Book of Luke Question


New member
It is my opinion that the book of Luke should be kept, but edited. Do you agree? Yes or no will do. No Bozo speeches please.

Desert Reign

It is my opinion that the book of Luke should be kept, but edited. Do you agree? Yes or no will do. No Bozo speeches please.

If you won't tell us what edits you want to make and why then why would anyone want to agree to edit it??? You have had an opportunity to answer but you obviously aren't going to be reasonable. Don't talk about authority. You haven't got any.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Has no real parabolic qualities. Is not called a parable. No explanation is given. Contradicts true orthodox beliefs. Contradicts other scriptures.[/COLOR]
The Rich Man and Lazarus

Translated: Humanism, i.e., I do not understand The Rich Man and Lazarus. What I cannot understand, I will not believe. Therefore, the book is wrong, and not me.

That is how the "atheist" attempts to dismiss the concept of hell.

Standard fare-boring-we've seen it before.

Have a seat.


Well-known member
Translated: Humanism, i.e., I do not understand The Rich Man and Lazarus. What I cannot understand, I will not believe. Therefore, the book is wrong, and not me.

That is how the "atheist" attempts to dismiss the concept of hell.

Standard fare-boring-we've seen it before.


Throw out Luke, throw out Acts.

Throw out Acts, throw out Paul.

Throw out Paul, throw out Peter who vouched for Paul.

Throw out the other three gospel accounts as well...if you can't trust one of them, no reason to trust any of them.

Throw those out and the whole NT goes with it.

Be not deceived...this chain of logic is the real point behind the o.p. He is a wolf, unworthy of serious consideration.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Any honest scholar is able. It is simple, if what is written does not agree with other scriptures, then there is a problem.

Translated: If what is written does not agree with other scriptures, as I understand them, then there is a problem with the scriptures, not me.


New member
Good then, we are all agreed that the book of Luke should be kept. I'm sure what ever change I make will make you sick to your stomach. Good bye, and have a nice day.

patrick jane

Should the book of Luke be repaired to read correctly, or should it be tossed out?

Luke 1. NIV

1 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. 3 With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.
This person is not the disciple Luke, and apart from that, he make numerous mistakes.

Hogwash, you are making false claims

Ben Masada

New member
Should the book of Luke be repaired to read correctly, or should it be tossed out?

1 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. 3 With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.
This person is not the disciple Luke, and apart from that, he make numerous mistakes.

If we could toss out the book of Luke, how about the book of Matthew? Might as well toss out that one too. Both report about the birth of Jesus and at the end, we seem to have read about two different Jesuses. The message that the two books together give is the evidence that there was no Jesus at all. Look at what I am talking about:

Were There Two Different Jesuses?

When Luke wrote Acts of the Apostles to Theophilus, he guaranteed him that he had dealt with ALL that Jesus did and taught until the end of his life on earth. (Acts 1:1,2) If Luke is someone worthy believing, there must be something wrong with Matthew.

1 - I am not talking about the huge difference in the genealogy of Jesus. (Mat. 1:1-17)

2 - Neither am I talking about the anxiety of Mary to explain her pregnancy without having yet slept with Joseph. (Mat. 1:18-25)

3 - Nor am I talking about the Astrologers from the East who came to worship the newborn king of the Jews. (Mat. 2:1,2)

4 - I am also not talking about the star that stood still over the place where the child was born. (Mat. 2:9-11)

5 - Nor about the flight of the child to Egypt. (Mat. 2:13-15)

6 - I am not talking about the slaughtering of the innocent under the age of two with the Herodian intent to catch Jesus. (Mat. 2:16-18)

7 - Well, finally, I am not talking about a lot of other things that Luke ignored in his "accurate" account of EVERYTHING about Jesus to Theophilus.

Here's what I am talking about: While the Jesus of Matthew was still in Egypt, waiting for Herod to die, the Jesus of Luke was born, after eight days circumcised, on the 40th day presented in the Temple, and immediately after these requirements of the Law, the family headed back to Galilee, and to their own town in Nazareth. (Luke 2:21,22,39) Now, bear in mind that Jesus was only 40 days old when they headed back home to Nazareth.

