Ann Coulter says Trump appears senile

The Barbarian

Donald Trump’s entire political career has been a bizarre exercise in large-scale lowering of the bar for what’s considered acceptable conduct in a high-ranking public official. But we as a society somehow reached a new low Tuesday afternoon after Trump staged a pointless, unproductive televised discussion of immigration policy with several members of Congress and successfully earned media plaudits for the feat of not suffering from any obvious symptoms of dementia.

I wish I were exaggerating, but this literally happened.

Emily Stephenson, a Politico editor, tweeted that the session was “a rebuke of reports that [Trump] is less than fully capable” while promoting a Louis Nelson story that congratulated the president for his ability to recall the names of the participants in the meeting he organized.

Yes, he got everyone's name right:

His aides made sure that everyone had placards with their names on them at their place at the table. So he can still read, at least. :thumb:

But it certainly is lowing the bar, when Trump gets an award whenever he doesn't act senile.