Bob Enyart a Hypocrite?

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(Peacock starts a thread at 6:00 am and then leaves for the salt mines. When he returns he finds an 18-page tome to peruse and thens gets in the last word next Tuesday.)


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
soothsayer said:
I don't think that is in the same league as peacock's "nit-picking."
Peacock is in a league of its own, true.

At least fool didn't start a whole thread about that one point.
Um... Actually that's exactly what he did. Did you click the link I posted?
But I do think that peacock was stretching a little in the OP.
That's a very mild, understated way of putting it.
There's no need to put words into Bob Enyart's mouth. If he IS a hypocrite, then peacock's point is not one of the reasons.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Peacock said:
:rotfl: I got me my second case of red rep! sweet!
Just don't catch that red name thing going around. (beware the one eyed man)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Turbo said:
Actually, I was referring to this.
I didn't call anybody a hypocrite in that thread did I?
I thought Bob's 10 oz. three month baby was an outrageous scenario, he could have solved the painless birth problem by positing some sort of endorphin mechanism.
A quick point on debates, if at a later time a claim that you made during a debate turns out not to be true then you can lose the debate retroactivly. That's the nice thing about bullitin boards, we have all the time in the world to examine peoples claims.
Having said that I'll now say this, I doubt I could talk an hour straight every day and have it be interesting. I wouldn't jump too hard on Bob if he slipped up on a fact or two, it's radio, you have to keep making the words come out.
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