The Scouts receive taxpayers' money, so that argument doesn't really hold water.
Show us.
And besides that, many would argue that people's right not to be discriminated against on the basis of their sexual preferences is more important than the discriminators' right to discriminate.
People can argue whatever they like. Irrelevant.
Remember, the best way to decide whether something is right or wrong is whether you personally find it gross!
And of course, you assume his finding it gross is the basis of his determining right and wrong. One could easily argue you base your determination on the same thing, since overcoming your own instinctive response is "enlightened" and therefore whatever is gross must be right. :dizzy:
All of which is, again, irrelevant though.
Indeed, I don't really care that much which restrooms people use. Shocking, I know!
Yes, it is. A well-adjusted and otherwise rational human being can recognize that imposing strict limitations on who has access to which public restroom is a no-brainer. That you don't is indeed shocking.
Allow me to make my position clear: I don't advocate men walking into girls' restrooms on a regular basis.
No, no. Just the grown men who
want to use the girl's restroom. Just them. Because it might hurt their feelings if they're not allowed. Everyone else...nope. Right?
However, gender or age segregated restrooms are simply a social convention.
...created to deter criminal abuse! What part of your brain refuses to finish that thought? :doh:
There's nothing inherently wrong, on its own, with using the wrong restroom.
First, I'll point out that you
recognize it's the wrong restroom. So maybe there's still some hope for you.
Second, "nothing inherently wrong" is the most pitiful rationalization ever devised. If you're resorting to it, that's a clue you're desperate to rationalize.
Yes, it's weird, but I don't see it as anything to get particularly upset about.
Except for the part about how it exposes people to danger in an extremely vulnerable position and environment.
The fact that I'm being portrayed as a pervert who wants little kids to get raped because I don't really see who uses which restroom as something to get worked up over makes me think some people on this forum really need to get some perspective.
The fact that your support of perverts has led you to the point where you must defend grown men using little girls' restrooms makes me think you're either a pervert or unable to think for yourself at all. Which is it?
I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you're just a pervert. At least a pervert can think for himself.
I mean, are you really suggesting that restroom segregation is the only thing between thousands of perverted child molesters and vulnerable pre-teens?
Not the only thing. But, again, here you recognize it
is a thing keeping thousands of perverts from assaulting people. So, again, either a pervert or unable to think for yourself. I'm still going with pervert. You're welcome.