babies conceived in rape should b aborted? You are NOT pro-life


New member
If you believe that babies conceived in rape (incest) should be aborted, you are NOT pro-life

You are saying that some babies are more equal than others

I think Megyn Kelly is not pro-life... She refers to the child as Fetus... and then there are other things she says that imply she is not pro life as per the aforementioned definition

who knows... Some people are good @ hiding their true beliefs...

I notice such "little" things, however...



New member
I have never ever seen or heard anyone say that any fetus SHOULD be aborted. Please provide evidence of this.

The Horn

It's not a question of "should ". But I think it's absolutely wrong and indefensible to tell a woman who is pregnant because of a rape that she MUST GIVE BIRTH or else . If a woman decides to have the baby in such awful circumstances , that's her right . But she should nto be forced to .


You are saying that some babies are more equal than others

I dunno. All that I know is what I've read from the ToL right ...heterosexuals are more "equal" than homosexuals, at least in regard to marriage. In their defense, many claim that life/world hands us natural inequities and homosexuals and their advocates need to face such facts.

As a lefty, I see no problem in levying this identical,. natural inequality argument in regard to abortion. No?

King cobra

We used to provide for the baby and kill the rapist.

Now we kill the baby and provide for the rapist.

Some call that progressive.


New member
I think abortion is a very private thing and should not be done... But I also do not think it is something that the government should regulate as a point of law.


New member
Why do you think it should not be done?

For many reasons... i personally think its murder, but our government doesnt at this point.

I also think that abortion is a very expensive type of birth control to some very irresponsible people... there are so many free and readily available contraceptives right now that needing an abortion should be an extreme rarity.


New member
So you are saying that you consider it murder but the government shouldn't. Why do you think the government shouldn't act on murder?

Because our government is supposed to be the will of the people... if we want it to be murder, it should be a constitutional amendment.


New member
It's not a question of "should ". But I think it's absolutely wrong and indefensible to tell a woman who is pregnant because of a rape that she MUST GIVE BIRTH or else . If a woman decides to have the baby in such awful circumstances , that's her right . But she should nto be forced to .

yeh, but the child should be forced into torture and death

well, we see where u r coming from



New member
I think abortion is a very private thing and should not be done... But I also do not think it is something that the government should regulate as a point of law.

personally i dont give a rip what u think. What you think is usually incredibly illogical, uncivilized and unAmerican.. not to mention against the teachings of Christ...



Hall of Fame
I think abortion is a very private thing and should not be done... But I also do not think it is something that the government should regulate as a point of law.

Why do you think it should not be done?

HisServant said:
For many reasons... i personally think its murder, but our government doesnt at this point.

I also think that abortion is a very expensive type of birth control to some very irresponsible people... there are so many free and readily available contraceptives right now that needing an abortion should be an extreme rarity.

So you are saying that you consider it murder but the government shouldn't. Why do you think the government shouldn't act on murder?

Because our government is supposed to be the will of the people... if we want it to be murder, it should be a constitutional amendment.

:think: I don't believe that any action which allows a parent to kill their child should be labelled "as a private thing".

The only reason to be against abortion is because it intentionally kills an innocent, unborn baby. Why is that reason not enough for you?


New member
:think: I don't believe that any action which allows a parent to kill their child should be labelled "as a private thing".

The only reason to be against abortion is because it intentionally kills an innocent, unborn baby. Why is that reason not enough for you?

I'm thinking elevators.. not going all the way to the top floor



New member
It's not a question of "should ". But I think it's absolutely wrong and indefensible to tell a woman who is pregnant because of a rape that she MUST GIVE BIRTH or else . If a woman decides to have the baby in such awful circumstances , that's her right . But she should nto be forced to .

A unique human child is created at conception and no one here can prove otherwise.

Abortion is legal in the US not because of some well developed justifiable homicide precedence nor scientific fact but because our Supreme court butchered the decision not only by ignoring Nasciturus precedence in many other countries that recognize a child's life at conception but instead relying on English common law and an clearly incorrect version of history of the Catholic Churches stance on abortion. In fact if they had gone to the RCC to get the real documented history abortion would not be legal.

Therefore, any claim that a mother has the right to kill their child is a case of "justifiable homicide". Any country that legally allows justifiable homicide will not stand for long.