Bears Eat Dumb People

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Maybe we could turn a few bears loose on this site......cull out the idiots. No, better not. I would miss Skeptic. :freak:


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Does it have to be white? Or will any old tiger do?

(Where's that dancing Hobbes gif of yours?)


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
That reminds me... It looks like the problem your computer was having last night is fixed now, eh?


New member
Yup. It is working. Now I can concentrate on important stuff, like working on my Halloween avatars.


New member
Hall of Fame
Re: Bears Eat Dumb People

Originally posted by Jefferson
Bears Eat Dumb People
10 meg version
Friday October 17th, 2003. This is show #207.

"We have to stay healthy because there's too many liberals. You have to live as long as you can."
The first half was retarted (about the bears) and the second part was somewhat interesting. Here was the ear-grabbers for me:

...mature moronic business targeting moronic youth...

What kind of mature oxymoronic thing is that! :chuckle:

...something about "all sins being equal" is a stupid saying...

Does that mean BEL-ers think that different sins reach different levels on the sin-o-meter or what?

..."bears eat dumb people"...

I got the impression Bob Enyart fully believed this. Is that correct? If so, :kookoo: :darwinsm:

A few things I learned that I didn't know before...

#1 - That the YWCA is run by feminists. I didn't even know that club was still around.

#2 - That "YMCA" (the song) is a homosinful song and that the Village People are a bunch of homosinfuls. I've never really payed attention to them, so that was new to me.

#3 - The fact that Dr. Atkins died rather out of the blue actually helped his business. So if the author of a diet dies, then everybody rushes to try his diet? How stupid is that. First, I would make sure his death had no relation to his death.

#4 - That a democrat "invented" the low-fat diet. Well, that it was a democrat that pushed for this diet. I don't know, I guess its possible. I'm not suprised anyways.

Nathon Detroit

Re: Re: Bears Eat Dumb People

Re: Re: Bears Eat Dumb People

Originally posted by Lucky8
Does that mean BEL-ers think that different sins reach different levels on the sin-o-meter or what?
UH.... tell me you don't think all sins are equal... :(


New member
Hall of Fame
Re: Re: Re: Bears Eat Dumb People

Re: Re: Re: Bears Eat Dumb People

Originally posted by Knight
UH.... tell me you don't think all sins are equal... :(
Well that pretty much answers my question.

I've always figured "a sin is a sin is a sin." I don't know how that translates in theological terminology, but it certainly looks like I'll be rounding up some truthsmackers to teach me a thing or two. :eek:

So, besides the "unpardonable sin," how can one sin be any worse than another? (From God's perspective.)


New member
Easily, Lucky. Look at the penalty God assigns for a sin. It's true all sin is sin, but he assigns the death penalty for murder, and restitution for theft, so the sins aren't equal, are they?


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Crow
Easily, Lucky. Look at the penalty God assigns for a sin. It's true all sin is sin, but he assigns the death penalty for murder, and restitution for theft, so the sins aren't equal, are they?
:doh: :chuckle: Hey thanks for putting it in simple terms. That does make sense.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Re: Re: Bears Eat Dumb People

Re: Re: Bears Eat Dumb People

Originally posted by Lucky8
..."bears eat dumb people"...

I got the impression Bob Enyart fully believed this. Is that correct? If so, :kookoo: :darwinsm:
He was mocking a [false] cliche, "Animals are kind to dumb people."

#3 - The fact that Dr. Atkins died rather out of the blue actually helped his business. So if the author of a diet dies, then everybody rushes to try his diet? How stupid is that. First, I would make sure his death had no relation to his death.
He died at 72 of head injuries he suffered when he slipped on some ice.
Diet guru Atkins dies

Nathon Detroit

Re: Re: Re: Re: Bears Eat Dumb People

Re: Re: Re: Re: Bears Eat Dumb People

Originally posted by Lucky8
Well that pretty much answers my question.

I've always figured "a sin is a sin is a sin." I don't know how that translates in theological terminology, but it certainly looks like I'll be rounding up some truthsmackers to teach me a thing or two. :eek:

So, besides the "unpardonable sin," how can one sin be any worse than another? (From God's perspective.)
Apparently Jesus does not think all sin is equal....
John 19:11 Jesus answered, “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.
And then there is always...
Luke 12:48 “But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.


New member
Hall of Fame
Re: Re: Re: Bears Eat Dumb People

Re: Re: Re: Bears Eat Dumb People

Originally posted by Turbo
He was mocking a [false] cliche, "Animals are kind to dumb people."

He died at 72 of head injuries he suffered when he slipped on some ice.
Diet guru Atkins dies
Oh, okay. I've never heard that cliche, but I do recall him saying something about it.

Ice, huh? Well I guess when its your time to go... (I can just imagine this being another debatable saying.)


Staff member
Super Moderator
Re: Re: Re: Re: Bears Eat Dumb People

Re: Re: Re: Re: Bears Eat Dumb People

Originally posted by Lucky8
Well I guess when its your time to go... (I can just imagine this being another debatable saying.)
Yep. Sure is. A big one.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Lucky8: "Ice, huh? Well I guess when its your time to go... (I can just imagine this being another debatable saying.)"

I'm in a hurry to upload tonight's show, so I have no time to say anything other than... Lucky8, you crack me up! -BE
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