Anyone familiar with phoneme segmentation


New member
deardelmar said:
I for one had never heard the word before.

Auditory discrimination—The ability to detect small similarities and differences between sounds.

Auditory evoked potential (AEP)—A change in the neural-electrical activity in the brain in response to auditory signals.

Auditory perception—The ability to comprehend and interpret auditory signals.

Central auditory processing skills—The skills needed for auditory perception, including auditory discrimination, auditory memory, auditory blending, and auditory comprehension.

Phonemes—The basic units of sound in a language.

Phonological awareness—The ability to hear and manipulate the sounds that make up words.

Phonology—The science of speech sounds and sound patterns.

Wepman's Auditory Discrimination Test (WADT)—A commonly used test for evaluating auditory discrimination skills.

Mark Tindall

karenincolorado said:

G'day! I come from the Land Down Under and am a professional educator. (30 years K-12 & adult) interested in homeschooling.

karenincolorado said:

karenincolorado said:
He has a lot of trouble with the whole phoneme segmentation. This is really frustrating and baffling to my husband and me because my son can (usally) tell you the sounds of the word. Example: he can tell you that /n/ is the last sound in the word "man" and can usally tell you how the word should be spelled if his knows the letter/phonic combo.

Is anyone else having to deal with this DIBELS test?

Does anyone know what phoneme segmentation is (I didn't before doing this with him)?

This is a tool to help the teacher teach. It does not mean that there is anything seriously wrong with your child. It is ione of many standardised tests that may be used by a teacher (but it MUST be administered strictly to protocol)

"The DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PSF) measure is a standardized, individually administered test of phonological awareness (Kaminski & Good, 1996). The PSF measure assesses a student's ability to segment three- and four-phoneme words into their individual phonemes fluently. The PSF measure has been found to be a good predictor of later reading achievement (Kaminski & Good, 1996)."

karenincolorado said:
Does anyone have any websites +/or products that they could recommend that would help him in this area?

Big Ideas in Beginning Reading (BIBR) gives educators and administrators a valuable new educational resource. The BIBR website elucidates on the five Big Ideas (phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, fluency with text, vocabulary, and comprehension) which the DIBELS measures were designed to assess. The BIBR website includes sections on the Big Ideas, Assessment, Instruction, and the Schoolwide Reading Model.

Mark Tindall

CRASH said:
Why don't you disengage from the government school system and teach your kid the way you want? It's a lot less stress.:cool:

The worst examples of homeschool are amateurish "I feel I can teach it so
I'll have a go and see what happens".

It is like DIY brain surgery - "I FEEL I can do brain surgery so I will
experiment on my kids to find out"

From a DIY homeskoolun' Mom ................


Surgery isn't something for professionals only. Anyone can do it. It's
just carving up meat.

Us DIY surgeons don't want any government interference with our surgery.
Its our kids we are operating on and we know what's best for the little
buggers. I own my kids so I can experiment on them as I wish. I especially
like experiements using electricty, bare wires and a power socket.

I went to hospital once so I know everything about DIY brain surgery. I've
also watched a lot of soap operas about hospitals. I've read several DIY
brain surgery books and even attended several DIY brain surgery seminars.
Its very easy to do brain surgery as it comes naturally to everyone.

Everyone is born with the ability to do brain surgery because everyone can
use a knife. I use a knife every day to cut up my own food and my kid's
food. That proves that I'm qualified to do DIY brain surgery.

Scalpel? I don't need a scapel. I've got a steak knife and its sharp
enough. If it doesn't cut through I can always use the chain saw.

Anaesthetic? That's just fancy professional doctor stuff. You don't need
it. You just hit the kid over the head with your steel reinforced KJV
bible. That knocks 'em out.

If you really know your child well you can just ask where it hurts, open up
their head, operate and stitch it back up with some cotton and a few safety
pins. It works just as good as that fancy medical professional stuff.

I don't need to assess or diagnose whether DIY brainsurgery is needed or
not. I like doing it and the kids turn out a whole lot better after I'm
finished. I just ask Junior "You got a headche, Junior?" or "Are you
thinking again?" and if Junior's head wobbles or Junior's head is a bit pale
I operate.

What's really neat is that you can use the leftovers for a family casserole
meal. The kids love it! Great big juicy brain blobs deep fried! Yummy!

Here we go!


Made a mistake!

Better take them to a DIY brain surgery hospital.


The DIY brain surgery hospital made a mistake!

Better send the kids to a real hospital with professional doctors who know
what they are doing.


Too late!

The kids are dead.

Oh well ...

Time to make some more kids so I can continue my career as a DIY surgeon.

Mark Tindall

truthman said:
There is little to no liberal or left wing indoctrination because we get to filter everything our kids see and learn.

FEAR as a motivator for homeschooling is NOT a good idea!

Censorship is likewise silly.

