are you a feminist?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Townie fits you better. Flitting from porch to porch with the latest gossip as you're wont to do.
Well if there's one thing you might know something about that would be it.
Why in the world would you want to speak to Anna? She is a player in her own little novelette....Little Women 11
I'd steer clear if I were you. Those that enter there often take on feminist characteristics.:shocked:
Anna has issues. She's talking to herself, "Listen snowflake...." I've found when people start telling themselves to listen it's time to seek help. :think:
Poor must be bored AND it might also be hormonal. Try some of that new relaxing tea you see advertised on the Daily Kos.
She [Rusha] shoots before she draws and points. I wonder if she still has all her toes. :think:
"I am WOMAN.....hear me ROAR." :rotfl:
And as you and doser have now found out, it brings out another side of the sweet little ladies here on TOL. :rotfl:
Might be bi-polar. Might be Jekyll and Hyde. :idunno:
You gals are an embarrassment to this forum. :nono:

Do you know why I show up in a thread I don't care about to speak up for someone I like? Of course you don't.
Because you don't, really. You were already here doing what you like to do, when you aren't accusing others of it.

Just a guess, mind you.

Oops, he and his seem to be gossiping like a couple of little school girls. :help:

I wonder if their voices get all high as they giggle and wink at one another?

No doubt they lock arms and skip off together to the next thread. Such little charmers!!!
Okay, not really a guess then. :plain:


Well-known member
Well if there's one thing you might know something about that would be it.

Because you don't, really. You were already here doing what you like to do, when you aren't accusing others of it.

Just a guess, mind you.

Okay, not really a guess then. :plain:

See the lengths you'll go to for a bit of gossip?

I go where I'm needed, which is why I drop in on the threads where the libtards are getting a bit big for their britches. Consider it an act of mercy to keep you off your high horses. :e4e:


Well-known member
Literally reposting your remarks? See, that you don't know what you just did there and why that's funny is only one of the reasons I like you around here.

You actually cue theme music when you write that, don't you. :plain:

It's the lengths you'll go to that surprises me. I wouldn't care enough about what you thought to actually look up statements you'd said in the past. You had to dig deep for some of those. You funny little gnome, you. ;)

Saxon Hammer

New member
As an anti-abortion feminist, I have nothing against women deciding to not have children as long as it is PRIOR to getting pregnant. Abortion should not be an option.

I used to support the idea of abortion as valid choice for a woman to make and because of that a valid choice for a man to request. I am happy to say that my ex-wife did not have to commit this sin however this also lead to the broken marriage which was a sin she did commit.

I am glad that I have seen this quote as I have recently completely reversed my view on abortion. However I am completely at a loss as to how to keep families together so that children may grow to adulthood in a balanced fashion.

patrick jane

I used to support the idea of abortion as valid choice for a woman to make and because of that a valid choice for a man to request. I am happy to say that my ex-wife did not have to commit this sin however this also lead to the broken marriage which was a sin she did commit.

I am glad that I have seen this quote as I have recently completely reversed my view on abortion. However I am completely at a loss as to how to keep families together so that children may grow to adulthood in a balanced fashion.
Your ex wife's sin broke up your marriage?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It's the lengths you'll go to that surprises me.
Clicking on a couple of buttons and copy/pasting a few bits that line up like a good argument? I can see where that might seem laborious to you.

I wouldn't care enough about what you thought to actually look up statements you'd said in the past.
Wouldn't help you anyway, coincidentally enough. :rolleyes:

You had to dig deep for some of those. You funny little gnome, you. ;)
Easy girl, easy. Your color is showing.

If anyone missed why, it was this:

See the lengths you'll go to for a bit of gossip?
Literally reposting your remarks? See, that you don't know what you just did there and why that's funny is only one of the reasons I like you around here.


Well-known member
Clicking on a couple of buttons and copy/pasting a few bits that line up like a good argument? I can see where that might seem laborious to you.

Wouldn't help you anyway, coincidentally enough. :rolleyes:

Easy girl, easy. Your color is showing.

If anyone missed why, it was this:

Literally reposting your remarks? See, that you don't know what you just did there and why that's funny is only one of the reasons I like you around here.

As I said, you aren't worth the effort....any effort.

Your words, in every post, are quite adequate to show your pride.

I need do no more than provide you the opportunity.

Saxon Hammer

New member
Why is it not seen that man makes a safe haven for woman to produce children that are then blessed with love and safety.

Yes male animals can make lots of females have babies (usually during a seasonal cycle) some these males are eaten, some play no further part yet others are life partners and will be again next year (season) making and rearing babies.

The human animal has advanced so that the need for security is largely removed (in the west) and this has allowed the female human animal to provide all obvious needs for their babies except one and that is the balance of the male human animal's mind and love. This has always been the very nature of the human animals advance as the female is quite capable of all functions to ensure the survival of her existing children provided she herself is not incapacitated (such as by child birth). This function would have been required had there been some sort of problem for the group's males who may be dead or incapacitated.

These evolutionary traits are still very much a part of the individual human today and our society has made it so that a great moral stain/strain is on the whole of the western society. This is creating slums that are populated with broken (single mums) families that just repeat the cycle over and over as women in these areas KNOW how to get a home as soon as they can get away from their mother and her current partner (not dad).

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The software keeps records :)
01:59 AM - Town Heretic quoted Eeset in post are you a feminist?
As I said, you aren't wort...

Okay, it was this:

He thinks its a debate but really its the bait.
If I think about it at all I'll have lapped you.
But I decided not to dilute the glory stream with it.

Must have forgot I was on ignore :)
The only person I've had on ignore since Christmas is 1Mind. I thought you left the joint a while back. When did you start posting again?


Okay, it was this:

But I decided not to dilute the glory stream with it.

The only person I've had on ignore since Christmas is 1Mind. I thought you left the joint a while back. When did you start posting again?
Oh my, it is a pleasure to be back in your good graces. Well maybe not the good part but I can forgive the oversight. :)


Hall of Fame
I used to support the idea of abortion as valid choice for a woman to make and because of that a valid choice for a man to request. I am happy to say that my ex-wife did not have to commit this sin however this also lead to the broken marriage which was a sin she did commit.

I am glad that I have seen this quote as I have recently completely reversed my view on abortion. However I am completely at a loss as to how to keep families together so that children may grow to adulthood in a balanced fashion.

Glad to know that you are anti-abortion as well. Insofar as keeping marriages together, IMO mutual respect goes a long way. Too often it is demanded but not given.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
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