Mt 3:16. but I don't think JohnnyW reads texts.
The children of Israel's baptism was w/o water, a "dry" baptism, you troll. It was Pharaoh and his gang that were sprinkled with/trashed in, water.
Exodus 15:19 KJV
For the horse of Pharaoh went in with his chariots and with his horsemen into the sea, and the Lord brought again the waters of the sea upon them; but the children of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea.
I read the text, you wicked, admitted, sodomite. The children of Israel's baptism was w/o water, a "dry" baptism, you troll-ette. It was Pharaoh and his gang that were sprinkled with/trashed in, water.
My name is "John," you James 3:2 KJV gay boy, not "Johnny,"
you faggot, so quit coming on to me, with your gay talk, as I dig chicks, you effeminate prissy boy.
AM I CLEAR, Basil SHELDON, prissy, wimpy "happy, gay," boy Interplanner?
Get off this site, devil child, sodomite.
And tell all of TOL, why you call me "Johnny," and why you sent me an email, coming on to me, faggot.
Go ahead, punkie boy.
And tell us why, devil boy,the Lord Jesus Christ was baptized, per Matthew 3:16 KJV, Matthew 3:15 KJV, loser. Go ahead, you admitted sorcerer, Simon, warlock. magician, Christ rejector.
You won't, you prissy humanist fraud.
What is your real name, punk, effeminate one? Basil? Sheldon? Nice woosey names, you wimp.