Hi to all , and the Acts 2 people all claim that there are CHRISTIANS / CHRISTIANOS in Acts 2 , but have yet to see the Greek word CHRISTIANOS for christian in Acts 2 , until Acts 11:26 .
Bur what doe CHRISTIANOS mean , but a follower of Jesus !!
#1 , One of Israel's sin was the inter-marriage with Un-believers !
#2 , Pentecostals always try to say that Gentiles are saved in Act 2 , weong !!
#3 , Jews are NEVER in the Body of Christ !!
#4 , Gal 3:28 says that there NEVER Jews in the Body , because all Jews , Gentiles , Bond and Slaves , Male and Female lose their INDENTITY in the BODY .
#5 , In Num 23:7 , the CONTEXT is Israel !!
#6 , And as verse 9 says , that Israel shall DWELL ALONE !!
#7 , And ( Israel ) shall not be RECKONED among the NATIONS /GENTILES !!
#8 So , that means that Jews and Gentiles , do not CO-EXIST together !!
#9 , It is also in the Millennium , as Israel will be Kings and Priests as Ex 19:6 and Rev 1:6 , reveal and no Gentiles Priests , or the RCC Priests !!
Pentcostalism in Acts 2 is WRONG !!
dan p
Bur what doe CHRISTIANOS mean , but a follower of Jesus !!
#1 , One of Israel's sin was the inter-marriage with Un-believers !
#2 , Pentecostals always try to say that Gentiles are saved in Act 2 , weong !!
#3 , Jews are NEVER in the Body of Christ !!
#4 , Gal 3:28 says that there NEVER Jews in the Body , because all Jews , Gentiles , Bond and Slaves , Male and Female lose their INDENTITY in the BODY .
#5 , In Num 23:7 , the CONTEXT is Israel !!
#6 , And as verse 9 says , that Israel shall DWELL ALONE !!
#7 , And ( Israel ) shall not be RECKONED among the NATIONS /GENTILES !!
#8 So , that means that Jews and Gentiles , do not CO-EXIST together !!
#9 , It is also in the Millennium , as Israel will be Kings and Priests as Ex 19:6 and Rev 1:6 , reveal and no Gentiles Priests , or the RCC Priests !!
Pentcostalism in Acts 2 is WRONG !!
dan p