Boy Scouts end ban on openly gay troop leaders


No it isnt - its been upheld by the supreme court that a private membership club can discriminate.

The boy scouts head leadership chose to allow this now from within, they have won many lawsuits in the past and its been upheld that they could deny based on gay.
The Boy Scouts have their own legal advice that given the Supreme Court decision they are positioned on the wrong side of the Constitution (Equal Protection Clause, Due Process Clause) and rapidly growing public sentiment that views "gay" rights as a civil rights issue.

Keep in mind that this decision came from a conservative Supreme Court where 5 of its 9 justices were appointed by Republican presidents.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
No it isnt - its been upheld by the supreme court that a private membership club can discriminate.

The boy scouts head leadership chose to allow this now from within, they have won many lawsuits in the past and its been upheld that they could deny based on gay.
Yes, they could. But they also rely on grants and donations and public participation. All of which have diminished due to their bias against gays, and all of which would likely continue to diminish.


New member
Where is the objective evidence to suggest that "gays" have any less self-control

Just look at German rock bands:


Riches Without God

Oh how foolish are the sinful and rebellious hearts of men and women against the Lord that created them! Freddie Mercury left behind an estate valued at $15,500,000 to his family and friends. Freddie lived a reckless life of sodomy, fornication, illegal drugs and materialism.
Mercury died in London in his $4,000,000 home in 1991. He carried none of his wealth beyond the grave. He had such a beautiful voice, but used his talents for the devil. How sad! How tragic! Where is Freddie Mercury now? Hell!
My friend, you don't have to go to Hell. Jesus shed His blood to pay for the sins of mankind. I did not write this article to criticize Freddie Mercury. I wrote this article to express two observations I've made about Mr. Mercury's life: first, a life of booze, immorality, and devilish music always end in judgment; and second, all of Mercury's fame, wealth, and friends cannot help help him escape the wrath of God.
ALL Christ-rejecters go straight to Hell to be tormented in fire. I say this with great sadness, but it is the TRUTH nonetheless. I ask you to believe upon Jesus now as your Saviour. The Biblical doctrine and reality of God's wrath has been abandoned in America's pulpits. Psalm 7:11, “God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. in America/Rock-n-Roll/freddie_mercury.htm



New member
Just look at German rock bands:
Yes, your indisputable evidence has settled this argument once and for all. If only we looked at German rock bands to establish a norm for the entire homosexual population. I am happy you are here to enlighten us with such possibilities. :rotfl:


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, they could. But they also rely on grants and donations and public participation. All of which have diminished due to their bias against gays, and all of which would likely continue to diminish.

At least you know and admit that yes, a private membership club can discriminate. The rest of your post is irrelevant to the fact that they can and have and it was upheld.

Money is why they caved, not because they think its right, sad that many places are caving on the truth because of $.

I wonder what it feels like to know ones forced acceptance is over money instead of real agreement that its ok.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, your indisputable evidence has settled this argument once and for all. If only we looked at German rock bands to establish a norm for the entire homosexual population. I am happy you are here to enlighten us with such possibilities. :rotfl:

Every German is a member of Rammstein.:drum:


New member
nice semantics

Yeah it's a Christian bogey man that conservatives haul out as a means of justifying their prejudices.

Let's pretend that this organization actually exists and is engaging in the activities that you "absolutely" know they do...

So we have a nationwide organization dedicated to the act and the defense of child sexual abuse. An organization continuously sexually abusing young children. How is this group escaping notice of the police? the FBI? Why are there no investigations into these horrendous criminal activities? Why NAMBLA never raided? Why are there no arrests much less charges being brought?

Nice sneer to smear the opposition.


New member
Hall of Fame
The Boy Scouts have their own legal advice that given the Supreme Court decision they are positioned on the wrong side of the Constitution (Equal Protection Clause, Due Process Clause) and rapidly growing public sentiment that views "gay" rights as a civil rights issue.

