Bob Asks Ann Coulter About Conservative Godlessness

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CRASH said:
Does it work at Starbucks?

Tragically, no. Of course like many things from Seattle we all know Starbucks is overpriced, unreliable, and a blight upon humanity.

Answer to the riddle? Here's a hint...I ain't talking about the Seahawks. :devil:

And here's something on topic...I think Coulter gets a lot absolutely right and I admire her style (though lately she's been going waaay too far with ye olde hyperbole). That said I think much of what is valuable in her message is lost by the way she deliberately sets out to infuriate as many listeners as possible. There is such a thing as dabbing a slight amount of honey to your rhetoric.


New member
I think it was funny when Bob said he wanted to ask her a question he tried to asked her in a previous interview & Ann promptly responded "and I weaseled out of it", (as if that is a normal, vaild response to getting pressed on an issue) ...that was not the case...however at the end of the show Ann was quick to weasel out when presented a simple moral question about judges violating "do not murder" in favor of process.
Therefore despite all the good things Ann pointed out, Ann = Weasel. Gee Ann, imagine being a guest on a talk show where the host asks you a question on a slightly different, although clearly reated, topic to get to the heart of your position.

CRASH said:
Great show Bob! Bravo. Once again you exposed the liberal in the conserative!


Well-known member
I thought she did pretty well. At least better than the last idiot who wrote the book about people ruining America, and I think she even did better than Larry Bates! She did answer that judges should follow 'do not murder' before precedent. And she did not defend the killing of Baby 10 (she just refused to comment until she could look at info first hand.) Bob thought that was reasonable and so do I.


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Jukia said:
Uh, right. So how is it you explain those people who were on death row, based on the evidence of witnesses, who have recently been exonerated by DNA evidence?...
This is another sad unfortunate consequence of a "justice system" that is really "just-a-system".
If we were to institute a righteous system of justice where capital offenders were swiftly executed, God promises us we would not have a crime epidemic. At least in principle, wouldn't you agree that IF we did not have a crime epidemic with over 20K anual murders...let's say we only had 10 murders/year due to the deterrent of swift execution...Would it not be much less likely that law enforcement would "get the wrong guy"? Of course it would be much less likely. Given our current crime epidemic, resulting from a broken, Godless justice system and the extremely high case load pressuring officers to arrest "someone", "anyone" coming close to the is no wonder that they occasionally "get the wrong guy"'s all part of the broken system. Liberals always cry about the "innocent" people on death row....well if we did not have a "death row" (where the leading cause of death is old age) then no "innocent" people would be on it. We should honor and obey God by protecting those that should live and swiftly execute those that should not be kept alive. I realize this is off-topic for the thread, but if you want, you can start a new one... ;)
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GuySmiley said:
...And she did not defend the killing of Baby 10 (she just refused to comment until she could look at info first hand.) Bob thought that was reasonable and so do I.
As do I GS, if she will do'd be really neat if she wrote a column on this after checking on the case...She could title it "I repent for supporting Priscilla Owen"...


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truthteller: I have no desire to start a new thread. I find your post to be totally wacko, hows that for a legal term?
so if capital offenders were to be swiftly executed then God promises us no crime epidemic? Where did that come from?
And if we swiftly executed all those convicted of capital crimes, in order to what? make God happy? what would that do to those who managed to get convicted but were really not guilty--see prior DNA comments. Oh, yeah, it would make them dead. But I guess if it makes your God happy all is well.

No thanks, you can keep that God for yourself.


Well-known member
truthteller86 said:
As do I GS, if she will do'd be really neat if she wrote a column on this after checking on the case...She could title it "I repent for supporting Priscilla Owen"...
It would be great if she actually looks into it and comments. But if she comes out defending Owen. . .:mad: , you're gonna think CRASH is treating her with kid gloves!


