Originally posted by lighthouse
Who said we were afraid of queers?
And James 4:12 is speaking of Christians judging Christians, based on the law. Homos aren't Christians.
This from a christian 'queer' (your terminology)

lease...There is only one verse in the Bible that is unequivocally anti-male homosexual and that is even in questions. See the Oxford Annotated Study Bible...All of the clobber verses are not talking about homosexuality...
Sodom and Gomorrah...was going to be destroyed before men tried to rape angels. Story is a valediction against rape and violence.
Deuteronomy 23...This is talking about female and male prostitutes (shrine prostitutes). That is the proper translation of Qadesha and Qadesh...
Jude...I would say that chasing after angels to rape 'em is going after some pretty strange flesh.
Romans 1...Speaking about the excesses caused by Pagan worship and forgetting God. Not about homosexuality, per se. It is mentioned but only in a sense of promiscuity.
1Corinthians...Arsenokoitai is thought to be best translated as male prostitute. There were, in Koine Greek, words for homosexual behavior. Why didn't Paul use one of the standard and well known Greek words??? Why did he make up his own??? Probably because he wasn't speaking of gays, so much as male hookers.
Those people who say I am not a Christian because I am gay, aren't God and don't know the state of my heart and salvation. As Jesus said,"You judge by the outer appearance, but God judges the heart."
I am not promiscuous. I am a virgin. I want a serious committed relationship with a man...Which is more than I can say for most people within the body of Christ. I wonder how many times Mr. Lighthouse fornicated before he got married. I wonder if he ever gets drunk or has gotten drunk. Christians are supposed to judge the Brethren, but maybe they should clean up their own acts first. Maybe, too, they should get back to the Bible and learn a little something about the Gospel of Grace. Just a suggestion for Mr. Lighthouse.
taken from secularity.com
I especially agree with:
'Those people who say I am not a Christian because I am gay, aren't God and don't know the state of my heart and salvation. As Jesus said,"You judge by the outer appearance, but God judges the heart."