Answering drbrumley: Murder, is it a federal, or state crime?
Answering drbrumley: Murder, is it a federal, or state crime?
drdrumley asked Turbo: is the crime of murder a federal or state crime? We all know what God says about it and we know how right He is, that it is a crime against humanity and Himself but in this discussion, who has the authority to carry out the sentence? Is it the states or the feds? Thats what this discussion is about.
Turbo, if you don't mind, I'd like to answer drumley also: Murder is a crime that a government can allow a subdivision of government to prosecute. But no government has the authority to tolerate the decriminalization of murder, regardless of what theory of government is spouted toward that end. Do not let your incidental theory of government (one that doesn't apply, for example, in another nation or another century) to undermine God's enduring command, Do not murder. If your constitutionalism will tolerate the systematic slaughter of innocent children (as Ron Paul explicitly says he does), then you promote lawlessness in the name of constitutionalism, for no true law exists where the foundation of all earthly law, Do not murder, is not maintained.
And to Troy, drdrumley, Ron Paul supporters et. al., Ron Paul by his immoral Libertarian Party principles and legislation, would not use federal authority to stop a single unborn child from being murdered, for he explicitly states that he would allow states like California and New York to systematically murder children without interference from him or the federal government.
So I repeat: Ron Paul is a true Libertarian, and his America could be crawling with sodomite child-killers, and he would say that the federal government should simply look the other way. That is not principled leadership, but immorality based upon the secular humanist value of tolerance, which is actually, apathy.
Ron Paul has long worked with the Libertarian Party, and spoke at it's 2004 national convention, and he has never repudiated that party, even though the Libertarian Party is:
Pro-legalized abortion
Pro-legalized euthanasia (killing of handicapped and sick people, etc.)
Pro-legalized homosexuality
Pro-legalized pornography
Pro-legalizing drugs (like heroin, crack cocaine, etc.)
Pro-legalizing suicide
Pro-legalizing prostitution
Libertarians are immoral, godless quasi-conservatives who therefore have no compass for righteousness in law.
And the above list is far more of a threat to America than is al Qaeda, for this platform is a prescription for how to destroy us from within. Yet Ron Paul does not understand these simple matters of right and wrong and governance.
-Pastor Bob Enyart
Denver Bible Church &
Answering drbrumley: Murder, is it a federal, or state crime?
drdrumley asked Turbo: is the crime of murder a federal or state crime? We all know what God says about it and we know how right He is, that it is a crime against humanity and Himself but in this discussion, who has the authority to carry out the sentence? Is it the states or the feds? Thats what this discussion is about.
Turbo, if you don't mind, I'd like to answer drumley also: Murder is a crime that a government can allow a subdivision of government to prosecute. But no government has the authority to tolerate the decriminalization of murder, regardless of what theory of government is spouted toward that end. Do not let your incidental theory of government (one that doesn't apply, for example, in another nation or another century) to undermine God's enduring command, Do not murder. If your constitutionalism will tolerate the systematic slaughter of innocent children (as Ron Paul explicitly says he does), then you promote lawlessness in the name of constitutionalism, for no true law exists where the foundation of all earthly law, Do not murder, is not maintained.
And to Troy, drdrumley, Ron Paul supporters et. al., Ron Paul by his immoral Libertarian Party principles and legislation, would not use federal authority to stop a single unborn child from being murdered, for he explicitly states that he would allow states like California and New York to systematically murder children without interference from him or the federal government.
So I repeat: Ron Paul is a true Libertarian, and his America could be crawling with sodomite child-killers, and he would say that the federal government should simply look the other way. That is not principled leadership, but immorality based upon the secular humanist value of tolerance, which is actually, apathy.
Ron Paul has long worked with the Libertarian Party, and spoke at it's 2004 national convention, and he has never repudiated that party, even though the Libertarian Party is:
Pro-legalized abortion
Pro-legalized euthanasia (killing of handicapped and sick people, etc.)
Pro-legalized homosexuality
Pro-legalized pornography
Pro-legalizing drugs (like heroin, crack cocaine, etc.)
Pro-legalizing suicide
Pro-legalizing prostitution
Libertarians are immoral, godless quasi-conservatives who therefore have no compass for righteousness in law.
And the above list is far more of a threat to America than is al Qaeda, for this platform is a prescription for how to destroy us from within. Yet Ron Paul does not understand these simple matters of right and wrong and governance.
-Pastor Bob Enyart
Denver Bible Church &