Dr.
That is also true, but in practice it's nuanced. It is common practice to refer to him in person as "President" Obama. When referring to him in print, it's common practice to use "former President" Obama.
And none of that has to do with my noting that he isn't President any more
This will, of course, go over your head because you're retarded
I do indeed! Do you remember why? Did you ever figure out how to click on that spoiler tag so you could see the pic that was hidden?
I don't know what you mean
I don't believe I've shared my ideas about Democracy. What do you think my "ideas about Democracy" entail?



atrol: Retard Alert! Retard Alert! Incoming Retardness!



and you don't disappoint! :darwinsm:
On the contrary - I ignore the vast majority of the world's people. Those I have met, I've liked, generally. For example: I had a suitemate in freshman year college who was an exchange student from Iran - the Shah was very big on pushing for an educated population, especially (in the case of my friend) at top engineering schools. Hassan was a great guy, a lot of fun to be around, party animal, very popular with the ladies. And very very very worried about what was happening at home. I knew him from the fall of 77 to the spring of 79. He didn't come back.
So when I say that I loathe Iran, I am referring to its government, not it's people. Those of its people that I've met, I've liked. Those that I haven't met? I assume that most of them, like most of the people I've encountered in life, are good, decent people.
another 4500 of them died today eider
starved to death
but you don't care 'cause they're brown and they have "funny" religious beliefs