

I received an infraction for this post of mine...

Original Post:
It's impossible to blaspheme Allah

Allah = Yahweh = the only living being.

Allah is the God. Ask any Coptic Christian. The Prophet used it to refer to the God of Abraham and the Quran makes that exceptionally clear. Allah is not friction. He is the Father in Heaven.

This was the reason apparently:

Inzl Kett said:
Dear Repentance,

You have received an infraction at Theology Online | Christian Forums & More.

Reason: Intentional blasphemy
TOL is a Christian forum. You will not equate Allah with Yahweh. Take this drek someplace else.


This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.


All the best,
Theology Online | Christian Forums & More

I think the reason is dumb ( even if we assume that TO is a Christian forum and only that) for these reasons of mine:

1. Blasphemy? This is a religious forum and posters have the right to post up their beliefs. If someone has a problem with that he or she should engage the particular poster and discuss his or her views.

2. Coptic Christians are Christians. They will fully agree with me that Allah = Yahweh.

3. Where will the line be drawn? What if I declare that Jesus is not the Son of God. Would you just warn me without discussing/debating/engaging with me?

What are your thoughts? Is this just a mistake?


New member
I received an infraction for this post of mine...

Original Post:

This was the reason apparently:

I think the reason is dumb ( even if we assume that TO is a Christian forum and only that) for these reasons of mine:

1. Blasphemy? This is a religious forum and posters have the right to post up their beliefs. If someone has a problem with that he or she should engage the particular poster and discuss his or her views.

2. Coptic Christians are Christians. They will fully agree with me that Allah = Yahweh.

3. Where will the line be drawn? What if I declare that Jesus is not the Son of God. Would you just warn me without discussing/debating/engaging with me?

What are your thoughts? Is this just a mistake?

I believe most Coptic Christians live in Muslim controlled territories?
They wouldn't dare state outloud that Allah is not the same as Yahweh. Coptic Christians are persecuted and their freedom of worship is restricted under Islamic Theocracies.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it must be the same God
two people believe there is only one God
to equate their perception of God is not necessarily accurate
could be considered offensive


Well-known member
1. Blasphemy? This is a religious forum and posters have the right to post up their beliefs. If someone has a problem with that he or she should engage the particular poster and discuss his or her views.

2. Coptic Christians are Christians. They will fully agree with me that Allah = Yahweh.

3. Where will the line be drawn? What if I declare that Jesus is not the Son of God. Would you just warn me without discussing/debating/engaging with me?

What are your thoughts? Is this just a mistake?
Not a mistake. Mods rules are final and, the rules admit up front, occasionally selective looking (though I happen to agree with Inzl). If you have a problem with that, ask Knight what the startup costs for your own board would be.

You were banned before under at least one other username. Is getting banned repeatedly a hobby or a fetish for you?


Well-known member
And no, they're not remotely the same deity. Almost none of their characteristics and attributes align. Only fools on both sides, who are ignorant or have an agenda, try to insist they're the same.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And no, they're not remotely the same deity. Almost none of their characteristics and attributes align. Only fools on both sides, who are ignorant or have an agenda, try to insist they're the same.

so do you believe in two gods?


Not a mistake. Mods rules are final and, the rules admit up front, occasionally selective looking (though I happen to agree with Inzl). If you have a problem with that, ask Knight what the startup costs for your own board would be.

You were banned before under at least one other username. Is getting banned repeatedly a hobby or a fetish for you?

By Yahweh I think I wasn't. This is my one and only account here.

And I think this is kinda stupid. I can't even explain why I think YHWH = Allah when I get warned for simply saying so.


it must be the same God
two people believe there is only one God
to equate their perception of God is not necessarily accurate
could be considered offensive

But this is a forum for discussion and debate. You can't just call me off for something offensive and I don't even think this is offensive at all.

By saying that Yahweh = Allah, I am saying that Yahweh is only the Father in Heaven and in no form/whatever is he some sort of trinune God. Christians here think of Allah as some sort of alien or tribal or moon god, while in reality everything points to Allah being the Father in heaven and that this concept was tarnished by him being associated with other beings or with children or with divine intercessors.


I believe most Coptic Christians live in Muslim controlled territories?
They wouldn't dare state outloud that Allah is not the same as Yahweh. Coptic Christians are persecuted and their freedom of worship is restricted under Islamic Theocracies.

