Ann Coulter says Trump appears senile

The Barbarian

In order to prove he doesn't have dementia, as alleged in a recent book, President Trump called a meeting with congressional leaders on Tuesday -- and requested that it be televised.

Ivanka: Show them at your best, Daddy!

He then proceeded to completely sell out the base and actually added to his problems by appearing senile.

In a half-dozen exchanges -- which, again, he wanted televised -- Trump responded to remarks as if he had no clue what the person was saying. One senator would talk -- he'd agree. Someone else would say the exact opposite -- he'd agree with that, too.

Actual exchange:

SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN: "What about a clean DACA bill now, with a commitment that we go into a comprehensive immigration reform procedure? ..."

TRUMP: "... I have no problem. ... We're going to come up with DACA. We're going to do DACA, and then we can start immediately on the phase two, which would be comprehensive."

SEN. FEINSTEIN: "Would you be agreeable to that?"

TRUMP: "I think a lot of people would like to see that, but I think we have to do DACA first."

REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY: "Mr. President, you need to be clear though. I think what Sen. Feinstein is asking here: When we talk about just DACA, we don't want to be back here two years later. You have to have security, as the secretary would tell you."

TRUMP: "But I think that's what she's saying."

REP. MCCARTHY: "No, no, I think she's saying something different. ..."

TRUMP: "I do believe that. Because once we get DACA done -- if it's done properly -- with, you know, security and everything else ..."

Trump was more than willing to sell out the base to solve a personal problem of his -- the Michael Wolff book -- but managed to not convince a single American that he's articulate, bright or a good leader.

The Barbarian

She's pretty angry with Trump because he reneged on all sorts of promises he made to his base. Now, he's at least in principle,accepting the DACA program, which infuriates every white nationalist. So she's no longer his pal.

But she's quite right; there's something wrong with him and it's getting more and more obvious.
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The Barbarian

The more "the establishment"(including Coulter) disapprove of "The Donald,"

She's far from the only Trump supporter to express concern for his mental state.

as he/the stock market ignores "the establishment."

In fact, it's on an almost 8-year rise. But in couple of years, when the Trump tax bill kicks in, things might be different.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
She's far from the only Trump supporter to express concern for his mental state.

Irrelevant. Slower:I did not say "Trump supporter"-pay attention:

The more "the establishment"(including Coulter) disapprove of "The Donald,"
In fact, it's on an almost 8-year rise.

Oh-I did not know that, being a stock trader, since 1984. Thanks for setting me straight.

My point stands-The Dow is up 39.5%, since "The Donald" instituted his monarchy, and the more "the establishment"(including Coulter) disapprove of "The Donald," the better, as he/the stock market ignores "the establishment."

And you commies, and "the establishment," are grinding your teeth, as the economy/market soars, tax overhaul is applauded, and you commies cry, "Not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wa, wa, wa, wa!!!!!!!!Tax the rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," in your class welfare scam.

But in couple of years, when the Trump tax bill kicks in, things might be different.

Such brilliance. And I "might" be good looking, and the stock market "might" continue to go up, and the Cubs "might" win a Words Series(and finally did).............

That's your "argument"-"might?"

Take your seat.


Well-known member
She's pretty angry with Trump because he reneged on all sorts of promises he made to his base. Now, he's at least in principle,accepting the DACA program, which infuriates every white nationalist. So she's no longer his pal.

But she's quite right; there's something wrong with him and it's getting more and more obvious.

His base knew he was a deal-maker, and was going to be having to "deal" with all the politicians. I'm not surprised it's an uphill battle. In fact, that's exactly why I voted for him.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Most of the media, the "press," commentators, are part of "The Establishment," and most of them just grind their teeth, when "The Donald" does not act like these scamming politicians do, as he flips the bird at them......That whole group are con artists, lying to the American public, scamming them with this wicked tax system, as they fleece us, and all the while enjoying rich salaries, as "pork" is the main menu item in Washington.

Scammers, con artists-every last one of them.

One small example: Ever wonder why the IRS is called "The Internal Revenue Service?" It's because politicians are dishonest, trying to "hood wink" the public. It should be called a "Tax Bureau," but these deceivers want to give you the impression, that they are "serving" you(all the while threatening people), and that the US government "earns" "revenue." No, they don't-corporations earn revenue. And their deceit, duplicity, is furthered, when they cry, "How are we going to 'pay' for these tax cuts?!!!!!!" Huh? It's our money, not theirs! The correct assumption is that it is ours, not theirs, and it is nonsense/deceit to "coach" the debate as "We have to be able to 'pay' for these tax cuts," i.e., these proud charlatans assume that money "benovently" flows from the government, and not vice versa, and that reducing taxes is a "cost." Yes, a "cost" to them, and their lavish salaries, and part time "gig," as they make big $'s, while most of the time going to dinner parties, and running for re-election.

Scammers, charlatans, frauds, hypocrites..... every last one of them.

