Berkley or Dallas?

The Barbarian

Diversity has become the defining characteristic of America to it's ruling intellectual elites, but it certainly was not the defining characteristic to the founding fathers or to the vast majority of citizens in 1812 America.

Hmmm... According to Jefferson, it was the intent of the Founders. So it's no surprise, it's a defining characteristic of America for Americans.

Who thinks America would be better off without Jewish, black, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cajun, Native American, Southern, Appalachian, English, German, Italian, and Irish (among many others) cultures? No one who cares about American values.

The Barbarian

I was showing what happened to America since 1812 culturally. Rex's point was that they are both American cities and he felt like I was saying berkley was not legitimate.

I countered that with the fact that 1812 and 2018 America were both legally American and yet one was far adrift from the country the founders had in mind.

Both,are far from the vison of the founders in many ways. And there were multiple countries the founders had in mind. Jefferson's vision was radically different than Hamilton's for example. Imagine Pickney's vision against that of Adams. One important thing about this country was that there were always multiple visions of what it was to be.

Berkley is exponentially further from the founders ideals than Dallas is.

Nope. Closer to Jefferson than to Hamilton, though.


New member
They are both geographically American. They are both legally American.
2018 Geographic America is American as 1812 Geographic America.

This from the people who like to complain about "hyphenated Americans". We're all Americans...until we're not.

However, the latter is fundamentally different culturally than the former. This occurred for three reasons.

1. We abolished slavery?
2. We annexed a ton of land with people living on it already?
3. We've passed many laws and amendments expanding the reach of citizenship?

The people forgot what was unique about America and began to see America for it's flaws instead of it's strengths.

Why don't you cut to the chase and tell us what you think is great about America. I'll tell you in advance that I think America is best when it's not telling everyone how great it is. Show, don't tell, basically. But what is it, in your opinion, that makes America great?

An elite , typically highly educated, establishment class worked diligently to change America from what made it great. This was largely seen in the establishment of the progressive movement whom teddy Roosevelt was it's first highly visible proponent.

Whereas I would say that the progressive movement has given America some of its most important institutions. I guess we have different views of what's good for this country. But again, you've given us another example of you delegitimizing your fellow Americans.

It's not just your country, you know. America doesn't look now like it did in 1776. Which is the real elitism: a government supported by the popular support of a majority of its people (as envisioned in the Federalist Papers), or the government being lead by a rural minority that demonizes knowledge and believes that only they are real Americans, and is empowered by historical decisions with disproportionate representation in the government?

Immigrants began to be brought in more for their economic use than for their appreciation for the American ideal.

I would venture that far, far more people in the entire history of the country immigrated here for economic reasons than anything else. And so what? Doesn't make them or their descendents any less American. And it's noxious and dehumanizing to only look at the economic reasons for immigration. These are people.

You cannot say the resulting culture was no different than original culture in terms of the ideal of the American experiment.

Not a standard that I have, or a thing I've discussed. The original culture was drawn from a small swath of wealthy landowning and slave-owning people from one section of the country. The culture has expanded, via deliberate changes.

You don't want to be accused of racism, but you're unwillingness to give specifics does invite the suspicion. What is it really that you think has been lost? And are you actually old enough that you miss it, or are you just imagining it?

That is unless you are a historical revisionist who has no respect whatsoever for the original American ideal and sees it fundamentally as racist, mysogonistic, and imperialistic.

In many ways it was.

These people define original America through it's faults rather than it's unique system of governance and it's view of the sovereignty of the individual.

There's little especially unique about our system of government, and many of the aspects that are fairly unique are not good. It once was exceptional, but a lot of time has passed, and the good elements have become a lot more common, where the bad elements have largely been discarded by other nations.

This is the essence of my topic which was misunderstood from the start.

If you believe borders should be open and all the world's people entitled to citizenship....then of course you will take umbrage at my topic.

Very few are in favor of open borders, and I am not one of them.

The Barbarian

That is unless you are a historical revisionist who has no respect whatsoever for the original American ideal and sees it fundamentally as racist, mysogonistic, and imperialistic.

Was there slavery for black people? Could women vote? Did the founders coin the term "Manifest Destiny?"

You have to judge people in history, by the times in which they lived. We were one of the last western nations to abolish slavery. Women got to vote mostly in the last century. We got out of the imperialism business in the early 1900s, after pretty much running over the top of native peoples in the preceding two centuries.

So much for American exceptionalism. Our best argument is that we were less brutal than many other states, and we gave up much of our empire by design, or at least granted the right to vote to those we had conquered.


New member
So I guess we're done here then, right? You're just going to more generally whine about how you're a vicitim in other threads and drop this one?


New member
So I guess we're done here then, right? You're just going to more generally whine about how you're a vicitim in other threads and drop this one?
I'm a victim? Where did I say that? I said there is a force out there that sees whites in fundamentally the same way as Europeans saw Jews in the 20th century. This will likely turn out the same way at some time in the future.

As for this thread, what is it you want me to discuss? I usually stop reading posts when I can see it's pure propaganda and any attempt I make to get to the bottom of things is answered by lengthy posts that sidestep what I was getting at.