Keep in mind that this decision came from a conservative Supreme Court where 5 of its 9 justices were appointed by Republican presidents.

All irrelevant to the private club issue that has already been decided by the supreme court.


New member
What are you talking about? These are legitimate questions. Again, reminds me of SRA.

Either you are deliberately missing my point or I need to be more blunt.
It is the tone taken to which I was responding. But then, that is also your chosen "tone" in response to opinions with which you differ. Snide...snotty...superior...judgmental...did I say Parochial? Yes, I believe I did.


New member
Hall of Fame
Either you are deliberately missing my point or I need to be more blunt.
It is the tone taken to which I was responding. But then, that is also your chosen "tone" in response to opinions with which you differ. Snide...snotty...superior...judgmental...did I say Parochial? Yes, I believe I did.

Tone's extremely subjective on TOL and I didn't pick up on what you're reacting to at all. Complaints about "tone" can be useful in ignoring actual content.


New member
Any adults in positions of authority, regardless of sexual orientation, whether it be scouts, education or whatever that have sexual contact with a person under their supervision that is under the age of majority should be subject to mandatory sterilization.


New member
Hall of Fame
Any adults in positions of authority, regardless of sexual orientation, whether it be scouts, education or whatever that have sexual contact with a person under their supervision that is under the age of majority should be subject to mandatory sterilization.


New member
Hall of Fame
Any adults in positions of authority, regardless of sexual orientation, whether it be scouts, education or whatever that have sexual contact with a person under their supervision that is under the age of majority should be subject to mandatory sterilization.



New member
Any adults in positions of authority, regardless of sexual orientation, whether it be scouts, education or whatever that have sexual contact with a person under their supervision that is under the age of majority should be subject to mandatory sterilization.

People are not dogs - sterilisation doesn't remove sexual feelings and would not change the risks. And your black and white punishment with no judicial discretion for edge cases would make it tyrannical.

And can you think of no morally defensible sexual contact with a minor, bearing in mind that in Missippippi the age of majority is 21 years? Say, a company manager and a female employee aged 20? Deserving of sterilisation and criminal processes?


New member
Hall of Fame
Absolutely... they have damaged the kids for a lifetime and should be subject to an equal penalty. The punishment absolutely fits the crime. In this case it is theft of something that cannot be restored.

Oh, that's nice. So you consider victims of sexual abuse to be permanently damaged goods. With friends like these...

How does sterilization "equal" what victims go through? There's simply no comparing the two and it's bizarre to say so.


New member
Oh, that's nice. So you consider victims of sexual abuse to be permanently damaged goods. With friends like these...

How does sterilization "equal" what victims go through? There's simply no comparing the two and it's bizarre to say so.

The kids will bear the scars the rest of their lives. Look at the people coming forward with the priest abuses that happened 30+ years ago... it haunts them.

Sterilization will cause the criminal to bear the scars also, and the reduced hormones should make them less likely to commit the crime again.


Hall of Fame
Oh, that's nice. So you consider victims of sexual abuse to be permanently damaged goods. With friends like these...

How does sterilization "equal" what victims go through? There's simply no comparing the two and it's bizarre to say so.

To be fair, I don't believe the comment was a reflection on the victim, but rather on the devastation of the crime. Child molestation is worse than rape, IMO, for the simple fact that the victims are more vulnerable due to their age.

The child has to live with the horrific memory for the rest of their life. However, like you, I don't believe the punishment of sterilization fits the crime.


New member
The kids will bear the scars the rest of their lives. Look at the people coming forward with the priest abuses that happened 30+ years ago... it haunts them.

Sterilization will cause the criminal to bear the scars also, and the reduced hormones should make them less likely to commit the crime again.
If we were to subscribe to this model, if someone was convicted of vehicular man slaughter, their punishment would be getting hit with a Jetta. There is a reason we do not do these things. It is disturbing that you fail to understand that.