I don't understand what else to say to express the fact that you are conflating two completely seperate issues.
And this is an huge overstatement anyway! You don't die in the sense that you no longer exist! When you say "the more I die", what you do mean? Die to what?
That's a real question! I know the biblical answer but I want to know what your answer is. I can't see how you could even have an answer. What do those words mean when you say them?
I quoted you the scripture!
Where there is no law, sin is not imputed.
Has anyone, other than me, ever said those words to you before? They aren't my words, their Paul's but I'm curious to know what you think they mean.
Surrender to what?
Be specific.
What, in your view, does this "surrender" look like in your daily life.
Again, I know the biblical answer to these questions but I suspect that you do not. That is to say, that I don't think that you've ever thought through just what you mean when you repeat these very common Christian clichés.
Do you not see the contradiction in that sentence which I've highlighted?
Is it wrong to "try to be true to His promise"?
Isn't the fact that you're trying, proof that you can at least do that - try?
I'll tell you this. You will fail.
You will fail - I guarantee it! God will see to it that you fail!
You know why? Because you're trying. You're trying to accomplish something that only God can do and that He has already done!
As I read your post, I can feel the guilt that is overwhelming your every thought. This tells me that you are living the Christian life in your flesh. Your entire identity is all wrapped up in your flesh. When you look at you, you don't see Christ, as God does, you see sin, dispare, distruction and death and, every day, you scare yourself back into the outstretched arms of Jesus begging Him to forgive you again. WHICH HE DOES NOT DO!!!!
Now, hopefully, those last five words were rather jaring. They were intended to be.
Jesus does not forgive sins twice or three times or a dozen times or a million times. He forgives sins once. He declares you righteous once. He baptizes you into the Body of Christ once. He doesn't do it once a day or once a week or once a month, He does it once - period!
You can ask him to forgive you over and over and over again but all He's going to do is roll His eyes in loving frustration and tell you that there is no longer anything to forgive! You are NOT UNDER THE LAW and where there is no law, sin is not imputed. If sin is not imputed to you then what is there to forgive? NOTHING! Not because you don't do things you shouldn't but because Christ has already died for those sins and you have been baptized by the same Spirit that rose Jesus from the dead into His Body and are now hidden in Him. And if you died in Him then you have also been raise with Him! Your identity is now Christ! It is no longer you who lives but Christ lives His life through you by faith. The question that remains is not whether you're a sinner, you are not because He is not. The question then is only whether you believe it!
Do you?
That very same one is He in whom you are now identified and in whom you now rest. Rest - not try - not struggle - REST.
So, now that we've gone into some depth concerning our sin nature and the believer's idenity in Christ, let's look at an entirely different issue and ask the question, can people do anything that can rightly be considered a righteous act?
Is it possible for anyone to do anything right or is every single act that anyone ever performs, no matter what it is or why they did it, only ever evil?
Before answering please think about what Paul is instructing us to do in Galatians 6:4 and then read through Ezekiel 18 and then come and tell me what your answer is.
I make no effort to strive to be that which I already am in Him. (Gal. 2:20; Phil. 3:12)
Resting in Him,
You seem to have anger issues which I am trying to get to the reason why. PM me if you please.
What are you holding back for self, is it rewards? I was in your place, I feel your feelings because of your words.
Those without the law are a law into themselves.
You said God will see that I fail, because I exalt His Son above myself? How does that make any sense at all?
I die daily, no, I die moment by moment when I compare myself to Christ. How do I die you ask, I die to myself. I do feel guilt as appointed head of my family but I am exalted in Christ to the right hand of the Father because I accept my guilt. Why is that so hard for you to understand? It is a very peaceful situation for me when it is all Christ. I can't express the gratitude I feel for His sacrifice enough as a benefactor of a son in Christ. I don't think much on my rewards, I'm sealed, concerning salvation I have in Him. He offers much more to me than myself eternally, so I will keep myself in proper respect because He owns all that I want and he knows what I need even more than I do.
I don't repent or ask for forgiveness. I stand convicted in my salvation moment by moment. I have an intercessor for my sin who is Christ. I am exalted, and sealed, I set at the right hand of God this very minute in Christ. I am an inheritor of all creation down to it's very molecules but want is it that I even know all things. The most for me is that the Father will wipe away all my tears and I die daily now because it's not all about me and never truly was, It's my family and more, it was what I could not see until He showed it to me.