Believers, Carnal Or Spiritual


Carnal Or Spiritual

The carnally minded(milk) believes that love is an emotion. The spiritually(meat) minded Believe that love is an action.

The carnally minded(milk) believes that edity means to build someone up make them feel good. The spiritually(meat) minded believe that edify means to build someone with more and more verses to fight against the devil in them.

The carnally minded(milk) believes that when one receives the water baptism they are born again. The spiritually(meat) minded believe that when they have learned all from the Holy Spirit they are born again.

The carnally minded(milk) believes that the Holy Spirit speaks to them carnally. The spiritually minded believe that the Holy Spirit only quotes verses.

The carnally minded(milk) believes that they owe God 10% tithing. The spiritually(meat) minded believe that they owe God everything 100%.

The carnally minded(milk) believes that the kingdom of God is in heaven. The spiritually(meat) minded believe that the kingdom of God is within us.

The carnally minded(milk) believes that they can understand God carnally with their intellect. The Spiritually(meat) minded believe they can only understand God with the Word(verses).

The carnally minded(milk) believes that the Holy Spirit is a force that moves them. The spiritually(meat) minded believe that the Holy Spirit never works through emotions and only quotes scripture.

The carnally minded(milk) believes that their interpretation is spiritual. The spiritual(meat) believe that only the quoted Word is spiritual.

The carnally minded(milk) believes that God speaks to them. The spiritual(meat) believe that God doesnt talk to us He sends all His messages through Jesus.

The carnally minded(milk) believes that faith alone will get them to heaven. The Spiritually(meat) believe that faith is dead without works.


Well-known member
A new believer will have to learn to grow out of their carnality.

That will take effort on their part to learn scripture and renew their minds to those truths.

If not, they remain carnally minded.

We must renew our minds to put our salvation/redemption to use as God intended.

We were made spiritually whole by God's spiritual gift of salvation to us.

But to manifest that, to bring that to obvious fruition in our lives we must work out that salvation. Philippians 2:12

We must energize that salvation spiritually by knowing our legal rights in Christ Jesus

We do not have to accept the world's viewpoints, we learn and believe, thus act upon, God's word.


Well-known member
Luke 2:51-52

And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.

52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

Even Jesus the anointed had to learn scripture to grow thereby

Who wouldn't benefit from learning and living more truth in their lives!


A new believer will have to learn to grow out of their carnality.

That will take effort on their part to learn scripture and renew their minds to those truths.

If not, they remain carnally minded.

We must renew our minds to put our salvation/redemption to use as God intended.

We were made spiritually whole by God's spiritual gift of salvation to us.

But to manifest that, to bring that to obvious fruition in our lives we must work out that salvation. Philippians 2:12

We must energize that salvation spiritually by knowing our legal rights in Christ Jesus

We do not have to accept the world's viewpoints, we learn and believe, thus act upon, God's word.

I said
That is right. The truth in the Word will always be disruptive to unclean spirits. And we all have them.


Luke 2:51-52

And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.

52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

Even Jesus the anointed had to learn scripture to grow thereby

Who wouldn't benefit from learning and living more truth in their lives!

I said
That is right Jesus was a man and had to learn the truth the same way we do.

Heb 5:8-9
8 though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.
9 And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him,