babylon the great


New member
My Catholic Friend, it is ugly to see brothers and sisters in Christ turn to rend you over insignificant squabblings that are utterly worthless.

I know you to be a follower of Christ and not a follower of man. The fact that your chosen place and establishment of collaborative worship is attacked by fellow, blood forgiven, believers is ridiculous.

"Is Christ divided?"

No, but His followers are worthlessly divided.

Revelation is a hard book to understand, unless with bring nothing to the classroom when studying it, we must empty or own preconceived ideas. Chryostom is a Christian just as I am. But he might not have been given to prophecy, and I might not be given to understanding how to do things he has been given, we have to find our calling, and we can't put off knowledge. We can all learn from each other. If I humble myself, I can learn from you and him and vice versa. We are supposed to world together as one body.

I will not laugh at a brother or sister even if I think they are coming from outer space, we have one woman on another site who saw a Beast coming out of the Sea with 7 Heads and one of the heads was Roosevelt etc. etc. and if you try to speak with her, poor girl ain't having none of that, we all cra cra to her...LOL, but I don't mock her or laugh at her, even though she is cra cra, way out there....

We can all learn by listening. Martha was troubled by WORLDLY THINGS then complained because Mary was listening to Jesus.


New member
I have been given to history
it is all we have when it comes to recognizing prophecy

1 Corinthians 12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;

9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;

10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.

12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.

We are all ONE BODY in Jesus Christ, but we all have different GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT.

We have to perfect that which we are given.


New member

Except the Babylon in Rev. 18, is only the Babylon of Rev. 16, which FELL when Jesus Conquered the Nations that came against Israel. Below is my "Masterpiece" or the ultimate finished product, the one I blogged. This is the best I can explain it. Muslims have nothing to do with being a BEAST......

Babylon, the Harlot and the Seven Headed Beast Explained:

I will explain what the Lord has shown me recently, I blogged a blog eight months ago and in the blog I stated that Rev. 17:18 was speaking of Rome,(from my perspective) within two months God had Revealed to me who Babylon was, who the Beast is and who the Harlot is. My opinion is my opinion, I never allow it to supersede God's revelation, in other words I do not hold on to the pride of my opinion. If you want to know who the Harlot, Beast and Babylon is read on.

To start with it is not a City, it is not Rome, Babylon proper, Jerusalem, NYC, it is not the RCC, Mecca or America. HINT: The Harlot and Babylon are two different entities. There is also NO MYSTERY BABYLON, I do not understand why we continue to say this, the Angel in 17:7 says this: Rev. 17: 7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel ? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

Since the Angel says I will explain the Mystery of the woman (Harlot) and the beast she rides (Seven Headed Beast) why do we insist that it is still a Mystery and why do we not understand that in Rev. 17:8-18 the Angel explains the Mystery to us ? Why do we miss what is in plain site ? Mystery (Musterion) in the Greek means Secret by Gods Silence, once God reveals the Secret/Mystery, it is no longer a Mystery.

The Seven Headed Beast is explained by the Angel first, many people say it sits on 7 hills, when the passage has nothing to do with hills or location, it is speaking of Seven Rulers who arise, we understand this because in the very next verse it speaks about the Seven Kings. So she sits on Seven Mountains which = Seven Rulers just like the Seven Heads = Seven Kingdoms. Then the Angel says Five have fallen, ONE IS, and one is YET TO COME. This is where we have to use our intelligence a wee bit. Who are these Kings ? Well we see in Rev. 13 when this Seven Headed Beast is described that the Beasts of Daniel are included, the Lion (Babylon) Bear (Persia) and Leopard (Greece) along with Rome of course as the fierce Beast/Dragon. So we are searching for the other three heads, who can they possibly be ? What is the commonality of the Beasts/Heads that are mentioned ? They each Conquered, Enslaved or Ruled Israel, that is what made them a "BEAST", so we need to go through history and find the other three common Beasts/Heads. Well lets see, after a little thought we should get this fairly easily, Egypt and Assyria Conquered/Enslaved Israel, and the Anti-Christ and his 10 Kings will according to prophecy Conquer Israel (Abomination of Desolation). So lets add this up, and see what the Angel has revealed to us.

Five Kings have fallen (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and Greece) ONE IS (Rome of course was Ruling Israel when John wrote Revelation) and one is YET TO COME (The Anti-Christ and his 10 Kings). We understand the Beast with Seven Heads now. This is why the USSR, China, the United States and even the British Empire or Ottoman Empire can not be a Beast or one of the Seven Heads, they never Conquered Israel, while Israel/PEOPLE were in the land. The Brits ruled Palestine as did the Ottoman Empire, but God dispersed Israel all over the World, this was why Ezekiel prophesied that Israel would be as "Dead Men's Bones" but we know those dead men's bones came Alive again in 1948, so after Rome, and up until 1948, there could be no Beast, because there was no Israel in the land. The Seven Headed Beast is revealed.