Their earliest Arabic Bibles were pre-Islamic and called their God as Allah. ALL Arabic-speaking Christians claim to worship Allah. Muslims consider it blasphemy when they say that Christ is the Allah, that Ruh-ul-Qudus (Holy Spirit) is Allah and the Father in Heaven is Allah while at the same time considering Allah as an "ilahu-wahid" - "One God". When I say that Yahweh is Allah, for them it would seem like duh. But for you'll - you are quick to be judgemental and speak of things you have no knowledge of. Yahweh = Allah and the Islamic Allah is only the father in heaven and no one else.


And no, they're not remotely the same deity. Almost none of their characteristics and attributes align. Only fools on both sides, who are ignorant or have an agenda, try to insist they're the same.

Give me an example how the Islamic God differs from the Father in Heaven in attributes and in his own nature, while ignoring the obvious that the Islamic God is One in all sense with no partner or son. You'll soon be arguing for the notion that the God of St.Paul is fundamentally different to the God of the Tanach.


New member
I received an infraction for this post of mine...

Original Post:

This was the reason apparently:

I think the reason is dumb ( even if we assume that TO is a Christian forum and only that) for these reasons of mine:

1. Blasphemy? This is a religious forum and posters have the right to post up their beliefs. If someone has a problem with that he or she should engage the particular poster and discuss his or her views.

2. Coptic Christians are Christians. They will fully agree with me that Allah = Yahweh.

3. Where will the line be drawn? What if I declare that Jesus is not the Son of God. Would you just warn me without discussing/debating/engaging with me?

What are your thoughts? Is this just a mistake?

Blaspheme has "TWO" types of Condemnations.

Just Speaking Negatively; - AND "Being Negative".

Speaking Blaspheme is Just saying bad things of "ANYONE" including GOD, and Can be Repented Of.

Blaspheme by ( "Being Negative" ), IS "Being" Anything other than what the Truth // Christ Demands one it BE, which IS a "False Christian", not just the Talk!!! -- Being "IN" The Condemnation can Never be Changed. There is No "WAY" of Deliverance from THAT - "WHO" You "ARE"!!

(( DONE ))!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 011515


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
But this is a forum for discussion and debate. You can't just call me off for something offensive and I don't even think this is offensive at all.

By saying that Yahweh = Allah, I am saying that Yahweh is only the Father in Heaven and in no form/whatever is he some sort of trinune God. Christians here think of Allah as some sort of alien or tribal or moon god, while in reality everything points to Allah being the Father in heaven and that this concept was tarnished by him being associated with other beings or with children or with divine intercessors.

do you think we are being too sensitive?

somebody must die
mohammed is tarnished


New member
I received an infraction for this post of mine...

What are your thoughts? Is this just a mistake?

Inzl is a woman not just a Mod. She is going to see through eyes that most likely were made able to be a helpmeet and a mom. IOW shes going to look at things here like that - protectively, and with an eye to the future. You know women can be like this, yes?
So this is what I think. And you would have to be careful - just as we all are, or should be.


New member
Having heard a Saudi Christian pastor pray in his native language, this entire argument seems entirely semantic.
And thus ridiculous.

Especially because it reveals in non-Arabic speaking people a complete ignorance of language.

If I had a friend who only spoke Arabic who had just lost his job, I would encourage him with a hug and "Allah bidabbir".
This would be the case whether my friend was Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, or Pastafarian.
Because I believe that God will provide, and that is how that phrase is spoken in the language.

Christians whose first language is Arabic pray to Allah.
Ancient Hebrews and not-as-ancient Jews prayed to YWH, or more accurately Adonai.

Of course, American church people have a major fly up their butts about any kind of connection between themselves and the other major monotheistic religion, and have decided that the Arabic word for "God" can't EVER be used for THEIR God, even after being shown that it is a direct translation of the word which Arab Christians use all the time.

...even though they have no problem singing songs in Yiddish in church services, but maybe that's just because they want to encourage their only ally in the Middle East, even though that alliance has in no way benefited our country, and made enemies of nations who otherwise wouldn't care.

