Black Girls Caught Lying!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

College students punished after claiming racial attack

Two black New York college students who claimed they were victims of a racially charged assault on a public bus in January have reportedly been expelled.

University at Albany President Robert Jones said in an email to the university community that Ariel Agudio and Asha Burwell were dismissed, The Albany Times Union reported Friday.

A third woman, Alexis Briggs, was suspended for two years, the newspaper reported.

All three have been charged with fighting with passengers aboard the bus and lying about what happened, CBS Albany affiliate WRGB-TV reports.

The trio pleaded not guilty in Albany County Municipal Court on Wednesday.

In court, prosecutors introduced video statements into evidence they intend to use in the case, WRGB-TV reports.

"We don't feel safe because people think we're lying," Burwell told Albany police officers in a Feb. 2 interview.

"We feel like we're being treated like we're not victims in this whole thing," she said.

In the videos, investigators show the women surveillance tape that authorities claim shows a story contrary to what the women told police.

The Times Union reported the university determined the women's punishment more than two weeks ago. Jones sent his email on Thursday.

All three women were released on their own recognizance after Wednesday's hearing.


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
"We don't feel safe because people think we're lying,"


just like trayvon martin supporters, eric garner supporters, michael brown supporters.....

Duke Lacross. Of course, those idiots should not be hiring "strippers" in the first place. The thing that bothers me most about that case is the prosecutor was not punished. Being disbarred and spending one night in jail for contempt (understatement) is not punishment. He should have to serve out the term of what they would have been given.

I'd say same with the girl, but I think I read she is in prison for murder.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

False Reports of Hate Crimes Beset College Campuses

...builds on the work of Laird Wilcox, whose 1994 book Crying Wolf is said to be “the only book dedicated to this subject so far.”

Though the book predates the social media age, some of its passages bear relevance to a few of the incidents that have taken place on American campuses as of late.

“It’s no great surprise that a bright, socially conscious individual would realize quite on his or her own that there’s nothing like some racist graffiti or some other ‘hate crime’ to invigorate the militants, and what the hell, it’s for a good cause — right?” Wilcox states in the foreword of the book.

“Consider a college campus boiling with racial and gender sensitivity, with courses in victimization, organizations for victims, a constant barrage of victimization propaganda — but no immediate and palpable victims,” Wilcox continued. “‘Anti-racist’ vigilantes with no racists (or misogynists and homophobes) to hang had better get busy and make some, and as we see, they often do.”



New member
ok doser said:
If black lives matter so much, why don't black parents teach their children not to lie, not to steal, not to fight - iow, to be upstanding citizens?
Shame on you for such disgusting racist remarks. Have you never heard that white people also fabricate saying 'a black man in a hoodie did it'? Do you then make racist remarks against all white parents?


New member
"The study’s results don’t surprise anyone who is familiar with the history of America’s criminal justice system, where thousands of black men have had their lives ruined by false allegations "




ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"The study’s results don’t surprise anyone who is familiar with the history of America’s criminal justice system, where thousands of black men have had their lives ruined by false allegations "




feel free to be outraged by the following racist statement:

white parents should teach their children not to lie


New member
feel free to be outraged by the following racist statement:

white parents should teach their children not to lie
Why do you want to make it about a persons skin color? As was shown to you... People lie, and are racist no matter what their skin color is.
Your comment smacked of racial hatred. ("why don't black parents teach their children not to lie, not to steal, not to fight - iow, to be upstanding citizens?")

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"The study’s results don’t surprise anyone who is familiar with the history of America’s criminal justice system, where thousands of black men have had their lives ruined by false allegations "

Why do you want to make it about a persons skin color?


View attachment 24234

sixdaze said:
As was shown to you... People lie, and are racist no matter what their skin color is.

why on earth would you think I am unaware that people lie?

and why introduce racism into the discussion? :p

sixdaze said:
Your comment smacked of racial hatred.

not anymore so than did this one: "white parents should teach their children not to lie"
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New member
if black lives matter so much, why don't black parents teach their children not to lie, not to steal, not to fight - iow, to be upstanding citizens?

What was A-N-Y "Black" Doing WHEN Most White was Building the "Pyramids and ALL" The Other Extreme Buildings Thousands of YEARS AGO; O-R Just (( Three Hundred Y-e-a-r-s -- A-G-O ))???????

PAUL, DAVID -- 051416


New member
Shame on you for such disgusting racist remarks. Have you never heard that white people also fabricate saying 'a black man in a hoodie did it'? Do you then make racist remarks against all white parents?

I-F Some One Says the TRUTH About ""P-E-O-P-L-E"" -- That IS (( "R-A-C-I-S-T' ))?????!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 051416