More evidence:
The current salary (2017) for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate is $174,000 per year, as is Delegates to the House of Representatives.

I'm saint John W., and I approve of the above add/propaganda/rant.

Let the TOL audience begin to boo, hiss, throw beer at me.....


The more "the establishment"(including Coulter) disapprove of "The Donald," the better, as he/the stock market ignores "the establishment."

The "soaring" stock market hasn't translated into bolstering "The Donald's" sagging public approval ratings in the polls!

The obvious reason is that the America public just doesn't believe that an Administration in continuous turmoil, where the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing, is capable of managing something as complex as the US economy!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The "soaring" stock market has not translated into bolstering "The Donald's" sagging numbers in the polls!

The obvious reason is that the America public just don't believe that in an Administration where the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing, is capable of managing something as complex as the US economy!

Typical establishment/liberal "response"-Wa, wa, the stock market is approving of "The Donald," has already "weighed in," and you grind your teeth,in jealousy, and complain that that he is not "acting" like a typical scamming politician acts, your hero's, the hero's you rely on, "The Establishment," to give you hand outs.

You talk lie a liberal/one of "The Establishment"....They talk like you. But, then again, you're a Roman, who are also part of that scam group.

And the "sagging numbers" are irrelevant, for at least about 3 more years.

But thanks for checkin' in, with your psycho babble/analysis of the mind of "the America public," Dr. Phil.


Typical establishment/liberal "response"-Wa, wa, the stock market is approving of "The Donald," has already "weighed in," and you grind your teeth,in jealousy, and complain that that he is not "acting" like a typical scamming politician acts, your hero's, the hero's you rely on, "The Establishment," to give you hand outs.

You talk lie a liberal/one of "The Establishment"....They talk like you. But, then again, you're a Roman, who are also part of that scam group.

And the "sagging numbers" are irrelevant, for at least about 3 more years.

But thanks for checkin' in, with your psycho babble/analysis of the mind of "the America public," Dr. Phil.


January 10, 2018 - Trump Is Intelligent, But Not Fit Or Level-Headed, U.S. Voters Tell Quinnipiac University National Poll;
First Year Was 'Disaster,' 'Chaotic,' 'Successful' Quinnipiac University

President Donald Trump is intelligent, American voters say 53 - 44 percent, one of his lowest scores since Inauguration day, but voters say 69 - 28 percent that he is not level-headed and 57 - 40 percent that he is not fit to serve as president, according to a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today.

Grading President Trump's first year in office, 39 percent of voters give him an "F," while 17 percent give him a "D." Trump gets an "A" from 16 percent of voters, a "B" from another 16 percent and a "C" from 11 percent of voters, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh- pe-ack) University Poll finds.

In an open-ended question, allowing any answer, 69 voters (not percent) describe Trump's first year in office as a "disaster," followed by 62 voters who say "chaotic," 44 voters who say "successful," 28 voters who say "horrible," 27 voters who say "great," 26 who say "good," 24 who say "terrible," 24 who say "embarrassing" and 23 who say "interesting."

Of the 43 words used at least five times, 25 words are negative, 10 are positive and 8 words are neutral, such as "interesting" or "different."

American voters give Trump a negative 36 - 59 percent job approval rating, compared to a negative 36 - 44 percent score in a January 26, 2017, post-inaugural poll. In his first year as president, Trump's rating ranges from a low negative 33 - 61 percent approval August 2 to a negative 42 - 51 percent score February 7.

"It's been a very tough Freshman year for President Donald Trump, by any measure," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

"Considered an intelligent person with a really bad report card, filled with far more 'F's' than 'A's' or 'B's', the president is a long way from the Dean's list in the eyes of voters."

President Trump's grades on most character traits are down significantly since his first post-inaugural poll January 26, 2017, as voters say: 63 - 34 percent that he is not honest;
59 - 39 percent that he does not have good leadership skills;
59 - 38 percent, that he does not care about average Americans;
59 - 39 percent that he is a strong person;
65 - 32 percent that he does not share their values.
Bright Economic Outlook - With Credit to Obama

A total of 66 percent of American voters say the nation's economy is "excellent" or "good," up from 63 percent December 19 and the highest positive rating for the economy since the Quinnipiac University Poll first asked this question in 2001. Another 33 percent say the economy is "not so good" or "poor."

Trump's policies are helping the nation's economy, 37 percent of voters say, as 29 percent say his policies are hurting the economy and 30 percent say these policies are not making much difference.

But 49 percent of voters say former President Barack Obama is more responsible for the state of the economy, while 40 percent say Trump is more responsible. "President Trump can hang his hat on the economy, but must share the hat rack with President Barack Obama, as two-thirds of the country see the economic picture as excellent or good," Malloy said.

A total of 73 percent of voters say their personal financial situation is "excellent" or "good," while 26 percent say "not so good" or "poor."

