It certainly IS an attack of Christians, a shameful one. The only snowflakes I see are leftistsThis is ridiculous . Bernie Sanders is not "attacking " Christianity . He's calling out a candidate for a position in the Trump administration for his hostility to Muslims .
To call this an "attack" on Christianity is preposterous . Why is it that so many Christians in America are such snowflakes and see any criticism of any individual Christian as an "attack" on Christianity ?
Sanders is an idiot.
Ask the same question to a Muslim of their religious belief ----- Do you believe that anyone that does not convert to Islam is condemned?
What do you suppose Sanders would think of their answer?
Christianity is special in that Bernie wouldn't have asked a Muslim the same question.Under identical circumstances...the same.
Why would you think otherwise?
Is Christianity special?
Christianity is special in that Bernie wouldn't have asked a Muslim the same question.
Sanders is an idiot.
So he was defending a professor who was sacked for proposing that the Muslim God is the same as the Christian God.... Right?
The Christian God is also the Jew's God, the God of Moses, and Muhammad refers to the God of Moses as his God, as does the Baha'i prophet Bahauallah.
Yep.... All worship the same God, it seems, which is why all of these faiths are referred to by some as the Abrahamic faiths.
And Bernie Sanders has got the guts to say it. No wonder he is the longest serving Independant Senator is US history.
Don't forget Barry Sanders, the greatest running back in NFL history!The only Sanders to whom I pay attention is the "Colonel."