Biblical Flat Enclosed Earth and Firmament

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patrick jane

Flat Earth & the "PROPHETS" of Sci-F[eye]...
From Video Description : Jules Verene. H.G. Wells. Arthur C. Clarke. Isaac Asimov. Carl Sagan. Gene Roddenberry.
Such men have long been revered as being the imaginative inspirations for those who came after them, and turned science fiction into science fact.
But what if these "Prophets of Progress", these Seers of Science, were actually doing more than just inspiring future generations of astronauts and astro-nuts...?
What if they were in fact writing the guts of the whole phony NASA script?

"La Voyage Dans La Lune": - This film by George Melies is an adaption of Jules Verne's book "From the Earth to the Moon". It was the very first movie EVER MADE, and it just so how happens to be about sending humans to the moon...

Arthur C. Clark in a documentary from 1964:

"How William Shatner changed the World": - This is a documentary detailing the many ways which Star Trek is believed to have inspired all kinds of technological advancement, from prompting people to join NASA, to the invention of cell phones...

11 minutes
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Literal lunatic
Gravity does exist in flat earth, you can't believe Flat Earth Society and many of the websites out there making real FEers look bad. The sun is electric, the water is electric, your brain is electric, the air is electric and we live in an electric earth and cosmos. Electromagnetism plays a much larger role than gravity. See "Thunderbolt Project youtube" for the electric universe data. This video talks a little about it.

Plumb and level destroys the concept of gravity.

It was a nice birthday present for that documentary by secular scientists to come out and back me up.

patrick jane

Plumb and level destroys the concept of gravity.

It was a nice birthday present for that documentary by secular scientists to come out and back me up.
Yeah it's 2 or 3 pages back but I'll post it again maybe Sunday because it does prove the earth is not a globe. That's why the globers in Dave's thread act like I didn't post in that thread too.

patrick jane


From Video : Prior to his passing in 2001, Bill Cooper explained how the Stanley Kubrick film "2001: A Space Odyssey" contained, from beginning to end, a plethora of occult symbolism, which the viewing audience unknowingly absorbed on a subconscious level...

But what if the bulk of modern "scientific advancement" has essentially been like one big Kubrick film...?

10 minutes

patrick jane

Is Flat Earth drinkin some Convex Kool-Aid? (Red Flag Media)

From Video : So I was meaning to do a quick response thing to this documentary that everyone seems to be mirroring and going ga-ga over, but then this dude from Red Flag Media basically hit all the main points I wanted to cover, so I'm simply mirroring his vid. I mean, seriously y'all... I get the fact that we might get excited about "scientists" doing the same curvature experiments that have already been done for several years now, but this whole thing just smells super fishy...

If they've been active on this since 2011, how did they manage to stay unheard of until recently? What the heck is this "Zigurat Technology Center" anyway? The "extra continent" nonsense, the depiction of the FE being like a "huge asteroid in space" etc...

The whole thing feels like a Flat Earth Society, "disk floating in space" 2.0. Why does the FE community feel the need to jump on any bandwagon type thing that comes out? I think this whole idea of saying that the Earth is convex, but water is flat, is just confusing/misleading... (intentionally so?)

6 minutes

patrick jane

Starfish Prime Fishbowl films

From Video : Collection of films from Starfish Prime Event in 1962. All specific information regarding camera positions and locations have been removed...sorry! This is an analytical film and might be a little "slow" for some. Also, this film is silent.

7 minutes


patrick jane

Flat Earth Minute or So... * Operation FishBowl (1962) *

From Video : During The Same Time Period After the discoveries made in Operation Deep Freeze, Both The United States and Russia began conducting High Altitude Explosion Test during the night as if they were looking for something. All this going on during the Heat of The Cold War, an uninvited Scientific Expeditionary Ship from the Soviet Union was stationed near Johnston Island for the test and another Soviet Scientific Expeditonary Ship was located in the southern conjugate region (Making it so obvious that The U.S. and Russia are acting like enemies, when in reality they are not). Finally reaching an Agreement in Oct. 7, 1963, Russia and The U.S. Signed (by John F. Kennedy) The Limited Air Test Ban Treaty. Soon After John F. Kennedy is Assassinated.

There were three phenomena (During Operation Fishbowl) in particular that required further investigation :

1. The electromagnetic pulse generated by a high-altitude nuclear explosion appeared to have very significant differences from the electromagnetic pulse generated by nuclear explosions closer to the surface.

