ARCHIVE: Lying is never righteous!


New member
If lying is described as: not telling the truth - then lying is morally neutral.
False, Knight here is assuming his argument.

Telling untruth is anathema to the character of God. Jesus Himself is the TRUTH, therefore UNTRUTH is the opposite of Jesus.

How can you not see this? Why do you not respond to this?


New member
Oh, and knight NEVER dealt with Luke 12, he kept sidebarring onto Matthew 10.

He is ducking the issue, trying to say that because the parallel account in Matthew deals with witnessing, then Luke must as well.

All that argument shows is that Knight does not know how to read. Luke wrote Luke for a specific purpose. He placed those words in a specific context. Why are you using Matthew to argue against Luke instead of using Luke to argue against Matthew?

All Knight is doing is the expedient, going with whatever helps him in the argument instead of having a real reason. If he had a legitimate reason, he would have responded to my criticism of him about 5-8 pages ago.

Dee Dee Warren

Ah a smorgasboard of Jaltus errors to deal with. So many errors, so little time.

Dee Dee Warren

That's it Sheepdog. Distract him into saying something else really dumb.


New member
Dee Dee you and Knight seem to be saying that it is all right for Christians to deny Christ if someone’s life is in danger, otherwise it is not right. Am I correct or is there something I am missing?

Dee Dee Warren

No Hank there would be more to it than that. And you worded it imprecisely... I can imagine situation where it would be morally permissible to LIE and say one did not believe when one actually did still believe. The denial of Christ that leads to damnation is ultimately real unbelief.

This I think, though, is a red herring to this thread and an emotional side show. No one is saying that it is just peachy to LIE about one's faith willy-nilly. But if I can imagine ONE situation where it would be morally permissible, then we cannot say it is ALWAYS morally evil. But this does bring us right back to the lying issue again. If of course lying can never be morally right, then we never get to this issue to begin with.


New member
I'll admit I was is Hezekiah 4.


I think he probably did something wrong. Although the question is, was Sarah actually his sister?

Genesis 20:
11 Abraham replied, "I said to myself, 'There is surely no fear of God in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife.'
12 Besides, she really is my sister, the daughter of my father though not of my mother; and she became my wife.

Dee Dee Warren

Excusing deceit while claiming that it is never morally right to lie is horribly inconsistent.


New member
Ah a smorgasboard of Jaltus errors to deal with. So many errors, so little time.
That's right, that is why you don't respond to my arguments, you are too busy trying to nitpick hoping you can actually escape the force of my grammatical and theological arguments, none of which you have dealt with:

1) The word for lying or deception in both Greek and Hebrew means to say something false.

2) Jesus is the truth, and therefore and untruth would be the opposite of Jesus. Therefore, according to God's own character, since that is the standard of righteousness, untruth is always morally wrong, always a sin.

Dee Dee Warren

You have said repeatedly it is permissible to deceive someone with truth.


New member
Ah, so it is consistent to say that lying is wrong but lying in certain circumstances is right?

LOL, look to thine own self first.

Consistency is not exactly the hallmark of your theological position.

Dee Dee Warren

If you missed the point Jaltus.. I stated that speaking an untruth (or acting in untruth) in and of itself is morally neutral. It is the added stuff that brings in morality, such as intent, situation, and recipient. It is you that is trying to shoehorn everything into one category not I, thus, brute consistency is your hobgoblin, not mine.

Dee Dee Warren

Am I sinning if I sit on my bed and tells the walls about Gladys my weimeramer?? It is not true.

Dee Dee Warren

Sheepdog..... LOLOLOLOL... now that is good too!!! You are producing fodder for posts of the day... you were my first remember?


New member
Dee Dee let me state it a different way then. Is it always right for Christians to deny Christ if their life is in danger?

Dee Dee Warren

No. That was easy. And you have worded it imprecisely once again... and once again, we are begging the question for the foundational issue... is it ever moral to lie, which is in fact the topic of this thread, and which in fact, I hope to concentrate more on (I did plan on posting something substantive tonight, but I am stricken with a terrible headache - probably from trying to follow Jaltus' arguments ;)

And again let me make myself clear once again. This is one question that quite honestly is the first time I have every really done any serious consideration of (which I have done throughout this conversation), and thus, I am not interested in a full out debate on this particular question, unlike the more foundational issue of whether or not it is ever moral to lie, which I have thoroughly considered. Knight appears to have thought this one through much more thoroughly than I, and I am very interested in hearing his perspective and interaction with you guys on it. I am considering though posting some comments on Matthew 10 becuase much too much weight is being placed upon this verse in the context of the limited parameters of this discussion.