Resident Atheist
Frank Ernest said:Define "sell out." --in a nice way, of course.![]()
Frank Ernest said:Define "sell out." --in a nice way, of course.![]()
wickwoman said:O.K., all "non-Christians," gather together in a little circle for a pep talk:
*whispering* Zak, Granite, Purex, anyone else here: I have no problem whatsoever with you guys being nice to any of the Christians on this website, just don't sell out.
O.K. break! *clap*
Originally Posted by julie21
I think that who individuals want to talk to throughout the board is up to the individual, and they should not be judged against for merely being civil to others. If a Christian converses with an atheist about Christ, the time of day or the weather, they should be free to do that without condemnation. If what the Edge is doing is wrong in the eyes of the Lord, he will no doubt find this out one glorious day, as we all will be judged for how we treated our fellow man, Christian, atheist, agnostic, sinner, whatever. Or, if it was noticed by others that he was beginning to slip into their way of non-belief, I am sure that he would be shown this in a brotherly Christian way. Until then, I am sure that The Edge is a prayerful person, and has/will look to the Lord for guidance in what he should do in this matter.If Christians only spoke to Christians, there would not be much growth in the Lord's body, and we would not be doing the Lord's work.
I haven't completely kept up with this whole thread, but I have read a little. I agree with Julie in that there is no reason why Christians can not converse or have friendships with non-believers. I have a few friends who are non-believers. I have learned a lot from them and I pray that they have learned a lot from me. As a Christian, I do think it's important that we don't give our non-believing friends the wrong idea. It's important that we don't compromise our belief in Christ nor God's Word for the sake of friendships or for being accepted. If we do this, we're doing more harm than good.
The Edge,
One thing I have noticed in this thread is that you haven't dropped it. As Christians, once we publicly confront eachother on differences or wrongs, I think we should drop it. It seems to me that Erin Marie has done this. I think after you confront a brother and sister, the rest is up to God.
In Christ,
The Edge said:Turbo, leave it alone. She smeared me, and she smeared me big time. She does not even know me. So how can you get on my case for smearing her, when she made all those horrid judgements about me? Don't defend her. She has no right any more than I do. Just cus she's your sister in law doesn't mean you have to take sides. You got to admit, she was out of line.
Now I ask you again to leave it alone. Just because you're a moderator doesn't mean you are always right. I have no problem with you or Erin anymore. I'll accept her apology at any time. And as I said in my other posts, if I offended her I am sorry.
Dave Miller said:I was unaware of Enyart's legal history. After I verified it for myself, I was hurt, angry, sad. And then I
left the PC and went and hugged my kids. I also played basketball and soccer with them, and went out
and bought them milkshakes.
We live in a fallen world, from which no one is immune. There, but by the Grace of God go I.
The Edge said:I apologize to Turbo. He's probably jumping to your defense because he's your relative and friend, and because both of you subscribe to that "nicer than God" stuff.
"The Edge"
The Edge said:It's about Bob Enyart and his conviction for child abuse in the late 90s.
The Edge said:Some Bob Enyart thread that Erin posted 7 or 8 I think.
Does God Exist? - Battle Royale VII - Bob Enyart vs. ZakathThe Edge said:What debate was that, between Enyart and Zakath?
Are you implying that I'm contrary?!drbrumley said:Thanks for the good rep Zakath. Even though it is supposed to be a bad rep, I will consider the source who gave it.
And you still can't get over the fact that your precious St. Bob the Broadcaster agreed to debate an anonymous Internet persona... all for the opportunity to line his pockets by publishing the debate. You people are pathetic...You still can't get over getting your butt whipped by Enyart in your debate with him.
PureX said: I would just like to point out here, that posting some facts about Enyart's past is just posting some facts about Enyart's past. It's not passing judgment to post facts about someone. If you think those facts make Enyart look bad, it's YOU who is passing that judgment, not the person who posted the facts.
I said: You mean you want to slam the friend of many people here and then not have to answer for your own post. You’d like the cheap shots to go un-countered if at all possible. And you'd like us to think of you as chivalrous in the meantime.
Edge said I never said this. I fully expect to answer for my post.