What in particular do you want to discuss?


New member
I'm a victim? Where did I say that?

Immediately following this sentence when you compared the racial majority in this country to a minority that has literally endured the world's largest genocide, for instance.

I said there is a force out there that sees whites in fundamentally the same way as Europeans saw Jews in the 20th century. This will likely turn out the same way at some time in the future.

So, you're one of those people worrying about a "white genocide"?

That's absurd, and I guarantee that if you try to avoid it by continuing to oppress the non-white people of this country, you will only make the reaction to you stronger.

As for this thread, what is it you want me to discuss? I usually stop reading posts when I can see it's pure propaganda and any attempt I make to get to the bottom of things is answered by lengthy posts that sidestep what I was getting at.

What in particular do you want to discuss?

Just one thing: Was your question answered? What makes you think the responses you got were "pure propaganda"?


New member
Immediately following this sentence when you compared the racial majority in this country to a minority that has literally endured the world's largest genocide, for instance.

That is not calling myself a victim. If you still want to make that claim, the onus is on you to prove it.


New member
So, you're one of those people worrying about a "white genocide"?

That's absurd

Calling it absurd doesn't make it so. Make the case that the possibility of a white genocide is absurd. And by the way, pointing out a trend doesn't make one worried about it.

I trust in God. I don't care about the whims of men.


New member

That's absurd, and I guarantee that if you try to avoid it by continuing to oppress the non-white people of this country, you will only make the reaction to you stronger.

Try to avoid what? How can I avoid something that doesn't exist ?

I don't oppress non white people. I deal with individuals not groups. I guess you are suggesting that "white" people oppress non whites. How can you take any particular action of a white person and ascribe s motive of trying to oppress a person based solely on his skin color?

Make the reaction to me stronger?? Are you suggesting that non whites react to me based on my lack of pigmentation? That sounds like you are making a case for genocide that you in the same breath declare is ridiculous.


New member
That is not calling myself a victim. If you still want to make that claim, the onus is on you to prove it.

So, you didn't compare yourself to the victims of the Holocaust because you feel that you share in their victimhood? What, then, was the reason for the comparison?

Calling it absurd doesn't make it so. Make the case that the possibility of a white genocide is absurd. And by the way, pointing out a trend doesn't make one worried about it.

The country is overwhelmingly white. Sure, the demograohics are shifting such that that will change... eventually. But not for decades. And even then, it's not as if white people are lined up to become a small enough minority to actually be oppressed anytime soon.

If you're used to extreme privilege, equality feels like oppression.

I trust in God. I don't care about the whims of men.

Only, it seems, in as much as "God" puts you on top. Beyond that, your trust seems to waver.


New member
Try to avoid what? How can I avoid something that doesn't exist ?

By trying to avoid something that you believe exists.

I don't oppress non white people.

You voted for Donald Trump specifically to preserve white supremacy, as you've been explaining.

I deal with individuals not groups.

Is your white genocide fear a group fear, or an individual one?

You're deluding yourself.

I guess you are suggesting that "white" people oppress non whites.


How can you take any particular action of a white person and ascribe s motive of trying to oppress a person based solely on his skin color?

Oh, I'll grant you that it is sometimes hard to tell if any given action is racism. But sometimes, it's not that hard, and the evidence shows up in the numbers. And really, white people haven't been subtle about it, historically.

Make the reaction to me stronger?? Are you suggesting that non whites react to me based on my lack of pigmentation?

I'm suggesting that your white genocide fears and your voting to preserve the privilege that you think will protect you from them will only engage people against you. Your own narrative is explicitly racialized. Don't kid yourself with this colorblind pretense

That sounds like you are making a case for genocide that you in the same breath declare is ridiculous.

Hardly. I think the whole concept is mostly a self-justification by mediocre crackers who can't get a job or otherwise find a way to justify their existence. But if you're afraid of it, why incite it?


New member
So, you didn't compare yourself to the victims of the Holocaust because you feel that you share in their victimhood? What, then, was the reason for the comparison?

I compared elitist modern behavior toward white people who do not feel the need to apologize for the acts of some of their ancestors to the behavior of Europe in the 20 the century toward Jewish people.

The reason for the antagonism toward the Jew was their refusal to accept many of the cultural values and philosophies of the culture they lived in.

This is similar to the refusal of many whites for refusing to admit guilt or white privilege and gladly accept the elitist disparagement of their culture.....and to quietly take a back seat in society and/or fade away to the point of irrelevance.

They are not victims of anything yet and neither am I.

I am simply making a comparison of the two times and warning of the possible consequences.

One of the consequences of the elitest attitude toward white people who have not got up to speed with the new program, is lack of opportunities that I send to existed for them in the 20 or 30 years after WW2.

This has manifested in rural and small town white ghettoes in the Midwest and upstate New York, where life expectancy has dropped and drug use has skyrocketed and birth rates have dropped.

I'm not a victim. I'm a reporter so to speak. I'm making known what is ignored by the elite and unheard of by many people.


New member
I cannot compare myself to victim hood when the situation I was comparing white people to was prior to the actually victimization. Being a pariah in society foes not make you a victim; it can lead to victim hood though.