ARCHIVE: Is this really demonic doctrine or what...


Dee Dee Warren

It is within the pale of orthodoxy to believe that the Lord Jesus was called an "Angel of the Lord", though I do believe they are wrong by doing so. But to believe Jesus was essentially a angelic being is heresy.

Now was that so difficult?? Thank you for your answer.


Ok, in all seriousness, I have never really thought much about the "angel of the Lord" being euated with "The Son" Can someone outline the Biblical argument for such a thing?

Dee Dee Warren

Ok, in all seriousness, I have never really thought much about the "angel of the Lord" being euated with "The Son" Can someone outline the Biblical argument for such a thing?

Good topic for another thread.


New member
Originally posted by Pilgrimagain
Ok, in all seriousness, I have never really thought much about the "angel of the Lord" being euated with "The Son" Can someone outline the Biblical argument for such a thing?

PA, exactly. I do have problems with this position of Jesus being called an "angel", and the Biblical implications of such. I understand many orthodox believers would hold this position but I believe it is a weak view (personally speaking).

Though Me Again's claim in quite cultic: I also believe that Michael the Archangel was actually the Lord Jesus Christ in his pre-human birth form. He came here with the authority of the Father


New member
Originally posted by Freak

Another personal attack from DD.

You said: I made myself abundantly clear that I do not believe that Jesus was ever ontologically a created being called an "angel."

I just wonder what Me Again believes? Does he believe that? That is what I'm trying to get at.

It is within the pale of orthodoxy to believe that the Lord Jesus was called an "Angel of the Lord", though I do believe they are wrong by doing so. But to believe Jesus was essentially a angelic being is heresy.

Me Again what do you believe?

Now you are dancing again because your FRAUD has been revealed finally. Dance little man, Dance.

You beat the Drum of Heresy over and over again! You were not trying to understand anything about Me Again. Quit your lieing.


Whoa there Freak, a weak interpretation (if it is weak) does not a cult make, it only makes a weak interpretation.


New member
This is what I considered cultic not the view DD espoused.

Me Again claims: I also believe that Michael the Archangel was actually the Lord Jesus Christ in his pre-human birth form. He came here with the authority of the Father


How do you deem that that is cultic and not simply a bad interpretation.

It seems you use the words "demonic" and "cultic" as an emotional device rather than because of any firm definition of the two.

me again

New member
Freak the circus clown

Freak the circus clown

Posted by Freak

It is within the pale of orthodoxy to believe that the Lord Jesus was called an "Angel of the Lord."
Wow, and it only took 13 pages to get you to admit this. :rolleyes::up:

me again

New member
Dance little clown! Dance!!!

Dance little clown! Dance!!!

Posted by Calvinist
Freak, now you are dancing again because your FRAUD has been revealed finally. Dance little man, Dance!!!
LOL :eek::up:

me again

New member
Yes, that's true. I don't want to make Jay feel bad. That wasn't my intention.

Jay, I apoligize if I made you feel bad. :)

But gee whiz, it took so many pages to get Jay to respond. It appeared that he was being evasive which, ironically, is what he says I am.
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Brother Vinny

Active member
Me again, now that we know you aren't a demoniac, would you mind fleshing out your beliefs about Jesus having been Michael?


New member
Originally posted by Paul DeYonghe
Me again, now that we know you aren't a demoniac, would you mind fleshing out your beliefs about Jesus having been Michael?

Now, back to the topic of this thread.

Me Again do you still believe Jesus was at one time Michael the Angel?

me again

New member
Posted by Freak
Now, back to the topic of this thread. Me Again do you still believe Jesus was at one time Michael the Angel?
Jay, I'll answer your questions only if you'll answer mine. ;)
  • Do you believe I am a Blood bought Christian who is washed by the Blood of the Lamb?
  • Do you believe I am a heretic?
Pray tell? :confused:
the disciples of Yahshua, those who obeyed Him,
never asked "who do you say that I am"
nor "what do you think of me?"
because it doesn't matter at all!! (as wrritten by the emissary Paul)...
what matters is what Yhvh Elohim thinks and says and does.
That's all that matters, what does Yhvh think of you ?

footnote since today is a critical point in history:
from the GJiGT website/newsletter/email:
We are NOW in the Days of Awe. Wednesday night, October 8, 2008,
begins the 24 hour Day of Atonement. Any REAL Christian has twice the
reason to observe this ONLY BIBLICALLY REQUIRED FAST DAY, as any Jew
who does not know his Messiah. Can we find God's GRACE? That is the
Question? Can we walk IN the Grace of God? If you do not have a Day
of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, celebration liturgy of which to partake,
click this one and go through it Wednesday night, in the Church of
Jesus Christ in your house.
http://www.moresure YOMKIP.HTM

We are NOW in, and will REMAIN in the Days of Awe, from now until the
return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some may say, what makes you so
sure? Because, the LAST allowable step of the ROAD MAP FROM HELL has
been taken with the FORCED FORSAKING OF GAZA, Zeph 2:3. AND the next
step of the ROAD MAP from Hell will surely be taken, and that next
step is the SPECIFIC step which will cause the FURY of God Almighty
to come up in His Face, Eze 38:18, and many other Scriptures. The
effect of EVERY Vision is NOW at hand and there are some things that
end quote


Well-known member
MeAgain left TOL to start his own Mormon website. Christians are those who believe that not only is Jesus The One and Only Savior, but also The One True God.
agree, mormons and budhists and r.caths. and baptsts and mthdsts and democrts and pulibcans and hairy crishneas all have their own other beliefs.
for every one
the time is very short now and as it has been for those who honor Yhvh very dangerous and getting more so....