Now what does the Angel say about the Harlot/Woman ? Well firstly it says the Water she sat on is Peoples, Nations, Tongues and Multitudes. So right off the bat we understand she is Worldwide. A key is in Rev. 17:16 the Kings in league with the Beast destroy her, but why after all these years of being co-mingled together do they burn her and destroy her ? Because she is ALL FALSE RELIGION, and the Anti-Christ right after the Abomination of Desolation will demand to be Worshiped as the ONLY GOD !! The Anti-Christ will come after Israel, who flees to the Wilderness where God protects them for 1260 days (Rev. 12), he then comes after Christians who became Christians after the Rapture to Behead them, and he will destroy Islam, Buddhism and all Religions. He demands worship as the ONLY GOD !! Remember, the Harlot is Judged, this is a Chapter that Judges her. False Religion has the blood of the Saints AND the Martyrs on its hands.

Ever wonder why the Harlot is HATED by the Kings but when Babylon is destroyed the Kings Cry and Lament her demise ? Because they are TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES !! Babylon is False Government and the Harlot is False Religion. People then say "but what about Rev. 17:18" that verse calls her a city ? Well the Angel was only reminding John what he SAW, and the vision was what ? A woman with four things imprinted on her head, MYSTERY, Babylon the Great, Abominations of the Earth and Mother of Harlots. The Angel just reminded John that she was BABYLON the Mother of FALSE RELIGIONS. Not a City, but a MEMORY which is repulsive to God the Father. Proof of this is in Rev. 16.

There really is no Rev. 17 and 18, Rev. 16 comes right before Rev. 19. Rev. 17 is only the Harlot {False Religion} being destroyed and that happens in Rev. 6 and 7, and Rev. 18 is only Babylon or the Last Beast Head of the Seven Headed Beast coming against Israel, getting the plagues of God rained down on them via the Trumpets and the Vials of God. Rev. 17 and 18 are just an enhanced retelling of things already told, thus in Rev. 16 we are told, IT IS DONE !!

In Rev. 16 the 6th Vial gathers the Nations against Israel (Anti-Christ/10 Kings which is Europe and the Kings of the East) and we know who meets them at Meggido don't we ? Jesus our Lord. After he lands on the Mt. of Olives (Zechariah 14) and splits it into (Earthquake). Rev. 16 tells it like this:

Rev. 16:16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. 17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. (IT IS DONE !! No Rev. 17 or Rev. 18 exists per se.)

18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. 19 And the great city was divided into three parts (Earthquake splits Jerusalem), and the cities of the nations fell: (BABYLON) and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

So we see here that BABYLON is only a MEMORY, God sees the Nations that come against Israel as BABYLON, and gives them the fierceness of his wrath. Of course Jesus lands on the Mt. of Olives and destroys those Nations that come against Israel, that is their demise. God Judges False Religion or the Harlot in Rev 17:16, she is no more after this. This happens when the Anti-Christ places an Image of himself in the Temple and demands all to Worship him, at the MID-WAY POINT or in Rev. 6 and 7.

Babylon is destroyed by Gods plagues, Babylon is the Nations that come against Israel (the World) and God destroys her with His Plagues, which are the Seals/Trumpets and Vials. Babylons commerce is no doubt destroyed, that is what plagues do. Babylon is the habitation of Devils, Satan has been cast to earth and Apollyon and his horde of demons have been released from the pit in Rev. 9. The BOTTOM LINE IS :


Babylon is FALSE GOVERNMENT that tries to destroy Gods people, come after His authority, and deny His Godhead. It is not a City, it represents all that God sees as EVIL.


New member
what is the encoded word for city?

Rev. 17:18 says she is that Great City YOU SAW..........What did John see ? Why is this so difficult ?

Rev. 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

Who is Babylon ? What does God see as Babylon ?

Rev. 16:19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

This needle is not that hard to thread. WHO FELL in Rev. 16:19 ? Well who was it that came against Israel in Vial number 6 ? It was the Nations that came against Israel that are called BABYLON. The E.U. and the Kings of the East.
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New member
I look at the US as mystery Babylon. But it's actually a worldwide connected Satanic system. The 4th beast is exceedingly dreadful.

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a vision of the future
for the most part his future is our past

The day of the Lord is the great Sabbath, which is the future reality of the weekly Sabbath, the day that the Lord has set in which he will judge the whole world with justice by means of a MAN he has CHOSEN. He has given proof of this to everyone, by raising that MAN from death, See Acts 17: 31. The seventh day of one thousand years, and John says in Revelation 1: 10; "I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, etc.

John's vision was of our future my friend.


New member
a vision of the future
for the most part his future is our past

I answered it for you. He saw BABYLON imprinted on her head. In Rev. 16:19 this prophecy is fulfilled. Nothing John saw in Revelation, except for the Woman birthing the Child in Rev. 12 is in our past.


New member
Babylon is a code word for Jerusalem not Rome. The wine of Babylon are the performance-based works religions spawned by the old covenant. Grace is the mortal enemy of Babylon and she will fight the gospel with every ounce of her being.