All that's been shown here is that the whole Protestant Reformation comes from the Greek philosophers and their concepts.
If you try fiddling with their concepts, then your whole Reformation would unravel.
That isn't what has been shown here at all.
Is this your idea of sound reasoning? If so, you have a lot to learn.
Greek Philosophy had infiltrated the church long before the reformation and it remains to this day. What the reformation was about was separating from certain false doctrines which the Catholic church has implemented without Biblical support. The reformation was quite successful in separating itself from Rome but it made no effort to separate itself from the Greeks. The reformers loved the Greeks and it never occurred to them to investigate those beliefs Biblically. And Greek philosophy had nothing to do with why the reformation happened. But to expect them to correct 1400 years of errors in a single generation is unreasonable in the extreme. Its enough and quite remarkable that they came as far as they did. Open Theism seeks to complete their efforts by saying, bravo for having come as far as you did Mr. Luther, recovering Biblical ground from the heretics in Rome, but there is more ground to be recovered from the Greeks!
Clete, so you believe if science or sound reasoning tells us one thing about nature or history, then if that view doesn't jive with Scripture then it's wrong?
If it contradicts Scripture then yes, it is wrong but my comment was made in reference to theology, not science. All DOCTRINE must be both Biblical and of sound reason. And I was also thinking that just because something is rational doesn't mean it is true. The irrational is always false but not necessarily the other way around. Thus rationality, by itself, is insufficient except as a way of falsifying truth claims. The only exception to that is when you have rationally falsified all possible truth claims but one. In that case you have established the truth because of the rational impossibility of the contrary.
If I might do so without being insulting, which is certainly not my intention, I would recommend reading
The BIG Questions: Philosophy for Everyone by Nils Ch Rauhut. It's really great for helping people get a firm grasp of just how logic works, what it can do, and what it can't and why.
Dave, quit spewing Enyart's statements and think what you are saying.
I don't recall ever having seen Dave quote anything from Bob Enyart. Stop demonstrating your lack of emotional control over your hatred of Bob Enyart and respond to the arguments that have been made, if you can, or else be a man and concede the point.
Resting in Him,