Bob Headed to Palin Protest in Indy

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So let me get this straight. You are willing to sin against God by voting for a known proabort just so you can be "relevant." If I'm misunderstanding your position, please clarify.

What are you going to do when the US Supreme Court finds personhood unconstitutional?


New member
* Bob is Headed to Noblesville for the Palin Protest

Yikes. That's a bit too close to home for my comfort.

You want to protest something? Protest this: Obama signed an executive order providing tax dollars to pay for abortions in foreign countries.


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I find the rhetoric in this thread amusing. People are angered that a group will stand up for the rights of the innocent regardless of who it is (Palin, Obama, McCain, etc...).

Those same people believe that it is a distraction to expose those who say they are pro-life yet are willing to kill babies.

When someone tries to pass themselves off as being pro-life yet is willing to compromise in the killing of babies, they should be exposed. When someone says that are pro-choice, they don't have to be exposed. Both, however, are in the wrong and both should be condemned.

Those that think it is a waste of time for a group to protest Palin and say they should protest others obviously missed it when Bob and his group protested the Democrats with an itty bitty little sign.


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Here is an analogy. I know analogies are always perfect...but I hope this brings to the situation to light.

You have two neighbors (one on the right and one on the left). The one on the left tells everyone that he is a child molester and sees nothing wrong with it. The one the right tells everyone that they believe that child molesting is wrong. However, you have discovered that the one on the right actually supports the molestation of kids in certain circumstances.

Should you, the neighbor in the middle, expose the neighbor on the right? Or should you direct all of your efforts on the neighbor on the left?


New member
I find the rhetoric in this thread amusing. People are angered that a group will stand up for the rights of the innocent regardless of who it is (Palin, Obama, McCain, etc...).

Those same people believe that it is a distraction to expose those who say they are pro-life yet are willing to kill babies.

When someone tries to pass themselves off as being pro-life yet is willing to compromise in the killing of babies, they should be exposed. When someone says that are pro-choice, they don't have to be exposed. Both, however, are in the wrong and both should be condemned.

Those that think it is a waste of time for a group to protest Palin and say they should protest others obviously missed it when Bob and his group protested the Democrats with an itty bitty little sign.

There's nothing wrong with pointing out someone's record... in particular, someone who has an opportunity to do something about it on the Federal level. I welcome protesting them and have personally joined in that protest most recently with the Health Care debate.

To waste time and energy protesting a former governor who's never been a Federal elected official and can do nothing about it, on the other hand...?


New member
Here is an analogy. I know analogies are always perfect...but I hope this brings to the situation to light.

You have two neighbors (one on the right and one on the left). The one on the left tells everyone that he is a child molester and sees nothing wrong with it. The one the right tells everyone that they believe that child molesting is wrong. However, you have discovered that the one on the right actually supports the molestation of kids in certain circumstances.

Should you, the neighbor in the middle, expose the neighbor on the right? Or should you direct all of your efforts on the neighbor on the left?

Personally, I would focus 100% of my attention on the professed child molestor.


New member
All the while your other neighbors let the neighbor on your right babysit their kids.

That's their choice and responsibility.

I'm still going to focus all my attention on the one who has professed to molesting children in order to keep my own children safe.


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That's their choice and responsibility.

I'm still going to focus all my attention on the one who has professed to molesting children in order to keep my own children safe.

But they don't know that the person that they think is against molesting children actually condones it in some circumstances. Do you think it would be a responsible thing to warn your neighbors of the wolf in sheeps clothing?


New member
But they don't know that the person that they think is against molesting children actually condones it in some circumstances. Do you think it would be a responsible thing to warn your neighbors of the wolf in sheeps clothing?

You get rid of the wolf. In doing so, you're protecting all the children in the neighborhood.

I'm not going to waste my time on someone who simply has an opinion but has never acted on it.


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You get rid of the wolf. In doing so, you're protecting all the children in the neighborhood.

I'm not going to waste my time on someone who simply has an opinion but has never acted on it.

Again, the neighbor on the right, the one that you would not bother to expose, supports the molestation of kids in certain circumstances and you would not warn your neighbors about it?


New member
Again, the neighbor on the right, the one that you would not bother to expose, supports the molestation of kids in certain circumstances and you would not warn your neighbors about it?

Do you recall the story of the boy who cried wolf?

My warning is more likely to be ignored than heeded, especially if the neighbors are well-liked by the community. Their having an opinion about something, whether it be about perverted sex acts, a feeling of racial superiority, or battering women, is not a crime.

I'm still going to focus 100% of my attention on ridding my neighborhood of the person who is actively engaging in child molestation.


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Do you recall the story of the boy who cried wolf?

My warning is more likely to be ignored than heeded, especially if the neighbors are well-liked by the community. Their having an opinion about something, whether it be about perverted sex acts, a feeling of racial superiority, or battering women, is not a crime.

I'm still going to focus 100% of my attention on ridding my neighborhood of the person who is actively engaging in child molestation.

But that's the point...BOTH are! The only difference is that one is open about it and the other keeps it hidden.

In regards to the support of abortion. I am sure that neither Obama or Palin has ever been performed an abortion themselves. But BOTH support the killing of babies. One is outspoken about it and to the other it is a "dirty little secret".

You seem to not too bothered about those that support the killing of the unborn...every now and then.


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But that's the point...BOTH are! The only difference is that one is open about it and the other keeps it hidden.

In regards to the support of abortion. I am sure that neither Obama or Palin has ever been performed an abortion themselves. But BOTH support the killing of babies. One is outspoken about it and to the other it is a "dirty little secret".

You seem to not too bothered about those that support the killing of the unborn...every now and then.

This is another example of the ARTL apparently knowing the opinion of other people better than the actual individual in question.


Well-known member
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This is another example of the ARTL apparently knowing the opinion of other people better than the actual individual in question.

All you have to do is listen to what they have said, read what they wrote, or pay attention to who they support (appoint) in positions of power.


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All you have to do is listen to what they have said, read what they wrote, or pay attention to who they support (appoint) in positions of power.

I was referring more to your mind reading capabilities vis a vis Doc Johnson. Uri Geller's spoon bending has nothing on your powers of divination, chat.


The Dark Knight
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Abortion is Federal law. Appointing a state judge in Massachusetts or Maryland or Missouri will have zero impact on that.
If she's willing to do it on the state level she's willing to do it on the federal level, if she's ever elected...


New member
But that's the point...BOTH are! The only difference is that one is open about it and the other keeps it hidden.

If the wolf remains hidden, no one knows it exists. Even if a sheep indicates they have wolf tendencies, but those tendencies never manifest, the wolf remains hidden.

I'd much rather focus 100% of my attention on the wolf in plain sight.

If evidence arises that suggests the sheep is also engaging in wolf behavior, then I sound the alarm. Crying wolf without evidence of a wolf is self-defeating.


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If evidence arises that suggests the sheep is also engaging in wolf behavior, then I sound the alarm.

And that is the whole point of the protest against Palin. She IS engaging in the same behavior. That's the point! Those who protest are trying to sound the alarm. And while they are doing it they are being told not, or it's a waste of time, or they should put their efforts elsewhere, etc... and that's by the Christians who claim to be pro-life!!!
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