Only 24 percent of voters say Trump policies are helping their personal financial situation, while 26 percent say his policies are hurting them and 47 percent say his policies are not making a difference.

Read it and weep conservatives!

In 10 months the entire House and 1/3 of the Senate will be up for re-election, and while the next Presidential Election is 2020, the 2018 Interims will a referendum on "The Donald!"

If Trump can only achieve a job approval rating of 36%, despite a record economy and Republican majorities in the House and Senate, what happens when some and/or all of those supports are removed?
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The Barbarian

Wow, I didn't think it was possible to get JohnW mad.

Seriously, I know you're just about impossible to troll, but you're a master at trolling.

If you actually do a lot of trading, you already know that presidents don't have that much to do with stock market trends in the long run.

Presidents normally decline to take credit for gains in the stock market. The Dow Jones and the Standard & Poor’s 500 are simple reflections of market sentiment and short-term profits, after all. And what goes up has a way of inevitably going sideways or crashing down.

That has not stopped Donald Trump and his administration from celebrating the Dow hitting 22,000 for the first time this week. A little less than a year ago, Trump described the soaring stock market as a “big, fat, ugly bubble.” Now, he argues it is a reflection of corporate executives’ belief that things are looking up, thanks in no small part to him.

None of this has anything to do with the reason Anne Coulter thinks Trump is showing signs of senility. She's more concerned with his willingness to sell out his base to solve a personal problem:
"Trump was more than willing to sell out the base to solve a personal problem of his -- the Michael Wolff book -- but managed to not convince a single American that he's articulate, bright or a good leader."

Add one more to the long, long line of people who thought they could trust Trump, and lived to regret it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Read it and weep conservatives!

In 10 months the entire House and 1/3 of the Senate will be up for re-election, and while the next Presidential Election is 2020, the 2018 Interims will a referendum on "The Donald!"

If Trump can only achieve a job approval rating of 36%, despite a record economy and Republican majorities in the House and Senate, what happens when some and/or all of those supports are removed?

Poll on the Lord Jesus Christ-worldwide "approval" rating: 33%(And, if you exclude Roman Catholics, who are not really members of Christ's body, the figure is probably less than 10%).

Your point? Rhetorical q.

A Muslim, to a member of the boc:

Read it and weep, "Christians!"

Take your seat, liberal Roman commie.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Wow, I didn't think it was possible to get JohnW mad.

Seriously, I know you're just about impossible to troll, but you're a master at trolling.

Troll, you muse, Hop Sing? I'm a stock trader, and one of the most feared, respected gunslingers on TOL, having clout, authority, presence, respect; while you are quite irrelevant, a clown, in a parade of clowns, largely ignored. My evidence?:

Your page:This page has had 2,480 visits

Vs. my page:
This page has had 16,699 visits



If you actually do a lot of trading, you already know...

Well, Hop Sing, I've forgotten more than you know about the stock market, as you would not know the difference between a stock trading on the market, and a stock boy at HD, or the difference between the chairman of the Federal Reserve, and Frank Sinatra..

Poor Hop Sing. Sit, comrade-you're beginning to bore me.Vy ponimayete,tovarishch?



Poll on the Lord Jesus Christ-worldwide "approval" rating: 33%(And, if you exclude Roman Catholics, who are not really members of Christ's body, the figure is probably less than 10%).

Your point? Rhetorical q.

A Muslim, to a member of the boc:

Read it and weep, "Christians!"

Take your seat, liberal Roman commie.
People only try to change the subject when they that they lack the facts, and/or the verbal skills, to mount an effective response!

The reality is that a 36% job approval rate for Trump is as good as its going to get, Republican politicians in the House and the Senate realize that, and short of a miracle, they need to start looking for alternate employment!
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Wow, I didn't think it was possible to get JohnW mad.

Seriously, I know you're just about impossible to troll, but you're a master at trolling.

If you actually do a lot of trading, you already know that presidents don't have that much to do with stock market trends in the long run.

Presidents normally decline to take credit for gains in the stock market. The Dow Jones and the Standard & Poor’s 500 are simple reflections of market sentiment and short-term profits, after all. And what goes up has a way of inevitably going sideways or crashing down.

That has not stopped Donald Trump and his administration from celebrating the Dow hitting 22,000 for the first time this week. A little less than a year ago, Trump described the soaring stock market as a “big, fat, ugly bubble.” Now, he argues it is a reflection of corporate executives’ belief that things are looking up, thanks in no small part to him.

None of this has anything to do with the reason Anne Coulter thinks Trump is showing signs of senility. She's more concerned with his willingness to sell out his base to solve a personal problem:
"Trump was more than willing to sell out the base to solve a personal problem of his -- the Michael Wolff book -- but managed to not convince a single American that he's articulate, bright or a good leader."

Add one more to the long, long line of people who thought they could trust Trump, and lived to regret it.

More communist propaganda, from a left wing, liberal commie!