Believing in once saved always saved sent me to hell.

Yes, more than fair. So, I declare that I do not agree with anything you have ever posted. Now, with your permission, I would like to correct a mistake you have made in your first paragraph above. You named me an anti-Christ but I believe by mistake because according to II John 2:18,19 the anti-Christs are supposed to come out of the ranks of Christianity itself, not of Judaism.

I do thank you for that, am feeling a sense of relief. As to antichrists, no, sorry, it's simply a matter of denying the Lord Jesus of the gospel, Christ denying of no cultural or genetic component. It's an equal opportunity stance. Any Matthew 23 Scribe or Pharisee of scripture, if they could tell you this now, would attest to this fact that everybody in hell knows: if the sandal fits, wear it.

Lazy afternoon


The video gives the experience of one who was told he was saved when he had not committed his life to Christ, until he was shown where he was headed.

He did believe after his initial experience only in that his eyes were opened to the reality of Christ, so that without his committal to Christ he had become very guilty with no excuse and therefore prone to sin in every way possible.

This mans experience is a warning to many who also think they are saved because they know and have seen the reality of Christ without giving themselves to Christ and doing what He says to do as the believers did in submitting themselves to baptism with the brethren, instead of making up belief systems to avoid it.

They are like women who shack up with a man, who can leave anytime they want.

The problem is they think that man is Christ, and their lives go down the drain until they come to their senses due to the kind of bad fruit in their life which gets so bad they almost perish forever, and some do.