I refer those who fear and hate any claims that Christians, Jews, and Muslims worship the same God to C.S. Lewis:

"When you come to knowing God, the initiative lies on His side. If He does not show Himself, nothing you can do will enable you to find Him. And, in fact, He shows much more of Himself to some people than to others—not because He has favourites, but because it is impossible for Him to show Himself to a man whose whole mind and character are in the wrong condition. Just as sunlight, though it has no favourites, cannot be reflected in a dusty mirror as clearly as in a clean one.
You can put this another way by saying that while in other sciences the instruments you use are things external to yourself (things like microscopes and telescopes), the instrument through which you see God is your whole self. And if a man’s self is not kept clean and bright, his glimpse of God will be blurred—like the Moon seen through a dirty telescope. That is why horrible nations have horrible religions: they have been looking at God through a dirty lens."

That some see God more clearly does not mean that all are not looking at Him.
That some American church people pray for a new car or more money does not mean they are directing those inadequate prayers to an idol.
That some Irish church people pray for the deaths of other Irish church people because they go to a different church does not mean they are praying to the air over their heads.
That some Arabic Muslims pray for the deaths of those they deem their enemies does not mean they are worshiping demons.

All of us only know in part and we prophesy in part, and it behooves us to bring our parts together that we may know fully through the presence of God.
Those who claim to know in full look through the eye of a needle and think they see the whole world.


New member
Having heard a Saudi Christian pastor pray in his native language, this entire argument seems entirely semantic.
And thus ridiculous.

Especially because it reveals in non-Arabic speaking people a complete ignorance of language.

If I had a friend who only spoke Arabic who had just lost his job, I would encourage him with a hug and "Allah bidabbir".
This would be the case whether my friend was Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, or Pastafarian.
Because I believe that God will provide, and that is how that phrase is spoken in the language.

Christians whose first language is Arabic pray to Allah.
Ancient Hebrews and not-as-ancient Jews prayed to YWH, or more accurately Adonai.

Of course, American church people have a major fly up their butts about any kind of connection between themselves and the other major monotheistic religion, and have decided that the Arabic word for "God" can't EVER be used for THEIR God, even after being shown that it is a direct translation of the word which Arab Christians use all the time.

...even though they have no problem singing songs in Yiddish in church services, but maybe that's just because they want to encourage their only ally in the Middle East, even though that alliance has in no way benefited our country, and made enemies of nations who otherwise wouldn't care.

I refer those who fear and hate any claims that Christians, Jews, and Muslims worship the same God to C.S. Lewis:

"When you come to knowing God, the initiative lies on His side. If He does not show Himself, nothing you can do will enable you to find Him. And, in fact, He shows much more of Himself to some people than to others—not because He has favourites, but because it is impossible for Him to show Himself to a man whose whole mind and character are in the wrong condition. Just as sunlight, though it has no favourites, cannot be reflected in a dusty mirror as clearly as in a clean one.
You can put this another way by saying that while in other sciences the instruments you use are things external to yourself (things like microscopes and telescopes), the instrument through which you see God is your whole self. And if a man’s self is not kept clean and bright, his glimpse of God will be blurred—like the Moon seen through a dirty telescope. That is why horrible nations have horrible religions: they have been looking at God through a dirty lens."

That some see God more clearly does not mean that all are not looking at Him.
That some American church people pray for a new car or more money does not mean they are directing those inadequate prayers to an idol.
That some Irish church people pray for the deaths of other Irish church people because they go to a different church does not mean they are praying to the air over their heads.
That some Arabic Muslims pray for the deaths of those they deem their enemies does not mean they are worshiping demons.

All of us only know in part and we prophesy in part, and it behooves us to bring our parts together that we may know fully through the presence of God.
Those who claim to know in full look through the eye of a needle and think they see the whole world.



Praise God.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I received an infraction for this post of mine...

Original Post:

This was the reason apparently:

I think the reason is dumb ( even if we assume that TO is a Christian forum and only that) for these reasons of mine:

1. Blasphemy? This is a religious forum and posters have the right to post up their beliefs. If someone has a problem with that he or she should engage the particular poster and discuss his or her views.

2. Coptic Christians are Christians. They will fully agree with me that Allah = Yahweh.

3. Where will the line be drawn? What if I declare that Jesus is not the Son of God. Would you just warn me without discussing/debating/engaging with me?

What are your thoughts? Is this just a mistake?

This is still a "Christian based" forum and therefore, comes
with a bias! If what you say is disrespectful towards Christianity,
you are taking a chance of being banned! If you don't happen
to like that idea then, go to a Muslim forum! It's your choice?