New member
Jukia said:
truthteller: I have no desire to start a new thread. I find your post to be totally wacko, hows that for a legal term?
That's because you hate God (Jesus Christ)
Jukia said:
so if capital offenders were to be swiftly executed then God promises us no crime epidemic? Where did that come from?
Doesn't really matter...see above

Jukia said:
And if we swiftly executed all those convicted of capital crimes, in order to what? make God happy? what would that do to those who managed to get convicted but were really not guilty--see prior DNA comments. Oh, yeah, it would make them dead. But I guess if it makes your God happy all is well.

No thanks, you can keep that God for yourself.
Dear God,
Please allow me to be present on Judgement Day to participate in reminding Jukia of this reply and watching you respond accordingly. Amen.
PS: I would really prefer that Jukia repent, but just in case, my original request stands.


New member
Or Dear God, please let truthseeker really find the truth.
Or let him recall the "Let him without sin cast the first stone" comment. Methinks your judgmental group here forgets that.

Its so nice to know that someone can make the comment about me hating God when he has no real clue.


TOL Subscriber
Jukia said:
Uh, right. So how is it you explain those people who were on death row, based on the evidence of witnesses, who have recently been exonerated by DNA evidence?

And I am sure that if you or yours ever get in a jam you will be competent to represent yourself---God forbid you retain counsel.

I explain it by....lawyers!

The worst judges become lawyers. And the anti-Christian jury system. Justice by committee is downright stupid. It is very easy to explain really.

Of course I would need a lawyer! That's how the wicked lawyers designed it! It has nothing to do with right or wrong or justice, just who has the enough money to pay a good liar. I mean, lawyer.


TOL Subscriber
Jukia said:
Or Dear God, please let truthseeker really find the truth.
Or let him recall the "Let him without sin cast the first stone" comment. Methinks your judgmental group here forgets that.

Its so nice to know that someone can make the comment about me hating God when he has no real clue.

Don't you love it when the non-Christian hits you over the head with a bible verse mis- applied from God's Word which they hate and reject! What a crack up!:crackup:


New member
Jukia said:
Or Dear God, please let truthseeker really find the truth.
Or let him recall the "Let him without sin cast the first stone" comment. Methinks your judgmental group here forgets that.

Its so nice to know that someone can make the comment about me hating God when he has no real clue.
I'm sorry, were you quoting a Bible verse? Well in that case. I am very sorry Jukia for saying such unjust and completely unsubstantiated things about you in my previous post. You are right...I should never cast stones, just like Jesus said, because I am not without sin... Oh and He said "don't judge" so please forgive me of that too.... You're right, I has no real clue. I bet you really love and honor Jesus Christ and His Word. I'm gonna start reading my Bible more carefully. God, I take back my previous request and change it to ask you if there's any way possible... In the words of our beloved brother, Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"... And also, in the words of that song title I can't recall just now..."What the world needs now is love sweet love". Amen.
Wow, I feel much better now. Thanks Jukia. I hope we can be just friends and respect everyone here on TOL regardless of their worldview. Oh, and BTW... I'm gonna try & get down to the local County lock up and offer to help a few convicted felons with their appeals. I love TOL. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You for making me a better human. :Sotk+Ju: :flamer: :the_wave: :straight: :banana:


TOL Subscriber
truthteller86 said:
That's because you hate God (Jesus Christ)
Doesn't really matter...see above

Dear God,
Please allow me to be present on Judgement Day to participate in reminding Jukia of this reply and watching you respond accordingly. Amen.
PS: I would really prefer that Jukia repent, but just in case, my original request stands.

Dear Lord,
I am not worthy. Can I please be there too?


TOL Subscriber
truthteller86 said:
This is another sad unfortunate consequence of a "justice system" that is really "just-a-system".
If we were to institute a righteous system of justice where capital offenders were swiftly executed, God promises us we would not have a crime epidemic. At least in principle, wouldn't you agree that IF we did not have a crime epidemic with over 20K anual murders...let's say we only had 10 murders/year due to the deterrent of swift execution...Would it not be much less likely that law enforcement would "get the wrong guy"? Of course it would be much less likely. Given our current crime epidemic, resulting from a broken, Godless justice system and the extremely high case load pressuring officers to arrest "someone", "anyone" coming close to the is no wonder that they occasionally "get the wrong guy"'s all part of the broken system. Liberals always cry about the "innocent" people on death row....well if we did not have a "death row" (where the leading cause of death is old age) then no "innocent" people would be on it. We should honor and obey God by protecting those that should live and swiftly execute those that should not be kept alive. I realize this is off-topic for the thread, but if you want, you can start a new one... ;)

The big problem with this whole scenario is that there will not be a crime epidemic anymore!

