Bob Debates Pastor Cox on Immorality

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Turbo said:
How many times did Pastor Cox begin his replies to Bob's questions with a few seconds of silence?

At least two that I can remember. Probably had to refer to his notes.


New member
Bob definitely did alot better in the debate, even though he is full of hot air.

Why didn't Cox bring up Bob's three marriages? That would have been freakin' hilarious!

Bob Enyart

Staff member
We plan to air the entire debate with Pastor Cox...

We plan to air the entire debate with Pastor Cox...

We plan to air the entire debate (three shows) with Pastor Cox beginning June 15th.

By the way, our road trip family vacation begins June 14th. We're going to Arches National Park in Utah, Monument Valley in Arizona, the Grand Canyon, to visit Dr. Walt Brown ( at his home in Phoenix, and to the Gulf of California in Mexico.

Also, thanks for the great comments about the debate with the Lutheran pastor. Also, we got a call from a couple who listened to the show in Santa Fe and said that they loved the debate with Cox, loved meaning that they were so happy that we were exposing the problem of pastors who are no longer faithful to God's Word. By the way, see the huge footprint (radio signal coverage) that KLTT has, but the call from Santa Fe is surprising.

Finally, I was going to respond to the question about my own immorality and failure at marriage, but others beat me to it.

-Bob Enyart


New member
i used to watch your show back when you were in indiana. best thing on. it would come on like around 12 central. why'd they take it off? lack of funds?


New member
The Bob/Cox debate was a joke. Cox was outclassed hands down. It was like listening to a cheerleader box George Foreman. I don't agree with much of what Bob says but he is sharp enough to deserve some real compitition. So many times I just wanted to jump in, push pastor Cox out of the way and at least put up a fight. And no that wasnt a challenge. I would just like to hear a real debate involving Bob instead of the slaughter I heard via the internet.


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Super Moderator
derek8570 said:
i used to watch your show back when you were in indiana. best thing on. it would come on like around 12 central. why'd they take it off? lack of funds?
That was basically the reason. The LeSea network gave Bob free air time because his show brought in so many new viewers who never watch Christian TV (like me). But when another ministry offered them money for the air time, well, they do have bills to pay so it was goodbye to Bob.


New member
Still doesnt seem to be a fair match "John Lofton meets Bob." Better though, thanks for the suggestion Jefferson. Any other suggestions out there?
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