Boastful Christians


So, we/you need to obey "all Jesus teaching" to be saved?

Yes, or no.

What teachings do you obey?

Because 'none' means you're Hell bound- you can sit there and yell 'LORD LORD' all day, but if you are lawless than you're simply without God.

You people are unreal- join a real church and get baptized before you all talk yourselves into something even worse. Seriousy, there is no Christianity with you all, just functioning atheism followed by BEAM ME UP SCOTTY :wave2:


What teachings do you obey?

Because 'none' means you're Hell bound- you can sit there and yell 'LORD LORD' all day, but if you are lawless than you're simply without God.

You people are unreal- join a real church and get baptized before you all talk yourselves into something even worse. Seriousy, there is no Christianity with you all, just functioning atheism followed by BEAM ME UP SCOTTY :wave2:

[MENTION=18375]Evil.Eye.<(I)>[/MENTION] gives Crucible the benefit of the doubt and opens up his post, despite his being on ignore.

# Stupid [MENTION=18375]Evil.Eye.<(I)>[/MENTION]
# Ignore reinforced

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
What teachings do you obey?

Because 'none' means you're Hell bound- you can sit there and yell 'LORD LORD' all day, but if you are lawless than you're simply without God.

You people are unreal- join a real church and get baptized before you all talk yourselves into something even worse. Seriousy, there is no Christianity with you all, just functioning atheism followed by BEAM ME UP SCOTTY :wave2:
Quite irrelevant what teachings I obey, to her argument, moron.

Stay out of the way, as you are clueless on the art of debating/disputing/persuading, or are just too stupid, to understand an opponent's argument.

My evidence? You.


Quite irrelevant what teachings I obey, to her argument, moron.

Stay out of the way, as you are clueless on the art of debating/disputing/persuading, or are just too stupid, to understand an opponent's argument.

My evidence? You.

I have officially dubbed Crucible the Real 2509.

I have elevated you to the title "Biblical Bruce Lee". Though I know... Rock... Rifleman is sufficient.



No problem... I'll just say my piece. The furnace is an allegory for faith. Our bodies and this life are the fire. Only the Spiritual presence of Jesus within us (Rm. 8:9 & Act 1:1-12) can bring us safely through that fire.

We can be as confident as Shadrach, Meshach and Abindnego were, in the furnace, in reference to our salvation.

It is severely allegorical towards many other Biblical matters... but... this one pertains to you and your OP.


No problem... I'll just say my piece. The furnace is an allegory for faith. Our bodies and this life is the fire. Only the Spiritual presence of Jesus within us (Rm. 8:9 & Act 1:1-12) can bring us safely through that fire.

We can be as confident as Shadrach, Meshach and Abindnego were, in the furnace, in reference to our salvation.

It is severely allegorical towards many other Biblical matters... but... this one pertains to you and your OP.

thanks:) good day.


We better watch out if we are claiming to be sinless, saved and obey all His teaching.

Because if we are making accusation wrongfully, we will have a big problem with Jesus Christ.

John says if you claim to be sinless, you are a liar and truth is not in you.


We better watch out if we are claiming to be sinless, saved and obey all His teaching.

Because if we are making accusation wrongfully, we will have a big problem with Jesus Christ.

John says if you claim to be sinless, you are a liar and truth is not in you.

It doesn't depend on us... it depends on Him... as do the ones you are also assaulting.

The Gospel in a nutshell