From John Milton's "Areopagitica" (1644) [Appleton- Century Crofts; New
York:1951] ...

p. 6 " ... as good almost kill a good man as kill a good book: who kills a
man kills a reasonable creature, God's image; but he who destroys a good
book, kills reason itself, kills the image of God, as it were, in the eye."

p. 14 " ... the example of Moses, Daniel, and Paul, who were skilful in the
learning of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Greeks, which could not possibly
be without reading their books of all sorts, in Paul especially, who thought
it no defilement to insert into Holy Scripture the sentences of three Greek
poets, and one of them a tragedian ..." (Acts 17:28 from Aratus; 1
Corinthians 15:33 from Euripides; Titus 1:12 from Epimenides)

p. 16 "'To the pure all things are pure;' not only meat and drinks, but all
kind of knowledge whether good or evil; the knowledge cannot defile, nor
consequently the books, if the will and conscience be not defiled."

p. 17 "Solomon informs us that much reading is a weariness to the flesh,
but neither he nor other inspired author tells us that such or such reading
is unlawful: yet certainly had God thought good to limit us herein, it had
been much more expedient to have told us what was unlawful than what was

p. 21 " ... a wise man will make better use of an idle pamphlet than a fool
will do of sacred Scripture."

p. 25 "Banish all objects of lust, shut up all youth into the severest
discipline that can be exercised in any hermitage, ye cannot make them
chaste that came not thither so ..."

p. 37 "Any man may be a heretic in the truth; and if he believes things only
because his pastor says so, or the Assembly so determines, without knowing
other reason, though his belief be true, yet the very truth he holds becomes
his heresy. There is not any burden that some would gladlier post off to
another, than the charge and care of their religion."

p.51 "And though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the
earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously by licensing and
prohibiting to misdoubt her strength. Let her and falsehood grapple; who
ever knew Truth to be the worse in a free and open encounter? Her confuting
is the best and surest suppressing."

Mark Tindall

Poly said:
Do you not have book fairs in your area that sell used curriculum or bookstores devoted to selling or giving away used curriculum? I realize that since we have this in our area, I tend to take for granted that it's available to all homeschoolers when actually some areas don't have accessibility to this kind of thing. Have you checked out places online where you can buy used curriculum?

Why would you want an OUTDATED curriculum??????

Why do you think people are putting them up for sale????

Try this from where I come from ....... free!


This NSW Board of Studies site provides syllabus and support material for
parents of children in kindergarten through to year 6. For parents keen to
learn more about what their kids are up to in their primary education years,
there's a range of resources to download such as syllabus information
(available for all subjects) and advice documents on how to support your
child's learning


High school material available at

Much better than the crappy Robinson Self-Teaching Home School Curriculum

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Robinson Self-Teaching Home School Curriculum

- TOTALLY dependent upon good literacy skills to begin with.
- Lock-step without any deviation from the program.
- 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica used - outdated and too complicated for
younger readers
- 1913 Webster's Dictionary used - outdated and too complicated for younger
- Science texts instead of hands on experimentation and disvcovery learning.
- Original King James Version of the Bible - outdated and language too
complicated for any child of any age
-Phonics only without the addition of whole language approach, etc.
- Claims to be "self-teaching" but pupils require interaction with at least
one other person - a teacher.

This "box:" is the lazy person's way of homeschooling and not worth the
money you will outlay for it.

Visit the utter shite at


New member
Strooth said:
Why would you want an OUTDATED curriculum??????

Why do you think people are putting them up for sale????

Try this from where I come from ....... free!


This NSW Board of Studies site provides syllabus and support material for
parents of children in kindergarten through to year 6. For parents keen to
learn more about what their kids are up to in their primary education years,
there's a range of resources to download such as syllabus information
(available for all subjects) and advice documents on how to support your
child's learning


High school material available at

Much better than the crappy Robinson Self-Teaching Home School Curriculum

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Robinson Self-Teaching Home School Curriculum

- TOTALLY dependent upon good literacy skills to begin with.
- Lock-step without any deviation from the program.
- 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica used - outdated and too complicated for
younger readers
- 1913 Webster's Dictionary used - outdated and too complicated for younger
- Science texts instead of hands on experimentation and disvcovery learning.
- Original King James Version of the Bible - outdated and language too
complicated for any child of any age
-Phonics only without the addition of whole language approach, etc.
- Claims to be "self-teaching" but pupils require interaction with at least
one other person - a teacher.

This "box:" is the lazy person's way of homeschooling and not worth the
money you will outlay for it.

Visit the utter shite at

And maybe your objections would have more weight if you could spell and use puctuation correctly.


Karen -- Its too bad you cant get ahold of something from ABEKA. My daughters private school uses that curriculum and it has a really good way of teaching the phonics and sounds. I'm not familiar with phonemes, or the test for them though. Can you explain what it is that the test accomplishes?


New member
Hall of Fame
Hey guys, it's a public school at home, we're part of Adams 12. There is little to no liberal or left wing indoctrination because we get to filter everything our kids see and learn. Would we like to do a Christian curriculum or even unschooling? You bet!

Can we afford it right now? No!

We're talking about phonemes here, not the idiot left.


karenincolorado's husband

Well money can be an issue. That's understandable if it's your only option now.

Yes, it's our only option now. Our goal is really to do a sort of 'unschooling'.

The program we're in now, , was founded by Bill Bennett of recent abort blacks and solve crime fame. It's a fantastic program given it's model and even has mild Christian influence to the point that when they teach history, they don't disregard the Biblical record but rather consult it. It's not without it's problems though, and I admit that.

Wow, this thread was YEARS ago. We didn't stay with that K12 program past 2005. We started true home education/unschooling in 2006 and have loved it ever since.

Our son, the one in the OP, just turned 11 last week and can surpass most adults I know in the reading category alone.