And if there is no crime epidemic lots of lawyers will lose their jobs!

So basically, lawyers are like maggots feeding off the dead rot of our broken just-a-system!

Any system where lots of people (including lawyers who don’t know right from wrong) make more money when there is more crime is a bad system. In fact, ours is the worst system in the world! The highest violent crime rate in the world, the highest incarceration rate, the highest murder and rape rates, homos spreading their filth in every gutter, a million abortions per year, obvious murder’s getting off Scott free because of their evil lawyers.

The Worst, I tell ya!! And it's all because of the Lawyers!!!
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TOL Subscriber
Jukia said:
truthteller: I have no desire to start a new thread. I find your post to be totally wacko, hows that for a legal term?
so if capital offenders were to be swiftly executed then God promises us no crime epidemic? Where did that come from?
And if we swiftly executed all those convicted of capital crimes, in order to what? make God happy? what would that do to those who managed to get convicted but were really not guilty--see prior DNA comments. Oh, yeah, it would make them dead. But I guess if it makes your God happy all is well.
No thanks, you can keep that God for yourself.

Would you let a thousand guilty murderers go free just to save the life of one unjustly convicted murderer?


CRASH said:
Would you let a thousand guilty murderers go free just to save the life of one unjustly convicted murderer?

That is what the Palestinians are asking the Jewish Government to do right now. {A figurative thousand}
The dilemna should be rephrased this way. If YOU are the innocent person sentenced to death, would you be willing to die so that a thousand guilty murderers would die along side you? Or will you be willing to set yourself free, alongside the thousand and be reponsible for the murders they commit in the future, because you set them free?


TOL Subscriber
jeremiah said:
That is what the Palestinians are asking the Jewish Government to do right now. {A figurative thousand}
The dilemna should be rephrased this way. If YOU are the innocent person sentenced to death, would you be willing to die so that a thousand guilty murderers would die along side you? Or will you be willing to set yourself free, alongside the thousand and be reponsible for the murders they commit in the future, because you set them free?

My question is very straightforward and valid. Your question gets to a different subject.

I am asking about principle as it relates to a justice system administered by a government.

Your question comes down to individual morality and or preference.

Answer my question and I will honestly answer yours!


CRASH said:
My question is very straightforward and valid. Your question gets to a different subject.

I am asking about principle as it relates to a justice system administered by a government.

Your question comes down to individual morality and or preference.

Answer my question and I will honestly answer yours!

I don't think my question is all that different! The principle is, shall the guilty, benefit from the "goodheartedness of the righteous, and one innocent person!
That is what terrorist kidnappers are betting on.
Similarly, those who oppose the death penalty, are holding the one "proverbial" innocent person hostage, to the thousands they will set free!
The only way I can answer it is through the golden rule! If I am the innocent hostage in either case you may kill me, so that the guilty will not go free!
That is how I say, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Since I can say this for myself, then I can say it for the others. I would have the one innocent falsely accused murderer put to death, if it will insure the guilty are also put to death.
The end result is that more innocent lives will be saved by the execution of one innocent, than the freeing of that same one! I could truly, "rest in peace."
When liberals apply the golden rule to themselves they either would free "themselves", or they would picture their "own" child in the same situation. Out of love, they must answer yes to your question.


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I'd agree with Crash that the system is warped, but a trial by jury with fair representation is in and of itself not an intrinsically wicked idea.


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So sorry, forgot you fundies have a lock on scriptural interpretation. But since it usually starts with a literal interpretation of Genesis--I believe you to be incorrect.
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