In the meantime, the Jesus of Matthew was still trapped in Egypt waiting for the word of the "angel" with the news that Herod had finally died. Perhaps in order to spare the embarrassment, the age of this Jesus was omitted.

Therefore, how many Jesuses were there? If there was but one, either gospel writer is lying or neither ever met each other. But then again, how about the spirit that inspired the revelation? I think Christianity will be better off if we don't remove that stone. The smell will be too strong.
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New member
If we could toss out the book of Luke, how about the book of Matthew? Might as well toss out that one too. Both report about the birth of Jesus and at the end, we seem to have read about two different Jesuses. The message that the two books together give is the evidence that there was no Jesus at all. Look at what I am talking about:

Were There Two Different Jesuses?

When Luke wrote Acts of the Apostles to Theophilus, he guaranteed him that he had dealt with ALL that Jesus did and taught until the end of his life on earth. (Acts 1:1,2) If Luke is someone worthy believing, there must be something wrong with Matthew.

1 - I am not talking about the huge difference in the genealogy of Jesus. (Mat. 1:1-17)

2 - Neither am I talking about the anxiety of Mary to explain her pregnancy without having yet slept with Joseph. (Mat. 1:18-25)

3 - Nor am I talking about the Astrologers from the East who came to worship the newborn king of the Jews. (Mat. 2:1,2)

4 - I am also not talking about the star that stood still over the place where the child was born. (Mat. 2:9-11)

5 - Nor about the flight of the child to Egypt. (Mat. 2:13-15)

6 - I am not talking about the slaughtering of the innocent under the age of two with the Herodian intent to catch Jesus. (Mat. 2:16-18)

7 - Well, finally, I am not talking about a lot of other things that Luke ignored in his "accurate" account of EVERYTHING about Jesus to Theophilus.

Here's what I am talking about: While the Jesus of Matthew was still in Egypt, waiting for Herod to die, the Jesus of Luke was born, after eight days circumcised, on the 40th day presented in the Temple, and immediately after these requirements of the Law, the family headed back to Galilee, and to their own town in Nazareth. (Luke 2:21,22,39) Now, bear in mind that Jesus was only 40 days old when they headed back home to Nazareth.

In the meantime, the Jesus of Matthew was still trapped in Egypt waiting for the word of the "angel" with the news that Herod had finally died. Perhaps in order to spare the embarrassment, the age of this Jesus was omitted.

Therefore, how many Jesuses were there? If there was but one, either gospel writer is lying or neither ever met each other. But then again, how about the spirit that inspired the revelation? I think Christianity will be better off if we don't remove that stone. The smell will be too strong.

I do not know what you are doing wrong Ben, but you have been consistent about being wrong.

Ordinance of Purification
The ordinance which is required after the birth of a firstborn son.
The Ordinance of Purification: When the days for their purification according to the law of Moses were completed. Luke 2:22.

This ceremony of purification was given by God to the Jews as a part of the Mosaic Law. It is found in Leviticus 12:1-4.

Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, When a woman gives birth and bears a male child, then she shall be unclean for seven days, as in the days of her menstruation she shall be unclean.
"And on the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.
"Then she shall remain in the blood of her purification for thirty-three days; she shall not touch any consecrated thing, nor enter the sanctuary, until the days of her purification are completed." Leviticus 12:1-4.

According to the Mosaic Law, the mother of a new born child was considered unclean.
In the case of a birth of a son, the mother was banned from performing any religious duties for a period of 41 days, eight days prior to the circumcision plus thirty-three days following the circumcision.

Yahshua is born in Bethlehem.
Eight days later Yahshua is circumcised.
Forty days later Yahshua is brought to the temple and presented to Yahwah.
After forty days the Wise Men come to give gifts to Yahshua; afterward Joseph and his family flee to Egypt, but later they return to Nazareth when it is safe.