ECT Are you a Darby follower?


New member
This accusation is thrown around everyday here on TOL. I knew nothing of dispensationalism growing up in a Baptist Church although they let us know about the pretribulation rapture as something worthwhile to consider but not part of their statement of faith. I accepted it right off the bat. It really felt right to me.

Later in life , I grew away from the church as it had zero appeal to me. I was sitting in my car eating lunch on my break when unheard this preacher on the radio say things I had never heard before. I had not felt as good about anything religious since I heard of the pretribulation rapture. I felt even better when I started attending his church. I could not get enough of his preaching and I loved how he said the main purpose to gather together is for the study of doctrine. Finally, here was a preacher who wasn't stuck on moralizing and making you fell guilty and shaming you into giving. It was all about opening up the bible from the mystery it is to so many of us to something we could actually make sense of if we just applied a few good hermenuetical principles.

In all of this, Darby was hardly mentioned. It wasnt until I discussed what I learned with some Baptist family members that I got all kinds of flak about this being a new thing to Christianity that would not exist if not for Darby.

To sum up: Darby did not influence me. I received this system of looking at the bible with open arms after ignoring Christianity for over a decade.

patrick jane

This accusation is thrown around everyday here on TOL. I knew nothing of dispensationalism growing up in a Baptist Church although they let us know about the pretribulation rapture as something worthwhile to consider but not part of their statement of faith. I accepted it right off the bat. It really felt right to me.

Later in life , I grew away from the church as it had zero appeal to me. I was sitting in my car eating lunch on my break when unheard this preacher on the radio say things I had never heard before. I had not felt as good about anything religious since I heard of the pretribulation rapture. I felt even better when I started attending his church. I could not get enough of his preaching and I loved how he said the main purpose to gather together is for the study of doctrine. Finally, here was a preacher who wasn't stuck on moralizing and making you fell guilty and shaming you into giving. It was all about opening up the bible from the mystery it is to so many of us to something we could actually make sense of if we just applied a few good hermenuetical principles.

In all of this, Darby was hardly mentioned. It wasnt until I discussed what I learned with some Baptist family members that I got all kinds of flak about this being a new thing to Christianity that would not exist if not for Darby.

To sum up: Darby did not influence me. I received this system of looking at the bible with open arms after ignoring Christianity for over a decade.
I too had never heard of Darby but followed Paul's epistles instead. So, I don't consider myself a Darby follower. His principles were written 2000 years ago, not in 1830

Lazy afternoon

This accusation is thrown around everyday here on TOL. I knew nothing of dispensationalism growing up in a Baptist Church although they let us know about the pretribulation rapture as something worthwhile to consider but not part of their statement of faith. I accepted it right off the bat. It really felt right to me.

Later in life , I grew away from the church as it had zero appeal to me. I was sitting in my car eating lunch on my break when unheard this preacher on the radio say things I had never heard before. I had not felt as good about anything religious since I heard of the pretribulation rapture. I felt even better when I started attending his church. I could not get enough of his preaching and I loved how he said the main purpose to gather together is for the study of doctrine. Finally, here was a preacher who wasn't stuck on moralizing and making you fell guilty and shaming you into giving. It was all about opening up the bible from the mystery it is to so many of us to something we could actually make sense of if we just applied a few good hermenuetical principles.

In all of this, Darby was hardly mentioned. It wasnt until I discussed what I learned with some Baptist family members that I got all kinds of flak about this being a new thing to Christianity that would not exist if not for Darby.

To sum up: Darby did not influence me. I received this system of looking at the bible with open arms after ignoring Christianity for over a decade.

A pre-trib rapture is taught nowhere in the entire Bible.

2Th 1:4 So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure:
2Th 1:5 Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer:
2Th 1:6 Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
2Th 1:7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
2Th 1:8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
2Th 1:9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;
2Th 1:10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.



Well-known member
going back to the OP... Did your teachers ever say 'you know, there are chapters in the Bible itself which take up the broadest themes and time frames.'? For ex., Eph 2-3 and Gal 3-4. They are the solution to 'the puzzle that the Bible is.'
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New member
You fell victim to one huge con job... you should read some of the correspondence from early dispys... especially surrounding the creation of Dallas Theological Seminary. They were in it fir the long haul because they knew their deception would take generations to take root. The consciously cloaked Darby and especially that criminal... Scofield.