2. The auroras associated with high-altitude nuclear explosions, especially the auroras that appeared almost instantaneously far away from the explosion in the opposite hemisphere, were not clearly understood. The nature of the possible radiation belts that were initially generated along the magnetic field lines connecting the areas of the auroral displays were also poorly understood.

3. Areas of blackout of radio communication needed to be understood in much more detail since that information would be critical for military operations during periods of possible nuclear explosions.

13 minutes

patrick jane

"Tech, Drugs, & Gods-of-Old..." The Singularity Gospel [Transhumanism & Techno-shamanism]

From Video EXPOSING the New Age Occult Practices : I know I keep coming back to guys like Jason Silva and Terrance McKenna a lot lately, but man.... There are SO many videos out there nowadays talking about the Transhumanism agenda, yet I don't see hardly any of them pointing out these connections, which guys like Silva are CONSTANTLY and LOUDLY preaching, between Transhumanism and Mysticsim, Technology and Shamanism, etc.

Many people out there still are convinced that they are against the technological Beast-system, the control-grid, etc., yet they have still accepted the Luciferian spirituality, because they think that by embracing the "natural" approach to shamanic mysticism that they are somehow defying the propaganda of the TPTB.

Unfortunately, the message of techno-mysticism evangelists such as Silva and the late McKenna reveal this to be an unwarranted assumption...

15 minutes

Gary K

New member
Gravity does exist in flat earth, you can't believe Flat Earth Society and many of the websites out there making real FEers look bad. The sun is electric, the water is electric, your brain is electric, the air is electric and we live in an electric earth and cosmos. Electromagnetism plays a much larger role than gravity. See "Thunderbolt Project youtube" for the electric universe data. This video talks a little about it.

15 minutes


Glad to hear you haven't swallowed the no gravity line.

However, your argument that the sun is powered by electricity has no bearing on how light flows from a source powered by electricity. Ever seen someone run an arc welder? The light from an arc welder flows in all directions. Welding a piece of flat metal is actually a good example of how light would be distributed from a flat sun. Those rays of light would flow in all directions in very close to a 180 degree arc. Thus, you are still left with the problem of light distribution on the earth in the flat earth model. This still requires some type of light focusing mechanism.

And if you claim there is a focusing method then you have the problem of the moon reflecting the light that comes directly from the sun. If the beam is focused the light would never touch the sun unless the moon passes directly through the beam of focused light rays coming from the sun. The flat earth model ignores this and tries to play both cards at the same time by saying the moon reflects the sun's rays and at the same time shows sunlight focused only on a small section of the earth. You can't have it both ways. It's an either/or proposition.

And if you say the moon is reflecting the sunlight that the earth itself reflects there is no way the moon would be as bright as it is. It would be extremely dim. So dim as to be almost invisible. It certainly would not be as bright as a full moon is in reality. I took my dog for a walk late the other night when there was a full moon. It was so bright I could easily see him, and he is pitch black in color. When he stood beside me I could see individual hairs in his tail and in the ruff on his neck. Without the moon he is invisble in the dark. The only way I know where he is is by feeling where he is pulling against the leash. I can only tell his direction, not where he actually is.

patrick jane

I defer to @1Mind1Spirit on that one ffree. He needs to earn his keep around here. :crackup:

God created two great lights on the 4th day. The sun and moon. The moon gives off it's own light. What was earth spinning and flying around for three days ffree? If you buy evolution then God created the heaven 14.5 billion years ago then waited 10 billion years to create the earth.

patrick jane

Flat Earth: "Through the Looking Glass" - The Bible/Enoch on the Planets...

From Video : So if the stars are not burning balls of gas, millions of light years away, but rather, angelic "luminations"...
And these angels can fall...

And there are those who have fallen...
Those who have wandered. Transgressed...

What I find myself wondering at this point, is this;
How can we even trust the lights we see with eyes, through our telescopes, if they are being projected from such fallen, wandering angelic luminaries...?

For some time now, I have been exploring the idea that the entire false heliocentric Copernican system was conceived of and perpetuated by Satan, in order to essentially craft a new narrative through which he and his fallen minions could once again present themselves to humanity as our "saviors" and "gods". (This is the entire purpose of the whole "ancient aliens" meme).

So in that light, the notion that these fallen luminaries, these deceivers, might in fact deceive the entire human race, for hundreds of years, into believing there are other "worlds" out there, (and thus providing a premise from which "extra-terrestrials" could then come from) honestly, to me, doesn't seem as far-fetched as one might think...

Video clip credit (near the end): "Outer space is basically balls" by C.B.S. (awesome YT channel):

12 minutes -

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