

New member
Jesus is not a mere man. Atheists and others acknowledge there is something different about Jesus every time they swear using his name. There is no power in swearing in the name of Obama, Ghandi or Mohammed... But there is something about Jesus that is different. Unbelievers inadvertently acknowledging there is power when they swear using the name of Jesus, God, Christ etc.
Agree? Or what is the reason people blaspheme?


Dear 6days,

I think because they think twice about what they are saying, but then they figure, whatever. They are in a habit of someone before them that they learned it from, using the same words. Do you know what I mean? It is like a learned condition from someone before you, like a relative.

Praise The Lord!!



New member
Jesus is not a mere man. Atheists and others acknowledge there is something different about Jesus every time they swear using his name.
Ummmm keep dreaming. It's a common phrase among Christians (who don't seem to fear the whole "name in vain" god anger...) that we can't help but pick up.

Unless there is something special about fornication (f word) or faeces or... you get the picture. Do you really want to associate your god with THAT...?

There is no power in swearing in the name of Obama, Ghandi or Mohammed...
But there is power behind fornicating faeces?!?!?! (f-word & s-word, often said in conjunction)

Seriously did you think this through?

FYI I almost never say Jesus anyway. I do occasionally ask god to damn things but the phrase tends to get compressed so it sounds like a single word. Do you have some better swearing which has similar meaning and wont sound weird?
Unbelievers inadvertently acknowledging there is power when they swear using the name of Jesus, God, Christ etc.
I acknowledge the power of fornicating, faeces and fudgsicles too. And blood (Aussies tend to say "bloody" a lot in their swearing). And the sons of female dogs.

Do you acknowledge their power too? What words do you use to swear? (You reeeeaaaallllyyyy didn't think this through did you?)
Agree? Or what is the reason people blaspheme?
I'm curious as to why Christians (who are the source of all this cursing generally) constantly take their god's name in vain thereby implicitly admitting that they do not fear him. Why is that?


New member
They are in a habit of someone before them that they learned it from, using the same words. Do you know what I mean? It is like a learned condition from someone before you, like a relative.
That is exactly what is happening Michael. Good job :thumb: (why can't 6days figure that out on his own too?)


New member
The Devil is the Prince of the POWER of the Airwaves.

The Devil and his buddies Broadcast cursings against god.

Notice that the Antichrist Blasphemes all the time.

Eph 2:2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world,

according to the prince of the power of the air,

the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
Da 7:8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

Re 13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies;

and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

Re 13:6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.


Jesus is not a mere man. Atheists and others acknowledge there is something different about Jesus every time they swear using his name. There is no power in swearing in the name of Obama, Ghandi or Mohammed... But there is something about Jesus that is different. Unbelievers inadvertently acknowledging there is power when they swear using the name of Jesus, God, Christ etc.
Agree? Or what is the reason people blaspheme?
Atheism is the same as none that understands. You're an atheist and living of free will


New member
Ummmm keep dreaming. It's a common phrase among Christians (who don't seem to fear the whole "name in vain" god anger...) that we can't help but pick up.
True... I was almost going to add similar words to the OP. I wonder why some Christians take so lightly the words they use.

Perhaps not a question for an atheist, but I wonder about those such as Sarah Palin who lightly use words such as 'Halelujah'?
Unless there is something special about fornication (f word) or faeces or... you get the picture. Do you really want to associate your god with THAT...?
Sure... there is a reason those words are used. People feel their words are more powerful if they can add some words that might offend some. (And yes, after awhile it just becomes habit)

patrick jane

Jesus is not a mere man. Atheists and others acknowledge there is something different about Jesus every time they swear using his name. There is no power in swearing in the name of Obama, Ghandi or Mohammed... But there is something about Jesus that is different. Unbelievers inadvertently acknowledging there is power when they swear using the name of Jesus, God, Christ etc.
Agree? Or what is the reason people blaspheme?

In anger they get a good feeling by cursing God or Jesus, by showing that they are so angry they don't even care if they blaspheme. They do it for extreme shock value and to display their disdain for God.


New member
True... I was almost going to add similar words to the OP. I wonder why some Christians take so lightly the words they use.
Some is an understatement. The overwhelming majority would be more accurate but I get your point that not all Christians do so (i assumed you don't)
Perhaps not a question for an atheist, but I wonder about those such as Sarah Palin who lightly use words such as 'Halelujah'?
I would take a bet that they don't actually understands what they're saying (even though they think they do)
Sure... there is a reason those words are used. People feel their words are more powerful if they can add some words that might offend some. (And yes, after awhile it just becomes habit)
So you understand now that it has nothing to do with atheists thinking the words have power but just habit handed down from generations of swearing blasphemous Christians?


New member
In anger they get a good feeling by cursing God or Jesus, by showing that they are so angry they don't even care if they blaspheme. They do it for extreme shock value and to display their disdain for God.

Short answer: no, that is not why I use those words. Not even close (see other posts for further detail)

patrick jane

Short answer: no, that is not why I use those words. Not even close (see other posts for further detail)

Long answer: yes, I'm speaking of using God's name in anger. There are countless reasons and I named a few. I don't care why YOU use them.



Dear Patrick Jane & Tyrathca,

Now, you two should quit arguing and be friends. I don't use curse words in my life normally, but there have been a few times I've used them nevertheless. Usually it was out of anger, to be honest. That is what makes them come out of me most, if not all, of the time.

Tyrathca, are you male or female? You have an unusual name.

God's Blessings Be Upon You Both,


:guitar: :singer: :singer: :cloud9: :angel: :cloud9: :angel: :cloud9:


New member
Dear Patrick Jane & Tyrathca,

Now, you two should quit arguing and be friends.
How about no

Not until he stops saying stupid things at least.
Tyrathca, are you male or female? You have an unusual name.
Male. I took the name out of a sci-fi novel, I thought the name sounded interesting although I have no particular attachment to what it named. I tend to choose usernames from whatever I'm reading at the time of making the account.