What made Dallas such an attractive gathering spot for this?

Chafer was a disciple of Scofield, and Scofield was a disciple of Darby.

So, basically the Dallas Theological Seminary was founded upon, as is, nothing but a place where the teachings of John Nelson Darby are taught.


Well-known member
You fell victim to one huge con job... you should read some of the correspondence from early dispys... especially surrounding the creation of Dallas Theological Seminary. They were in it fir the long haul because they knew their deception would take generations to take root. The consciously cloaked Darby and especially that criminal... Scofield.

Links. Titles. Authors.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This accusation is thrown around everyday here on TOL. I knew nothing of dispensationalism growing up in a Baptist Church although they let us know about the pretribulation rapture as something worthwhile to consider but not part of their statement of faith. I accepted it right off the bat. It really felt right to me.

Later in life , I grew away from the church as it had zero appeal to me. I was sitting in my car eating lunch on my break when unheard this preacher on the radio say things I had never heard before. I had not felt as good about anything religious since I heard of the pretribulation rapture. I felt even better when I started attending his church. I could not get enough of his preaching and I loved how he said the main purpose to gather together is for the study of doctrine. Finally, here was a preacher who wasn't stuck on moralizing and making you fell guilty and shaming you into giving. It was all about opening up the bible from the mystery it is to so many of us to something we could actually make sense of if we just applied a few good hermenuetical principles.

In all of this, Darby was hardly mentioned. It wasnt until I discussed what I learned with some Baptist family members that I got all kinds of flak about this being a new thing to Christianity that would not exist if not for Darby.

To sum up: Darby did not influence me. I received this system of looking at the bible with open arms after ignoring Christianity for over a decade.

Good post CS.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Many years ago the book of James used to bother me a bit. It stated: Faith without works is dead. That seemed to contradict the words of Paul? Years later I came across the belief in Dispensationalism and it cleared up the apparent paradox in my understanding of Scripture. James is "different" because, James 1:1 stated: " James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting." James told us WHO he was speaking to. And, it wasn't to the Gentiles. On the other hand, Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles and taught that Faith alone without works saves.
Therefore, there were two separate messages being taught simultaneously.

Paul's message (Gospel) spoke to the Gentile believers and Peter's message (Gospel) spoke to the Kingdom believers (The House of Israel/Jews) Today, both Jew and Gentile follow Paul's message. (Gospel) Once we "Rightly Divide" the word, everything falls in place. All of the pieces of the puzzle come together and everything makes sense.

patrick jane

Many years ago the book of James used to bother me a bit. It stated: Faith without works is dead. That seemed to contradict the words of Paul? Years later I came across the belief in Dispensationalism and it cleared up the apparent paradox in my understanding of Scripture. James is "different" because, James 1:1 stated: " James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting." James told us WHO he was speaking to. And, it wasn't to the Gentiles. On the other hand, Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles and taught that Faith alone without works saves.
Therefore, there were two separate messages being taught simultaneously.

Paul's message (Gospel) spoke to the Gentile believers and Peter's message (Gospel) spoke to the Kingdom believers (The House of Israel/Jews) Today, both Jew and Gentile follow Paul's message. (Gospel) Once we "Rightly Divide" the word, everything falls in place. All of the pieces of the puzzle come together and everything makes sense.
Good post

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
By the way, before I came to TOL, I had never heard of Darby and have yet, to read anything he wrote. That crazy "Preterist" TeT seems to think EVERYBODY follows Darby. However, as you can see, I never heard of him before coming here.


New member
People are missing the point. We are called Darby followers as if we were passive victims of brainwashing. MAD didn't seek me out; I was looking for it. Or rather, I knew I had found it when i heard if. I decided what I wanted to believe. The sinister men "behind the curtain in Dallas" did not seek me out. They didn't have to "keep repeating the same lies over and over" as some charge here. I believed their messengers the very first time I got a glimpse.

If I believed a lie by con artists, I sought it out. I rejected "churchianity" through and through and I was never going back to it long before any "charlatan" got hold of me.


New member
By the way, before I came to TOL, I had never heard of Darby and have yet, to read anything he wrote. That crazy "Preterist" TeT seems to think EVERYBODY follows Darby. However, as you can see, I never heard of him before coming here.

You were not a helpless victim of "false teaching". You already had doubts about your early Christianity just like most of us. We were just waiting for someone to come along and provide an explanation for our doubts.