Black Culture

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


Feel free to show where blacks fit into American culture, other than glorifying mob mentality and promoting white guilt. The black who fit into American culture are the one's who virtually emulate whites :rolleyes:

You all sell out American interests to pander to and gain approval of others- those who are hostile and indifferent to you, and who have SUPPORTED everything you report to be against. They applaud baker's losing their businesses, and police being sniped out, anon anon- and then they call you RACIST or any other such thing if you take up issue with it.

You are a cuckservative, hombre. Become familiar with that term :wave2:

I've exposed your racist Alt Right movement and it's leaders in another thread by posting the 8 points to this article in full. And yes, I know the terms that the filthy degenerates of the God-hating Alt Right movement use (#6).

I believe I hear Milo calling your name.



But these rights weren’t always “unalienable.” In early drafts of the Declaration — in the handwriting of its primary author, Thomas Jefferson, as well as another writer, John Adams — our rights were “inalienable.” The quote as inscribed on the Jefferson Memorial in the nation’s capital, also says “inalienable.”

English has changed since the founders of the United States used unalienable in the signed final draft of their 1776 Declaration of Independence (some earlier drafts and later copies have inalienable). Inalienable, which means exactly the same thing—both mean incapable of being transferred to another or others—is now the preferred form. Unalienable mainly appears in quotes of or references to the Declaration. Inalienable prevails everywhere else.

I see that you didn't respond to my post where I called you a bold faced liar.

I'm still waiting to see that Alt Right doctrine talking about the importance of God and/or Judeo-Christian doctrine in a nation.

Regarding the Declaration of Independence:

You forget to mention the most important part of that great document:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,...

If we need to discuss the definition of the word "all", then let's do so.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Right... if he waves it around out in the street and points it at people.

If he just brings it in his backyard and shoots cans like Ralphy, he should be fine.
(except in NJ, where a spring-action bb gun is considered a firearm)

joisey's got worse gun control laws than new yawk? :noway:

:mock: joisey


Well-known member
joisey's got worse gun control laws than new yawk? :noway:

:mock: joisey

Yes. Possibly the strictest in the nation.

You bring a BB gun from Pennsylvania to NJ, and it magically transforms into a firearm as you cross the border. You actually need a firearms license to have a Red Rider.

It's pretty insane.

There's no combustion taking place in a simple spring mechanism. Kinda takes the "fire" out of the firearm.