CRASH said:
My question is very straightforward and valid. Your question gets to a different subject.
I am asking about principle as it relates to a justice system administered by a government.
Your question comes down to individual morality and or preference.
Answer my question and I will honestly answer yours!
I don't think my question is all that different! The principle is, shall the guilty, benefit from the "goodheartedness of the righteous, and one innocent person!
That is what terrorist kidnappers are betting on.
Similarly, those who oppose the death penalty, are holding the one "proverbial" innocent person hostage, to the thousands they will set free!
The only way I can answer it is through the golden rule! If I am the innocent hostage in either case you may kill me, so that the guilty will not go free!
That is how I say, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Since I can say this for myself, then I can say it for the others. I would have the one innocent falsely accused murderer put to death, if it will insure the guilty are also put to death.
The end result is that more innocent lives will be saved by the execution of one innocent, than the freeing of that same one! I could truly, "rest in peace."
When liberals apply the golden rule to themselves they either would free "themselves", or they would picture their "own" child in the same situation. Out of love, they must answer yes to your question.