Okay, then make the argument.
It would be better if you made it over on that thread, but since we're this far into it here, I suppose it doesn't matter.
Can you agree with this 'framework' or 'scaffolding' below? It's from an earlier post:
"I believe in just one point even, if this person believes in Jesus, he or she or neither he nor she, is going to heaven.
"When asked, the Lord 'summed up' the Old Testament in 'one point' this way: " all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them"
"That requires a lot of unpacking. When asked to unpack it into two points of course, we all know that He said love God, and love your neighbor as yourself. So that is His 'two point' summary of the Old Testament.
"And those two points are directly related to His 'one point' summary of the Old Testament, given above, Matthew 7:12, viz., they completely elaborate on it. There is no loss of information or meaning, in going from Matthew 7:12 (the 'one point' OT) to Leviticus 19:18 & Deuteronomy 6:5.
"I have put forth two points, which are basically Romans 10:9 but in slightly different words (believing in Christ's Resurrection is as stated, and with the slight difference that I equate addressing Him as "Lord" with believing that He is God).
"I would submit however, that if we were to provide a 'ten point' summary of the OT, that it would be the Ten Commandments. What you're attempting to do with your 'six point' summary of the Gospel is parallel with summarizing the OT with the Ten Commandments, and so that's going to require a lot of discussion I think, unless we can all agree on where the Bible does list out ten points that could be a candidate for a 'ten point' summary of the Gospel, similar to how the Ten Commandments are a candidate for a 'ten point' summary of the OT."
End quote.
Could you 'sum up' the Gospel in one point? How about two points? Or, is it all six at its briefest? Any answer you give is fine, I just want to know.
Stupidity. Literal stupidity.
The Pope is certainly NOT saved. No saved person could ever put on one of those ropes, much less allow himself to called the Vicar of Christ. His every breath is blasphemy. His sleep is sin so long as it comes within the walls of the Vatican!
Any Catholic that happens to be saved is so by the skin of their teeth. Perhaps that includes you and perhaps it doesn't. You've said plenty in this thread that leads me to doubt it but I also cannot ignore your now public profession of belief in what I firmly believe to be the gospel. Thus, I hold my opinion in abeyance until further evidence is presented.
Looking forward to it.
How is it possible that a man who professes faith in Christ can pray to a dead woman? How is it possible for a man who believes Christ died for his sin believes it necessary to pray to that dead woman in mindlessly repetitive ritualistic mantras for the purpose of absolution by virtue of her intercession on their behalf before God?
That's not why you do it. There's unfortunately a long lexicon of jargon with Catholicism, and absolution is one of the entries in the lexicon, and it's ONLY associated with the sacrament of penance, reconciliation, or aka confession. That's with a priest, a confessor. The confessor would be sinning to divulge what you confess, it's called the sacramental seal, and whereas we think that telling the truth is always the same as telling the accurate, in the case of the confessional to tell the truth is to remain mum. To utter what's confessed is a sin for a confessor, to anybody and for any reason. Sacramental seal.
How is it possible that any saved person could put Mary in the place of God's own Holy Spirit?
We don't! Nobody does that! Not with authorization. It would belie a profound misunderstanding of Catholicism to do that, it is certainly not authorized.
It is contradictory and the Catholic's (i.e. your) actions are on the wrong side of that equation.
At best, you are double minded. At worst, you're lying to yourself. In any case, you're in big heep trouble.
I'm not in trouble. And I don't you, or
@glorydaz or
@musterion or JR or RD or any other MAD is in any kind of "trouble" at all, let alone 'deep trouble'. Someone who sees Jesus as just another 'demigod' or just one 'deity' among many; that's someone in trouble. Someone who thinks Jesus was just a man, who didn't rise from the dead; that person's in trouble. Not MADs who believe He's God and that He is risen from the dead----there isn't any "trouble" there at all, least of all 'deep trouble'.
Not in my view, and I don' think I'm being unreasonable in claiming to be speaking for all of Catholicism here either. My evidence? My "contextual reasoning" and all of the Bible and the Catechism, which is basically 'the teacher's edition' of the written expression of Catholicism, the standard by which all things are judged Catholic or not Catholic.