Bob on Fox News Channel on Schools

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Bob on Fox News Channel on Schools

This is the show from Monday August 30th, 2010.


* Bob Enyart Talks to the Fox Audience about Godless Schools: Juliet Huddy of FNC's Fox & Friends asked Bob his opinion on the Denver public school trying to reduce student pregnancy by providing condoms, the birth control pill, and the chemical abortion pill Plan B, to children as young as eleven years old. Bob Enyart said:

ENYART: This fails because it's wrong. Adam City High School, in a Denver suburb, tried this. Their pregnancy rate went up 40 percent and the headlines nationwide were: 108 babies born in one school year. It's a tragedy. God did not make 14-year-old girls to be used by boys. This is a mistake.

HUDDY: But the fact is in Denver, 41 of every 1,000 girls, 15 to 17, have babies. That's a pretty high number.

ENYART: The major reason for this is that our school curriculum today all over the country is officially godless. Kids are told that they're animals, that they've evolved from animals. And then what, we shouldn't be shocked when they behave like animals? We need to teach kids that they're special. Girls are worth waiting for. They're worth waiting for until marriage. They're not there to be used by boys.

* Glenn Beck's Higher Profile Begs for a Pro-life Profile: Should ARTL publish a Glenn Beck report on If so, it could start with:
- the exceptions to Do not murder advocated by The Glenn Beck Program
- his promotion of Mitt Romney who authorized tax-funded abortion on demand
- the five exceptions to God's enduring command Do not murder as advocated by his church
- his support for homosexual marriage as he stated it to Bill O'Reilly and as now reported by the Washington Post, WorldNetDaily, and Accuracy in Media.

* See Drudge Birth Certificate Headline: screenshot of Bob's desktop.

* Visit the Amendment 62 Booth at the Colorado State Fair: From Aug. 27th through Mon. Sept. 6th, in Pueblo at the Colorado State Fair, you'll be able to help out Dee Waite and the Colorado RTL and Personhood Colorado volunteers at the campaign's booth on the first floor of the Agriculture Palace. Of course you can just drop by and say hello, or drop by and help out in the booth, but even better, please let Donna at the CRTL office know that you're going to visit and perhaps she can help schedule you for a shift, anytime from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. throughout the eleven days of the fair!

* Join a Weekly Literature Drop! Or arrange a weekly lit drop in your own town and we'll add you to this list. At each event we have a great time passing out the A62 literature in a neighborhood. So let's meet at...

Arvada: Sat. 7:30am / Wed. 5:30pm McDonald's, Kipling & 58th 303-463-7789
Northglenn: Tue. 6:00pm McDonald's at 104th & Huron 303-550-8170
Thornton: Thu. 6:00pm McDonald's at 120th & Colo Blvd 720-936-3742
Arapahoe County: Thu. 6:00pm McDonald's at Parker & Arapahoe 303-489-9203
Denver: Mon. 7:00am / Sat. 7:00am 7-11 at 7th & Quebec 720-837-7917

* Bob with Caplis and Silverman Against School Birth Control: On KHOW radio yesterday with Dan Caplis & Craig Silverman, you can hear Bob (beginning at 22 minutes in) argue against the Denver school promoting sex to children by giving condoms, birth control pills, and the abortion pill Plan B to children beginning at age twelve. (By the way, have you ever noticed that their show's webpage, the one that you get to from KHOW's home page, doesn't even display their names? And for two lawyers, I guess we shouldn't be surprised that even the name of their show doesn't appear, except in the fine print.)

Today’s Resource: Gregg Jackson's review is in! Regarding Focus 3, Gregg says, "Stigmatize, evangelize, criminalize! The American Right To Life three-prong strategy to end abortion is brilliant! This DVD is a must see!" JUST RELEASED: You can get Focus on the Strategy 3 as well as Focus on the Strategy 1 & 2 DVD combo containing the blockbuster analysis of pro-life and political strategy. Focus on the Strategy, advertised by other ministries as the DVD of the Century, is the blockbuster analysis of Christian political strategy, filmed before a live audience of 300 Christian activists in which Bob Enyart reveals the presentation he gave at Focus on the Family to Tom Minnery, VP of Public Policy for Dr. James Dobson. And the sequel, film festival finalist Focus on the Strategy II, with its dozens of video and audio clips which has extraordinary endorsements from many Christian leaders as the must see video for everyone who wants to end 'legalized' abortion. Now, Focus 3 presents the three-pronged strategy of how to end abortion! Please watch these vitally important DVDs and consider getting a set for a friend!


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Hall of Fame
It’s online, but the reaction I’m seeing most is shock that Fox didn’t vet Enyart before bringing him on the program.


New member
I happened to notice that Bob was on Fox TV, and had to check it out. Pretty disappointing, and not just for the token jab at evolution (gee, Bob, the major reason, really? So kids didn’t "behave like animals" until when, the 1950’s?).

No, I was disappointed at his teen pregnancy material, which is at least a couple of decades out of date. Y’all might interested to know that since the “108 births” year (what year was that, 1992? 1993?), the pregnancy rate at Adams City High School has dropped to below what it was in the good old, no-contraception days.

More generally, nationwide there’s been a long steady decline such that teen pregnancy rates are only about 2/3 of what they were during the Reagan years, and the teen abortion rate is less than half. Not to say that this is good enough, just that we’re heading in the right direction, and like it or not, careful research consistently finds that better access to contraception is more responsible than “just say no” for these desirable trends. And even if you want to deny that, why make it sound like the situation is getting worse by the day when it’s actually getting better?


I happened to notice that Bob was on Fox TV, and had to check it out. Pretty disappointing, and not just for the token jab at evolution (gee, Bob, the major reason, really? So kids didn’t "behave like animals" until when, the 1950’s?).

No, I was disappointed at his teen pregnancy material, which is at least a couple of decades out of date. Y’all might interested to know that since the “108 births” year (what year was that, 1992? 1993?), the pregnancy rate at Adams City High School has dropped to below what it was in the good old, no-contraception days.

More generally, nationwide there’s been a long steady decline such that teen pregnancy rates are only about 2/3 of what they were during the Reagan years, and the teen abortion rate is less than half. Not to say that this is good enough, just that we’re heading in the right direction, and like it or not, careful research consistently finds that better access to contraception is more responsible than “just say no” for these desirable trends. And even if you want to deny that, why make it sound like the situation is getting worse by the day when it’s actually getting better?


Don't bring truth and reality to this argument!


New member
Hall of Fame
I just watched that.


She should have really given Enyart and the other guest more time.

Either that or known what questions to ask him. Or known who he was, period--they didn't seem to realize who and what they were dealing with at all.


New member
"This fails because it's wrong."

Well said, Bob. We must teach our children God's way. Far too many children are getting the message that recreational sex is not only acceptable, but desired by society. Many don't realize that it leads to pain and destruction until it is too late. Keep up the good work, Bob Enyart! I just started listening to your podcast, and it is a refreshing change from the usual compromised conservatives.

"Abstinence Only Programs Might Work, Study Says"
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