It would be considered to be the crime of prostitution for the following reason. If a seducer had not been required to pay the girl's father the bride price, the reason would be that the father recognized his daughter was a whore, and also that he had been implicitly or even explicitly consenting to this. If her father knew that she was no longer a virgin, and still consented to her repeated contacts, he was thereby indentifying his own household as a house of prostitution. In Biblical societies, a prostitute was not simply a woman who charged money for sexual favors but rather anyone who experienced sex outside of marriage.Originally posted by Apollo
It’s a simple question: Under biblical law, what “crime” has an unmarried man and an unmarried non-virgin, emancipated woman committed by physically consummating their relationship?
What was the specific penalty for prostitution? The Bible doesn't say. We know that it was not the death penalty because if it was the death penalty, there would have been no need for a law prohibiting the high priest from marrying a prostitute (Leviticus 21:14). The Bible does not provide every single law for every possible violation people could commit. If it did, it would take a library. Instead, the Bible gives us laws for several different crimes in various catagories and then God expects us to use the brain He gave us to apply those Biblical principles to similar offenses.
To conclude that since the Bible says nothing about shooting heroin or snorting cocaine that therefore it should be legal is a juvenile delinquent's hermaneutic. So-called "victimless crimes" (like prostitution or fornication between 2 unmarried adults) are not victimless. If a society does not at least fine such behavior and stigmatize it, then such behavior will become rampant (as we have seen in the U.S.) and such rampant behavior causes epidemics of sexually transmitted diseases, rising health care costs, lost wages, broken families, etc., etc., etc., which society as a whole is victimized by and whose children have to grow up in such a society. Therefore, these so-called "victimless crimes" should at least have fines attached to them.