Biden/Harris 2020

The Barbarian

Originally posted by Stripe View Post

So that's why liberals love homos.

Wow, what an idiot.


You remember in grade school, when guys were terrified that someone might call them a "homo?"

Some guys never grow out of it, for various reasons. He's not an idiot, (at least not for this reason) he's repressed.

Logically, you would have to conclude that most homophobia is not caused by latent homosexuality; something like three percent of men are practicing homosexuals or celibate homosexuals, but it's estimated that perhaps 20% of men express homophobia to some degree. Most likely, it's not stupidity that makes him act that way.


New member
56% of Americans agree with Trump
I watched the debate, gotta love when the Prez threw out the bait at the end, and stated (You Going To Shut Down The Oil Industry)?

Biden jumped in head first with a big (Yes) and when asked by the moderator why?

Because they are polluters stated Biden, this guy is a Moron, as the Prez was stating that "Big" and a big remember that Texas, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Ohio

Before the world, Joe stated he was going to remove federal subsidy, and shut down the oil Industry, and replace it with renewables?

Political Suicide!

Yes Joe is the horse, being beat by his handlers! :deadhorse:

The Barbarian

Why are Americans voting for Biden?

He's willing to reach across the aisle and work with people with whom he disagrees, to make America better.

He's competent.

He actually has a plan to deal with the pandemic,which is again killing more and more Americans.

Why are Americans voting against Trump?

10 most common words Americans use to describe Trump
Of the 1,002 total respondents to the poll, 942 (94 percent) were willing to provide an answer to the open-ended question of what word best describes their impression of President Trump.
Overall, the most frequent response to the question of what word best describes your impression of Trump – "incompetent". The ten most common words that respondents gave were: "incompetent," "arrogant," "strong," "idiot," "egotistical," "ignorant," "great," "racist," "(bleep)" and "narcissistic."

In four years, Trump's incompetence killed more Americans than the Civil War.

In four years, Trump made America a laughingstock to the rest of the world.

In four years, Trump took a booming economy and ran it into the sewer.

Trump referred to America's fallen veterans as "suckers" and "losers."

Trump's ongoing dementia has him suggesting that we inject disinfectant to "clean lungs."

The corruption in Trump's administration is now second only to Richard Nixon, in terms of actual criminals in his administration indicted, convicted, or pardoned.

Americans are worried that he'll bungle yet another crisis.


Well-known member
This post is a perfect representation of how people who support Trump will lie without shame. As does their noble leader who they follow with cult-like adoration.

Robert Byrd, with whom Biden is clasping hands, renounced his past white supremacist views and said his membership of the KKK was the "biggest mistake" he had ever made, years before he was photographed campaigning with Biden.

ok doser, your post is effectively a lie.
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