Phy's right again...
Phy's right again...
I've just emailed our KGOVArchives webmaster and asked him to post this at the top of the Show Summary:
* Error correction: In this show, I (Bob Enyart) wrongly exaggerated the similarity between the Dead Sea Scrolls book of Isaiah, and the modern Masoretic Text of the Hebrew Bible. While the ancient Isaiah text is exact to our modern Hebrew Bibles in over 95% of the text, and in less than 5% there are primarily minor spelling and stylistic alterations. I incorrectly stated that, “The Dead Sea Scrolls… book of Isaiah… is identical word for word, letter for letter, with the Hebrew book of Isaiah in Hebrew Bibles today.” This is flatly incorrect. I am thankful for the correction from ThePhy at Making such mistakes do not help the credibility of the program, and I am happy to provide corrections. It has been more than twenty years since I’ve done my reading on the text of the manuscripts issues of the Old and New Testaments, and as my memory faded, I distorted my recollection in favor of my worldview. If I would have heard another talk show host make the same exaggerated claim, I think I would have challenged it, googled the matter, and instantly proved it wrong. So, I apologize for making that error.
Hey Phy, if you move to Denver, you could join my staff and correct these errors
before I make them on the air! Now, wouldn't that be an improvement that both sides would enjoy?

The last thing I want is for my audience to pick up claims from me that are easily (without dispute!) disproved (of course, you would claim that for much of what I say, but much of that we would dispute). Really, thanks again. -Bob
p.s., I've printed out the 23 pages of your old thread criticizing me for pointing out that Venus is spinning backwards - in violation of the conservation of angular momentum (if the solar system was formed naturally out of a condensing spinning nebula). I'll read it on our vacation and I hope to reply when I return and from our new office (we're moving our studio), in about a month from now. Thx for that thread also! We'll see if it merits another apology. (I SURE HOPE NOT!) -Bob