It's been my experience that when a Black person attacks an Asian person the encounter is fueled very specifically by sub-par hair extensions or a bad pedicure.
The black fathers are being a lot more rational than you might think. One can see a similar Trend when we consider slavery in the South. There was slavery in the North and the South, but the slavery in the South became an institution and in the North it just petered out. The reason that it petered out in the North can be largely attributed to manumissions. Manumissions in the north was largely from the buying of slaves out of slavery. They were able to be bought out because their labor was more valuable as a free man than a Slave. When this is allowed to happen, since a free man is more productive than a Slave, the north simply did not make laws against a slave in a fact buying himself out of slavery.Where are the black fathers?
Any time government leaders rule without God the result is bad. God never condoned slavery of the type Southern Democrats practiced, fought for, and defended to the death.The black fathers are being a lot more rational than you might think. One can see a similar Trend when we consider slavery in the South. There was slavery in the North and the South, but the slavery in the South became an institution and in the North it just petered out. The reason that it petered out in the North can be largely attributed to manumissions. Manumissions in the north was largely from the buying of slaves out of slavery. They were able to be bought out because their labor was more valuable as a free man than a Slave. When this is allowed to happen, since a free man is more productive than a Slave, the north simply did not make laws against a slave in a fact buying himself out of slavery. This was not the case in the south. In the South both manumissions and also conscripting labor to trackdown runaway slaves became the norm and it was a domino that led to the Civil War. This is also the case with black men not taking on the role of fatherhood. The laws are such that being a father, more affecting in the black community than other communities, is a bad deal. So here again it is not the black fathers, it is not the communities, it is not the people being ruled, it is our rulers that create an environment that encourages the delinquency of fathers. We should be railing against the government and not against black fathers.
This guy tells it better than I can although the people who need to hear this won't listen to him any more than they listened to me. The overwhelming majority of the "increase" in hate crimes against Asians as provided by FBI data is from black perpetrators. Not Trump supporting racist white supremacists.
Trigger warning for retarded libs: use of logic, reason, data and intelligent analysis ahead.
9:45 White people are not the root of all evil
Asians - the woke left is not your friend
Stinking black racist thieves. Idiot spokespeople for leftist perversion of justice claim that pointing out the fact that the Wuhan virus came from Wuhan is driving blacks to murder Asians. What an outrageously stupid thing to say.These guys are obviously white supremacist Trump supporters!
From only 13% of the population.Black perpetrators were responsible for 69% of physical or verbal assaults
America is turning away from God at alarmingly increasing rates. Barbaric savagery is to be expected from the ungodly.
Americans Against Antisemitism (AAA) released a report revealing that 97% of hate crimes against Jews in New York between 2018 and 2022 were committed by other minority groups.
AAA’s report was first posted on AAA founder Dov Hikind’s Twitter account Wednesday. The report documented 194 cases of assault against Jews from April 2018 to August 2022, and, in 99 of those assaults, official reports included the ethnicity of the perpetrator revealing 97% were committed by other minorities. (RELATED: ‘Grossly Inaccurate’: Experts Say FBI ‘Botched’ Hate-Crime Data, Underreported Anti-Jewish Incidents)
Black perpetrators were responsible for 69% of physical or verbal assaults
REPORT: 97% Of Anti-Jewish Hate Crimes In New York Were Committed By Other Minorities
Americans Against Antisemitism released a report revealing 97% of hate crimes against Jews in New York from 2018-2022 were committed by other minority